
Author Topic: Another Day, a Mario fanfic.  (Read 4956 times)

« on: April 04, 2007, 03:52:03 PM »
Prologue: Just Another Day

Mario woke up lazily, rubbing his sky blue eyes and sprawling out in an unnatural position atop the bunk bed he and Luigi slept in. He had been on the top bunk since he could remember, using the excuse that he "needed the exercise" in order to claim it for himself. But in actuality, he had often liked to pretend that he was laying on a cloud, the ground (and all the cares and worries any ground-laden bed might bring) far away from him.

Mario climbed down lazily, seeing the Luigi was already up (and had probably already gotten dressed, brushed his teeth, made AND eaten breakfast, etc, etc). After a quick (and obviously uneventful shower), Mario pulled on his usual red shirt, denim overalls, and lucky cap, feeling much more awake than he had beforehand. The sun shone in brightly through his bedroom window; it was then that Mario realized (to his delight) that he, Luigi, Yoshi, Peach, and Daisy were scheduled to go on a camping trip that day.

Sliding his worn feet into even more worn shoes, the little plumber headed out of his house (affectionately dubbed the 'Pipe House' by many passers-by and sightseers) to find Luigi already out front on the porch, checking a list of items and placing them, meticulously, into an already overstuffed backpack.

"Mornin', bro." The slightly taller, slightly thinner Mario brother said, not looking up from his list.

"Mornin'. What's all that?" Mario was referencing Luigi's big bag of supplies.

Luigi adjusted his old green cap and grinned beneath his perfectly symmetrical moustache, "Camping supplies." After a few moments, the backpack was closed and the list was put away. It might be assumed that Luigi was all done packing.

After a few more moments of checking things and getting supplies for the trip, the Brothers Mario headed away from their home and hopped into the Toad Town warp pipe: they had a train to catch!


Yoshi was early, as he had planned, wanting time to look around the area before anyone got there, and to sample any exotic fruits that might be found along the edge of the thick forest. The plan was to hike partway up the mountain (Shroomipuff Mountain, to be exact), and find an old lagoon that set nestled beneath a higher, jagged peak that capped off into snow. The mountainside was not unassailable, but it would be a rough climb. Many plants and bizarre trees dotted the mountain, which rose like a slumbering green giant about fifty miles north of Toad Town, and could be seen from any surrounding flatlands.

Yoshi looked up, squinting towards the sun. It was a beautiful day to start their camping trip. As he was thinking upon whether or not there would be fruit trees growing around the lagoon (which was fabled to be at least 80 degrees at all times!), he noticed a train puffing along around the smaller mountain range which lead to Shroomipuff Mountain; the train that Mario, Peach, Luigi, and Daisy should have boarded.


Luigi sat staring out the window at the passing mountainsides, listening to the rhythmic chugging of the train as it billowed clean gray smoke out into the blue sky overhead. He stared down at the blank pad on his lap. He had been meaning to start a journal record of the trip, but it was hard to do considering Daisy had a firm, affectionate grip on his writing hand. He swallowed nervously at her advance, glancing to Mario who sat across from him with pleading eyes; but the older brother was fast asleep, leaning up against the window of the train. Peach and Daisy were carrying on in excited tones about the events planned out for the camping trip (it had been their idea, after all), even going so far as to attempt to sketch a rough map on one of the napkins left over from their earlier meal. Luigi huffed and slid his notebad back into his backpack, which was on the floor before him. They had been on the train for about two and a half hours, and knew they'd be reaching their destination soon. Giving Mario a firm nudge with his foot, he brought his older brother back to reality.

Mario blinked lazily as he awoke, the sun hitting his eyes and causing him to wince. "We're almost there," he heard Luigi whisper, and nodded groggily. He hadn't slept very well the night before, and the nap on the train had done him so good. He could remember waking two or three times from bad dreams, but couldn't remember anything about them. Just then, an announcement came over the intercom...

[bzzkt] "We will be arriving at Shroomipuff Mountain shortly."

Excitement buzzed amongst the four as the train began to slow, excited for the trip, for the sunshine, for the camping food, and excited to see Yoshi after a long absence from him.


OOC: That's all for now. I haven't written one of these in a long time, but if anybody is around who remembers my old stories, they were usually well received, so I thought I'd try my hand at another. Please give me a little feedback (and inspiration) so that the next chapter can be even better. It'll get more interesting/conflict-worthy soon. Stay tuned!
Kickin' it since 2000.

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2007, 04:15:00 PM »
It's pretty well written. I haven't seen a well-written fic in a long time.


