
Author Topic: Captain N: Episode 2- This is the pits!  (Read 1602 times)

« on: May 29, 2002, 04:01:53 PM »
Samus aran and kirby chased the stikman through the woods surrounding the kingdom of videoland. It was a lot of area to explore but they were lucky enough to find him at once. "You moron!" said kirby, running as he spoke. "You let him get her majesty's secret plan!"
"You coulda stopped him if you weren't stuffing yourself. At least I bothered to chase after him!" samus retorted through her heavy red armor. The armor had allowed samus to run as fast as she was now.
"It's no use arguing now!" said kirby, hopping over a tree branch. "If captain N were here, he'd know what to do." The stikman jumped up high. and samus and kirby fell and slid into a huge pit. They fell fast but it was still some time before they hit bottom. "Quick! I've got an idea! grab my hands."
Samus didd as she was instructed and Kirby puffed up like a balloon and slowly he floated upwards. All of a sudden, he could hold it no longer and let out his air. Samus shot her hookshot-like beam thing(the name escapes me at the moment)and almost grabbed the rim of the pit but missed by mere inches. They fell further and further down.

Meanwhile. Kevin keene and queen lana discussed the problem with the rest of the present N Team. "That stikman stole the plans for a special machine. one that could free my father from the warp dimension. We have to retrieve those plans before. they are anylyzed. If the machine falls into the wrong hands, we could all be looking at doomsday for videoland. Captain N. I want you to take the N Team to segaland. There is were we believe the stikman base is located.we also have new allies there that can be of assistance. You are dismissed." with that they set off on there journey to Segaland.

Samus and kirby opened there eyes. They were shaken up but unscathed. had it not been for kirby's rubbery body or samus's special armor, they would have been killed on impact.
Kirby was up first and looking around. "Hey!" he said. samus stood up and looked around too. "Tunnels!" they said together. There was an entire maze of tunnels beore them. They had no idea why they were there or who made them. They logically chose a tunnel.
"Heads!" kirby said. "we go that way!"
While exploring samus had picked up several signs of havy machinery. There were nuts and bolts and miscellanious tools lying on the ground that samus could only see through the illuminated visor on her helmet. She didn't tell kirby though. She knew perfectly well that his active(sometimes overactive)imagination could sometimes not distinguish fact from fiction.

The stikmen scientist worked away at deciphering the plans for the mnachine. captain stikman entered the room. He was the one who had origionally tried to capture kevin. He observed the progress of his most dedicated workers. "You! Progress report!"
"We think the machine may be an interdimensional gateway generator. capable of opening up new and unexplored worlds with countless hidden treasures... But some of us think it may be a toaster."

Lana waved goodbye to the N team as they loaded up in a helicopter and headed for segaland. She checked communications when they had left.
"This is Mama Bird to baby eagle. over." she said.
"This is baby eagle. read you loud and clear. over and out." said kevin into his helmet.

Kirby tripped in the dark and fell. samus tripped over him and fell on top of him. "Get offa me!" screamed kirby as he tried to breath. Samus stood up and dusted herself off. "Sorry. Next time watch where you're going, cream puff."
"I am not a cream puff!" said kirby indignantly.
"Excuse me, lint ball." samus said calmly.
"Grrr..." Kirby growled. "Stop that!"
Just then he heard something. "What's that?"
"What's what?" said samus. she removed her helmet to hear better. There was a faint pumping and churning sound."You hear that?" asked kirby. "Sure do!" said samus, putting her helmet back on. She ran in the direction of the sound. Kirby followed trying to keep up. They approached the scource of the noise.
"A factory!" the said together. Upon closer inspection they discovered what they were making. "Guns." said kirby.
"Armor." said samus.
"Swords, bayonets, grenades, sheilds, and just about every other weapon of destruction you could imagine!" said a voice from behind them. they whirled around to see a short man with glasses, and scraggly blondish hair. "My name is Bill." he said. "I own this factory."
"Why are you running it underground?" asked samus.
"Because, my dear sir, it's illegal. all these machines are stolen. I didn't steal them myself. But I find that stolen machinery is much cheaper than new."
"Not only am I not a sir," said samus taking off her helmet. "But you are going to jail bill!" She aimed her arm canon at Bill and kirby came around the back so he couldn't escape.
Bill called "Guards!" as an entire legion of robots came.
Samus tried to fend them off. but she couldn't by herself. Kirby did the first thing that came to mind. He swallowed samus and absorbed her power. he spat her and and took on the likeness of a small rusty red metal ball with feet. Together they charged up their guns and blasted away at the robots. eventually they had cleared most of them out of the way. They turned to bill. "Your under arrest.!" said kirby.
"Haha. You think you have me cornered in this cat-and-mouse game? Think again. This won't be the last time you deal with William Gates!" He pressed a button on his pocket protector and dissapeared instantly.
Kirby and samus dismantled the factory. They still couldn't figure out how he had dissapeared. "We'll look it up when we get home." suggested kirby.

Next time...
Kirby and samus attempt to find their way out of the pit. Meanwhile captain N and the rest of the N team head for segaland. The stikman scientists decipher the plans and begin construction of the machine. will the plans be retrieved? Will kirby and samus ever get home? find out in Episode 3: journey to segaland!

Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2002, 11:14:01 AM »
I'm doing the same thing here.

If it cannot break out of it's shell, the chick will die without being born. We are the chicken. The world is our egg. Smash the world shell! For the revolution of the world!-the student council, "Utena Revolutionary Girl"
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
