
Author Topic: Calling all older members of the Fungi Forums!!  (Read 7863 times)

« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2001, 01:57:25 PM »
I just said new people could come in, geeze,don't get so angered.

"If it''''s a joke, laugh at it"
All hail the almighty oreo master

« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2001, 02:30:51 PM »
Hmm...I'd have to agree that creating a new board for "veterans and nice people" probably wouldn't work.  What we need to do is make to current General Mario Chat fun again!  Peach's Mario Awards is a fun topic; if you haven't filled it out yet, go for it!  And, when I get a little time soon, I'm gonna start some "theory" topics again (those are my favorite)

I say, don't give up, friends!  This can still be a fun place!

And welcome to Christi the Cat!

(Also, it is my advise, that should someone insult you, ignore them.  Fighting back will only make it worse.)

Edited by - Roy Koopa on 7/10/2001 1:36:43 PM
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2001, 02:45:06 PM »
Sorry for the bad word, i didn't expect that to be cut out.But I guess Roy Koopa is right.And at least people like Princess_Peach_Toadstool is trying,I was the first to fill it out even!Also I think it would be good if Roy Koopa did his theorys, I like them:)Ad I'll just keep asking people if they like games,game series ect.

"If it''''s a joke, laugh at it"
All hail the almighty oreo master

« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2001, 12:39:26 PM »
Well, I've been posting at this forum pretty much daily for two years and it is my opinion that Wario poses no unprecedented threat to the board.

A few people in the past have come here and posted offensive messages and gotten the regulars all riled up, but after a while they always get bored with our board and are never heard from again.  KinopioToad is right, banning Wario  won't do much good and could even be counterproductive: it would give him a reason to hate us.  Black'shrooming the mean topics he starts COULD succeed in silencing him, but could also generate more problems than it solves.  For the most part, I think the Wario problem will just solve itself if left alone.

My biggest problem with the site isn't really a big one.  It bugs me that old and sometimes long-lived topics get forgotten and sink to the nether reaches of the board.  Sometimes the same topic will be brought up later by a newbie, and there will be irritating repitition.  This is the worst with poll topics, where there are like 20 posts responding to a question, then a few months later somebody asks the same question and the old forum users have to repost their replies.

I used to bring some old topics back in times of little forum activity, but I've sort of given up since it was rarely successful.  I don't know if there's any real solution to this problem.  Does it bother anyone else?

For the record, here are (I think) the forum members who have been here the longest:
David Dayton
DarKnight 13
Princess Peach Toadstool

...Not to offend any of the newcomers, just for a reference.

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopa
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2001, 01:39:46 PM »
Yeah, Mega Two (cool way to write the name, isn't it?) is right. Sinking topics are very frustrating.
And now let´s talk about K.T.'s idea.
It sucks.
I mean, everything O.K. with you man, you are one of my "Forum Friends", but what you are actually wanting is a 'No $$Wario$$ Forum'. Face it; you say that you want a Forums for old posters, but that it would also allow newbies, but not $$Wario$$. So, you say you want a forum for everyone but that Wario new guy. Twisted way to say it, man.
Besides, what is the problem with that guy? I haven´t been here for a while, so I probably missed something.
Besides again, you are sort of a newbie. You are very newer than me, and I was just starting to not to be the new guy when you arrived. I still feel a bit newbie sometimes, but after more than a year visiting the forums, and of course the TMK page, and I even talked to Deezer some times (and he made me the favour of saying 'hi' for me when I emailed him saying that I had internet no more but E-mail I had - I still can't believe it!), I guess I'm a newbie no more now.
Still, the people I consider 'The Old People' are:

Lola Prue (first person that replied me on the Forums)
Billy Chilly (second person that replied me on the Forums)
(Or viceversa)
Mega 2 (he was already there when I arrived -- I have fighted with him some times, specially when I said that I had always thought he was a she because female names frecuently end in 'A' "in the place where I come from")
Ironfoot (I don't really have something to say about him -- I have "talked" with him just a couple of times)
Kat (Lola's friend -- the Honorable Creator of the Sacred Mr. Face? Topic)
Deezer, of course
The Honorable and Only Mr. Face
Hinopio (funny guy -- i think he's older than me or something. I often think on him as an older friend or brother)
Some Other Guys (like DavidDayton or DarKnight13)
That's what I call 'First Generation'. I do know that there were other people before them, but I have never 'met' them.