  • Bruised
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2007, 11:02:25 AM »
I'm writing a fanfic about Mario and Pauline's last high school prom together, inspired from my last prom with my best friend, who happens to be built kind of like Mario.  This is Good.
Regards, Uncle Dolan

« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2007, 03:09:15 PM »
Thanks for the replies fellas. But for future reference, please don't use my fic to advertise your own fic elsewhere, even on this message board (not saying you necessarily did... but in case anyone was thinking about it).


Chapter 2: The Hike

The greetings had been long and joyful. Mario, Peach, Luigi, and Daisy had departed from the train and since found the base of sunny Shroomipuff Mountain, where Yoshi waited eagerly for them. It had been a wonderful re-union, with various and verible talk of adventures, warp pipes, baddies, food (of the pasta and tropical variety), moustaches... the usual Mario-related banter.

But now the five of them were planning out their hike. There was a roughly hewn trail up through the shrubbery and foliage of the mountain which would eventually break into a clearing that was supposedly lined with a great many fruit trees and beautiful flowers (which would be in full bloom this time of the year). Peach and Daisy (who were the brains behind the entire trip) had decided that it would be a good idea to stop at this clearing for a picnic lunch, and then to continue on up the mountain so that they could camp out beside the fabled lagoon under the moonlight (which was famous for its beauty). With that decided, the five started up the mountain. Yoshi took the lead, followed by Luigi, Daisy, and Peach, with Mario in the rear. (Peach was wearing a pair of pink khaki shorts, after all! Me-ow!)

The hiking itself was tough, but not impossible. Mario was grateful for the comfort of his worn out brown shoes--they were broken in and easy to move in, familiar to him. The sounds of bird calls and wildlife filled his ears, and he was happy to look around and take in the gorgeous sights of the forest, the blue sky overhead peeking in through a heavy canopy of green; now and then, a panoply of colors would eschew through the green, either bunches of colorful flowers (which would be accompanied by Peach's admiring coos) or groups of nesting tropical birds.

Luigi swatted at bugs now and then; whether or not there were any were beside the point. He was enjoying the fresh air and sunshine, however, his feet carrying him confidently as he idly chatted with Yoshi, doing his fair share of sightsinging. Now and then, monkeys would pop out from trees and leap overhead. Luigi was sure a couple of them sounded like they were having an urgent conversation...

Yoshi, being used to this kind of environment and weather, walked calmly ahead of the group, sticking to the path while moving within tongue-range of any tasty looking melons. Yoshi thought he mind even have some friends who were spending time up at the lagoon. But he was enjoying the hike regardless, enjoying the clean air and distant sounds of running water ala streams or waterfalls.

The two princesses talked incessantly about how beautiful the wildlife was, the size of some of the plants, the bizarre colored markings on some of the large-bodied birds that flew overhead, etc. Everyone of a human persuasion had broken a sweat by now, but the mountain had a very gradual slope to it, so that no real ankle-breaking work had to be done (of which Mario was rather grateful for). Accompanied by the sounds of the jungle creatures and playful wind through the trees and plants, the five friends hiked this way for a few hours.

Then, they found the clearing Yoshi had told them about...


OOC: Okay. This chapter's not as long, but I promise something a little more action-y is gonna' happen soon! And please, keep giving me reviews/telling me where I've mispelled things/winning lottery tickets.
Kickin' it since 2000.


  • Bruised
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2007, 04:04:16 PM »
It's not even on the Internet yet.  So, my post can't necessarily be called advertising.
Regards, Uncle Dolan

« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2007, 05:24:10 PM »
I know, but my point is, this is a story topic, where my posts (besides this one) will be chapters of the story. I don't want it all broken up with things not having to do with the story. I ask for reviews/opinions, and you talk about what your story will be, and then say "this is good." Seems to me like you were just boosting your post count or something. Please, in the future, semantics aside, no advertising please. You can bash the story all you want, but keep it focused therein. There are like 7 other boards for any kind of Mario or non-Mario related topics. And please, don't reply to this post.
Kickin' it since 2000.


  • Bruised
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2007, 07:04:40 PM »
I wasn't bashing the story.  As a matter of fact, I'm really liking how your story is coming so far.  You are a very good writer.  I'm sorry if I got off-hand.
Regards, Uncle Dolan

« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2007, 07:41:46 PM »
Dude, Kojinka has done nothing wrong. You make it seem like she totally hates the story, or she "boosted her post count."
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2007, 10:25:54 PM »
You guys misunderstand. I wasn't saying she did bash the story. I was saying I'd rather someone did that than get way off topic. I'm thinking ahead when this story is much longer, if people have to scroll through a bunch of off-topic posts to read it it'll be annoying.

Sorry if I over-reacted. Thanks for your replies regardless. Let's let this die before it gets any worse.
Kickin' it since 2000.
