
Author Topic: SMRPG Legend of the seven stars  (Read 3024 times)

« on: January 31, 2002, 08:49:52 PM »
I am new to this game (yesterday I got it) and I am at the 2nd battle with the thief.  i was wondering what my XP level must be at.  I am dying horribly and I notice he has SOO much HP.  Also if there is an answer, is there a good place to gain XP.  Also is there a place to go before fighting him?  I just beat BOYSER the arrow guy, so I went to Moleville.  Then I went in the rocks and i am chasing him.  I catch him and then he creams me.  Do you have any pointers?

Did you ever think Luigi is just Mario, but worse?  
Did you ever think Luigi is just Mario, but worse?  


« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2002, 05:30:59 PM »
You got it yesterday? Where?

Go hang a salami! I''m a lasagna hog!

« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2002, 12:04:59 AM »
Umm...if you tell me where I can get the game, I would probably be able to figure it out in, well, 1.8 months if I played 2 hours a day, not including my daily battles in Mariokart 64 against my bro.

Wario: Welcome to Wariokart!!!  Mwahahahaha!
Yoshi: Welcome to Yoshikart you fat Mario wannabe.
Gannondorf: Where did that stupid Triforce go?
Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.

« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2002, 07:44:26 AM »
I bought it off a kid, so no such luck.  Thanks anyway

Did you ever think Luigi is just Mario, but worse?  
Did you ever think Luigi is just Mario, but worse?  


  • Banned
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2002, 01:18:46 PM »
Well, here is some pointers. Save your flower points (FP's) because once Crocko is down to a certian HP point, he'll steal all of your items. Once he does that, use Mallows Rain dance, rain shower, something like that, to replenish your HP. If Mallow faints, your history. Use Mario and Geno to use the regualar attacks on Crocko. If your HP levels are at a good point to where you won't faint, then have Mallow attack (but he's very weak) Eventually you will be able to defeat Crocko. He will leave giving you a bomb and all of your items back. Plus that will be the last time you will be able to fight Crocko.

You can get SMRPG at several Buy, Sell, and Trade gaming stores. Also, try out the game when you find it. If it's really glitchy, don't buy it even though you can sell it. Find a good one. Heck, I found a LOZ:Link to the Past game at one of those stores. I still can't beat the first boss when you go to the dark world. I've come close though. Anyways, I hope that is helpful for you.

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The Game Master.

« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2002, 10:10:48 PM »
you cant beat the first boss in the dark world??dude, you really need help.....i just bought it a few weeks ago (i also had it when it first came out)and the games pretty much beaten!!!!!!!!!!!! if you need anything!

you really dont know, do you??
