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Messages - Mario Maniac

Pages: 1 ... 104 105 106 107 108 [109] 110 111 112 113 114
Video Game Chat / I'm sorry for hating Sega...
« on: April 23, 2001, 07:57:04 AM »
I can't believe what came over me!

Okay, I'll make this clear. I have a PlayStation 1 and I don't like it at all! PlayStation games suck compared to Nintendo and Sega games! I think Nintendo and Sega make some of the best games ever! You heard right, I like Nintendo and Sega! (I actually like Nintendo more, but you guys already know that!). Anyway, my point is: Nintendo and Sega are my favorites of all of them! 'Nuff said.

And just remember:
PlayStation sucks!
Sega is cool!
Nintendo is my favorite of all of them!
~Opens up a box of Super Mario Bros. Cereal- "Congratulations! You have just won a Sony PlayStation, courtesy of your friends at Nintendo!"
"Huh? Am I reading this right?"~

Edited by - Mario Maniac on 4/23/2001 7:13:29 AM

Video Game Chat / The first time you played a Nintendo...
« on: April 12, 2001, 07:49:07 AM »
How long have you been a fan of Nintnedo/Mario? I've been a fan of Mario/Nintendo for over 11 years! It all started in 1990, when I first got my Nintendo Entertainment System... I was bugging and bugging my mom to get me one and she finally did! The games I got for it were: Super Mario Bros. 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Astyanax. I was especially fond of Super Mario Bros. 3. I later got Super Mario Bros. 2 for Christmas, and King of Kings for Easter...

After that, I got a Game Boy and a Super Nintendo. I kept my old Nintendo for a long time, until it broke a few years ago...

I kept my Super Nintendo for years, until I gave it to my little sister (which was a bad idea) because I was bored with it.

I now have a Game Boy Color and a Nintendo 64, both of which I got during the Christmas season last year (2000). I am very happy with both systems. Oh, I also have a PlayStation; I got it a few years ago and now I'm bored with it... I mostly play my Nintendo 64 and my Game Boy Color; because, as you already know, I am a big fan of Nintendo!

I don't think the GameCube will do good. There are hardly any games annmounced for it yet and Nintendo hasn't even put a price for it! Oh well, hopefully Game Boy Advance will do good when it comes out in the U.S.; it's already doing good (great, actually) in Japan!

Sorry for the long post, I was just explaining my history of loving Nintendo...

Remember: Nintendo will rule all!

~Opens up a box of Super Mario Bros. Cereal- "Congratulations! You have just won a Sony PlayStation, courtesy of your friends at Nintendo!"
"Huh? Am I reading this right?"~

Edited by - Mario Maniac on 4/12/01 6:50:13 AM

Mario Chat / Sorry for being biased...
« on: April 10, 2001, 01:44:14 PM »
I take back all I said about Sega. I dislike Sega. No, wait. I HATE Sega! They almost put Nintendo out of business in the early 1990's, and I am extremely mad at them for doing so. I am so glad that they are quitting. PlayStation is cool (I have a PlayStation 1 and I love it!). I also have a Nintendo 64 and I play it even more than my PlayStation! I'll say it one more time... I HATE SEGA! Nintendo and PlayStation are my favorites of all of them! I repeat: NINTENDO AND PLAYSTATION ARE MY FAVORITES OF ALL OF THEM!

~Opens up a box of Super Mario Bros. Cereal- "Congratulations! You have just won a Sony PlayStation, courtesy of your friends at Nintendo!"
"Huh? Am I reading this right?"~

Video Game Chat / Sega - A traitor to their own company?
« on: April 10, 2001, 01:38:17 PM »
Whoa, whoa, whoa... this is getting really wierd. If Sega is switching to 3rd party games, then why are they still making Dreamcast games? Are they going to be making both Dreamcast AND 3rd party games?

I have always liked Sega for their courage to try something new... But as I have always said, I am a Nintendo fan, I have always been a Nintendo fan, and I will always be a Nintnedo fan! GO NINTENDO!

~Opens up a box of Super Mario Bros. Cereal- "Congratulations! You have just won a Sony PlayStation, courtesy of your friends at Nintendo!"
"Huh? Am I reading this right?"~

Game Help / Yoshi's Story help...
« on: April 02, 2001, 10:12:19 AM »
I know many of you think Yoshi's Story is an incredibly easy game, but I think otherwise.


How do you open up all four (4) levels in each page? After I complete one level, the page turns and I go to a new page... But I can't go back to the old page unless I restart the game...

~Opens up a box of Super Mario Bros. Cereal- "Congratulations! You have just won a Sony PlayStation, courtesy of your friends at Nintendo!"
"Huh? Am I reading this right?"~

Mario Chat / A new Mario cartoon...
« on: March 29, 2001, 12:44:07 PM »
Do you think it would be neat if they made another Mario cartoon? It could be based on Paper Mario and Super Mario 64! Give me some ideas and I'll email Nintendo to tell them about it.

Mario Maniac!!

Mario Chat / A Legend of ZELDA movie...
« on: March 29, 2001, 10:17:47 AM »
Anyone hope of having a Legend of ZELDA movie? There's a Final Fantasy movie coming out soon, so why not a ZELDA movie?

It would be really cool if they made a Super SMASH Bros. movie, starring all of the Nintendo characters.

What about a Kirby movie... no wait, that might be too childish for Nintendo fans...
Well, it could be a kid movie, made by Disney...

What do you think?

