
Author Topic: $$Wario$$, can I talk to you for a minute?  (Read 2353 times)

« on: July 13, 2001, 08:48:37 PM »
$$Wario$$, the only time I've responded to you is when you were asking for a second chance, which I believed in.  I didn't vote in your "15 and I leave" topic, and, at the moment, I still don't plan to.  In fact, I basically just want to ignore anything you post that is mean.  But, right now, I want to talk.  That's it.

It seems you just come here to insult others, to rile them up, to get attention.  Why?  This is supposed to be a fun place to just come and chat with a bunch of people who are Mario fans.  I don't know a lot of people in person who like to discuss this kind of stuff nowadays, and this board was a welcome find.  Please, stop bashing others and just relax.

I know that, since you came here in the first place, you must be a sort of Mario fan.  You use a Mario-name and have posted several non-violent Mario topics which were cool.  Don't you want to have a place to just talk Mario?  You really don't have to keep trying to get banned.

So, $$Wario$$, I implore you, please stop making fun of people (Sonic and Kamek in particular) and just relax.  Have fun, in a polite way.  Talk Mario.  Enjoy the company of others instead of pushing them away.

And for the record, the name Wario does not mean you have to act mean.  Mine's Roy Koopa, the baddest of the Koopa Kids, and I don't feel I have to hurt others!

That's all I wanted to say.  Please take this seriously.  Thank you for your time.

--Roy Koopa

PS Nobody else respond to this until $$Wario$$ does, please.

--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2001, 04:10:19 PM »
How can i ignore that inspiration?
You know, when i first arived here i was Mario_Luigi.  I had some fun things to say.  all i wanted was to be one of the gang.  apparantly you cant be unless every one likes you.

If i can have another chance, i would like to stop harrasing everyone and become their friends.  I am sorry, seriously.
If anyone can accept this, then i am grateful.

Now i will wait to see who has a heart and forgiveness.

« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2001, 05:45:16 PM »
Thank you, $$Wario$$.  Really, if you want to "be one of the gang," stop making everyone not want you in the gang!  I believe you.

Stick around.  "Play nice."  I think this can still be a fun place to hang, without being mean.

I hope everyone will be as forgiving as I want to be.  I know convincing a few might be difficult, but the best way to convince them would be to keep your word and stop harrassing them.  No one here--not Sonic, not Kamek, not KinopioToad, not $$Wario$$--is an idiot.

Let's all leave the past behind and start anew.  $$Wario$$, it was a pleasure talking to you.  Thank you for your time.

--Roy Koopa

--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!


  • Banned
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2001, 09:38:29 AM »
For crying out loud, $$wario$$, all you could have done was ask. I would have been friends.

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