
Now What?

Friend: Talk To Him
0 (0%)
Friend: Close The Fridge Door
3 (75%)
Foe: Get The object from His Pocket
1 (25%)
Foe: Just run Through the Cave
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 3


Author Topic: ???'s Adventure  (Read 2988 times)

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« on: January 18, 2006, 03:32:14 PM »
I Know I Know... I Took This From Martini because I Think It's A Good Idea.
For Those who don't know the rules, Pick a "path" the character takes.
First off, We're going to choose a character to go through the story.
We will get to all of the characters so don't get upset if your favorite isn't everyone elses.
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2006, 05:03:14 PM »
We Begin With a man sleeping with one leg off of the bed. An alarm goes off and he swings his arm at it and misses. He makes three more attempts and hits the snooze button. Unfortunatly it just starts beeping louder. Finally he gets up and throws the clock against the wall. Yet it rings louder than before. He grabs the clock, runs out the door, and punts the clock out of sight.
He walks inside and looks at one on the wall of the kitchen.
"Hmph, only 5 o'clock."
He goes back to bed and wonders why his brother slept soundly during the alarm clock incedent. He Checks the top bunk and he's not even there.
"Where does Mario really need to go at this time?" Luigi wondered to himself
He goes downstairs and decides he can't sleep. He goes back in the kitchen and looks in the refriderator. He saw a jug of milk half empty (Half Full To You Optimists), a pie that he made himself that looks like an old sloppy joe and not even HE could remember what was in it, and a plate of ravioli which had somthing green growing on it. Luigi Took the plate and threw it out. But the garbage smelled refreshing.
Luigi was infactuated and wanted to stick his head in.
It was a smell he couldn't describe. Whatever it was, he had to see what was causing it. But it was suspicious he couldn't just put his hands in it. It could be bad though, Maybe he should Find Mario...

Remember, What's Seems Safe To Us Could Be Dangerous To Them
« Last Edit: January 18, 2006, 05:06:07 PM by Mr. Koopa »
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2006, 07:06:48 PM »
I Know I Know... I Took This From Martini because I Think It's A Good Idea.
For Those who don't know the rules, Pick a "path" the character takes.
First off, We're going to choose a character to go through the story.
We will get to all of the characters so don't get upset if your favorite isn't everyone elses.

Actually, I think Martini got it from me. I started the whole choose a path thing.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?


  • Banned
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2006, 07:28:15 PM »
yeah but I made it in poll form. No i'm not starting an argument this time.

« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2006, 10:24:52 AM »
3) Find Mario and Check With Him.

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2006, 01:59:31 PM »
How About This...
I Took Half From Martini And Half From PaperLuigi

You Both Did A Good Job
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa

Mr. Koopa

  • Banned
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2006, 02:43:52 PM »
Luigi decides it's smarter to look for Mario. He got up and went in the house. Luigi walked in the shop thinking Mario could just be inventing somthing. This reminded him of the poorly created devices that he built which were obviously dangerous. One included a security light bulb that shocked anyone that went under it, a mistletoe for lonley people that had a pair of lips that came from it but malfunctioned when a smaller person walked under and it went over his head, and an oven/dishwasher which did nothing but boil soapy water.
He looked around a little and he wasen't there.
He walked away then tripped over a wrench. He tried to pick it up, but it seemed to be stuck to the floor. Then there was a flash and Luigi flew across the room and fell in a box of pipes. He was looking up toward the celing and saw Mario.
"I'm gonna kill you!" Mario said
Before Luigi could say anything Mario got down and picked up Luigi with great strength and tossed him against a wall. Mario made a ball of light that flew toward him and hit Luigi again.
Luigi stood up and said, "Mario I won't hurt you!"
Mario charged toward Luigi. Then Luigi grabbed a pipe that rolled across the room and gave Mario a swing that would make Sammy Sosa jealous. But Mario's head went as far as the ball would if it wasen't for the shop.
Mario's body just laid there.
Then Mario's head rolled to the middle of the room and started talking junk about how he can't go in a fight without a weapon and called him coward, but Luigi just picked up his head and locked it in an empty trophy case except for a couple medals from Princess Peach and a stale cake Mario wouldn't eat because he brags about he saved the castle without Luigi even being involved.
Luigi ran to the garbage and tried to find the smell.
He felt a tug on his arm and he was pulled in!
He landed in the middle of  a room that looked like a hollow garbage mound. He picked up an air freshener that looked like it was used twice.
"That's Where the smell came from."He heard a sound coming from an old fridge that Mario miraculously shoved in the garbage. He looks down and saw a really fat yellow man wearing a brownish-white tank-top and some black pants that were so tight, his stomach oozed out about 5 inches. He was eating a burrito that was green. Luigi never heard anyone eat that loudly since he went on a date with Daisy....
The fat man didn't seem to notice Luigi.
Luigi made a little slide against the wall when the fat man bellowed: "Who dares open my fridge and leaves it open!?!"
Luigi felt around himself and somthing was buldging from his green bathrobe.
He was ready to wield it until he thought, "What if it offends him?"
He remembers a dinosaur that got offended by pocket lint. Maybe it's a friend and it just takes a little sweet talking? Now What?

*Friend or Foe?*
Food or Mr. Koopa? I'll have Mr. Koopa