Mario Chat / Ahhhhhh...
« on: March 20, 2001, 02:33:01 PM »
I don't have Paper Mario yet! I want to get it so bad! I want Paper Mario!

*Achem* Anyway, I was wondering, Which do you think is a better game:

Kirby 64
Yoshi's Story

I have Yoshi's Story, and it's fun. It gets really repetitive because all you do is eat fruit to clear the courses... Jeeze. And if Kirby 64 is as fun as Yoshi's Story, then I'll buy it.

Also, Mario Party 1 is a cool game! I rented it a few days ago... It's really fun! I like the way they made the minigames include classic Mario themes. The music reminded me of a Super Nintendo game. It was all basically remixes of music from Super Mario Bros. 3!

Here are the games I want to get for my N64:

Paper Mario
Mario Party 1 or 2 or 3

That's all I have to say for now!
"Woo-hoo!" -Mario
"Yippee!" -Luigi
"Bwa-ha-ha!" -Bowser
"What! Who invited him?" -Me

Edited by - Mario Maniac on 3/20/2001 12:35:09 PM

Video Game Chat / Why is everyone dissing Nintendo?
« on: March 19, 2001, 12:08:37 PM »
Why is everyone dissing Nintendo?

Almost every other videogame site/magazine I look at says Nintendo is going to fail... Why isn't Nintendo respected anymore like in the early days (1990's)? Now all people like to think about is PlayStation this and PlayStation that... Nintendo needs more respect. They've made some of the greatest games ever... and they deserve all the repect they can get! I LOVE NINTENDO!

Is this possible? Posting in the Fungi Forums in the Internet Archive? Whoa.
– Watoad

Edited by - Watoad on 4/23/2003 1:32:47 PM

Forum Games / Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
« on: February 15, 2001, 11:54:38 AM »

Mario was relaxing on the porch of his house, sipping lemonade. Luigi was inside, playing his Nintendo 64. Princess Toadstool and Toad were in the garden, planting Fire Flowers.

Mario looked up to see Luigi ranting on how he beat the high score of Paper Mario.

Luigi: "...and then I got to the 3rd boss, and he killed me!"

Mario: "Aww, better luck next time huh?"

Luigi: "Yeah! I guess."

Suddenly, the two plumbers hear da scream from beyond the garden. Toad rushed up to the Mario Bros. and started flailing his arms and jumping around in a panic.

Mario: "Whoa... waht's wrong?"

Toad: "It's Princess Toadstool... she's been..."

Luigi: "Let me guess, kidnapped?"

Toad: "No even worse... She's been attacked by a Piranha Plant!"

Mario and Luigi: "Nooooooooooooooooooo!"

Luigi: "I hate Piranha Plant's! Those **** little devils!"

(You continue the story from here. Just stick to the original plot!)

General Chat / Batman Beyond: has anyone seen it?
« on: February 13, 2001, 06:31:57 AM »
There's this cool show on the WB (Warner Bros.) Network called Batman Beyond (it's on right before Pokemon). Have any of you seen it? If so, what do you think of it? I think it's the best Batman show ever!


Mario Chat / It's here... It's finally here!
« on: February 01, 2001, 06:29:54 AM »
Paper Mario is finally here! I saw a commerical on it last night (January 31, Wednesday)! It looked cool! The commercial had paper cut-outs of Mario, the Princess, and Bowser. Bowser had captured the Princess and Mario went on a quest to rescue her (sound familiar?)! At the end of the advertisement, a paper cut-out of the 3D N logo moved across the screen.

That's basically it...

Site Discussion / Better names for Super SMASH Bros.
« on: January 23, 2001, 02:10:10 PM »
Can you think of any better names for Super SMASH Bros.? I can.

Instead of calling it Super SMASH Bros., they should of called it:






or... that's it!

Mario Chat / Donkey Kong 64
« on: January 23, 2001, 01:57:39 PM »
Donkey Kong 64: great game, or cheap rip-off? You decide.

First of all, let's look at the basics. The Donkey Kong series has been a sucessful franchise. The Rareware/Nintendo-created Donkey Kong Country series has been one of the best series of games on the Super Nintendo! These games (3 in all) featured extremely good graphics for the 16-bit Super Nintendo system and also had very good game-play.

Next, Rareware and Nintendo created a spin-off of the Donkey Kong Country games with a new batch of games for the Game Boy, called: Donkey Kong Land. There were 3 of these games in all and they also made a graphical leap for the Game Boy, pushing the system to its limits!

Now comes good ol' Donkey Kong in a brand new game for the N64, called: Donkey Kong 64.

This game is an entirely new spin on the DK franchise: it's the first Donkey Kong game to be completely in 3D! Every level in DK64 is designed to be a massive, free-roaming environment. The sound is also very good, with music from the original games as well as some new snazzy songs. With the required Expansion Pak, DK64 pushes the N64 to its absolute limits with graphics beyond your wildest (well... maybe not wildest) dreams!

Donkey Kong 64 is a must-buy game for all of you Nintendo fans. If you're still not convinced, just read the following stats:

TITLE: Donkey Kong 64
SYSTEM: Nintendo 64
PRICE: $49.95 (USA)

So there you have it, Donkey Kong 64 in a nutshell.  If you have any opinions about this great game, please reply to this post...

Mario Chat / From now on...
« on: January 09, 2001, 11:02:00 AM »
From now on I'll be signing in on my new name "King Mario". I just wanted to let you know...

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