Me, Then Black Yoshi, who was 12.
That would be, '1 1/2 generation'.

And then:

Bowser... something
The great and funny PenguinWizard
LOTS of other people.

I've been writing this for 10 minuts, so I don't remember what I was saying. Somehow, I ended up making a chronological-ordered list of the Fungi Forums' people.
Have a nice living!

P.S.: Winter 2 weeks-holidays are just about start here (the last school day is next Friday). I'm so happy! (That would be, Summer holidays there).
I am also a bit sad, because this is my last year of what you call Elementary School. We have nine years of Elementary and then three years of Highschool here. Of course, that means I'm in 9th grade. I've been in this school since I was six (1st grade) and I don't really have friends in other places but school (I don't really have so many friens either :( ). Hmmmm... maybe I need to turn off the computer and leave my house more often.
Anyway, I feel happy but sad also. Growing up is harder than I thought.
If you wanna know, we used to have 7 years of Elementary and 5 of Highschool, but politians changed it so you can have four groups of 3 years each: 1st Cycle E.G.B. (that is, Escuela General Básica -- Basic General School) (first, second and third grade - 6, 7 and 8 years old if you were born in March like me -- people who was born in June for example, starts at 5 1/2 years old), 2nd (fourth, fifth and sixth grade), and 3rd (seventh, eighth and nineth grade - 8th and 9th used to be Highschool's 1st and 2nd). Then you have the Polimodal, with 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade (15, 16 and 17 years old if born in March).
Man... that was long again.
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.

« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2001, 12:12:28 AM »
I was gonna post this 1 or 2 days ago, but the thing wasn't working. Fortunately, i saved it in Notepad. Here it goes:

Yeah, Mega Two (cool way to write the name, isn't it?) is right. Sinking topics are very frustrating.
And now let´s talk about K.T.'s idea.
It sucks.
I mean, everything O.K. with you man, you are one of my "Forum Friends", but what you are actually wanting is a 'No $$Wario$$ Forum'. Face it; you say that you want a Forums for old posters, but that it would also allow newbies, but not $$Wario$$. So, you say you want a forum for everyone but that Wario new guy. Twisted way to say it, man.
Besides, what is the problem with that guy? I haven´t been here for a while, so I probably missed something.
Besides again, you are sort of a newbie. You are very newer than me, and I was just starting to not to be the new guy when you arrived. I still feel a bit newbie sometimes, but after more than a year visiting the forums, and of course the TMK page, and I even talked to Deezer some times (and he made me the favour of saying 'hi' for me when I emailed him saying that I had internet no more but E-mail I had - I still can't believe it!), I guess I'm a newbie no more now.
Still, the people I consider 'The Old People' are:

Lola Prue (first person that replied me on the Forums)
Billy Chilly (second person that replied me on the Forums)
(Or viceversa)
Mega 2 (he was already there when I arrived -- I have fighted with him some times, specially when I said that I had always thought he was a she because female names frecuently end in 'A' "in the place where I come from")
Ironfoot (I don't really have something to say about him -- I have "talked" with him just a couple of times)
Kat (Lola's friend -- the Honorable Creator of the Sacred Mr. Face? Topic)
Deezer, of course
The Honorable and Only Mr. Face
Hinopio (funny guy -- i think he's older than me or something. I often think on him as an older friend or brother)
Some Other Guys (like DavidDayton or DarKnight13)
That's what I call 'First Generation'. I do know that there were other people before them, but I have never 'met' them.


Me, Then Black Yoshi, who was 12.
That would be, '1 1/2 generation'.

And then:

Bowser... something
The great and funny PenguinWizard
LOTS of other people.

I've been writing this for 10 minuts, so I don't remember what I was saying. Somehow, I ended up making a chronological-ordered list of the Fungi Forums' people.
Have a nice living!

P.S.: Winter 2 weeks-holidays are just about start here (the last school day is next Friday). I'm so happy! (That would be, Summer holidays there).
I am also a bit sad, because this is my last year of what you call Elementary School. We have nine years of Elementary and then three years of Highschool here. Of course, that means I'm in 9th grade. I've been in this school since I was six (1st grade) and I don't really have friends in other places but school (I don't really have so many friens either :( ). Hmmmm... maybe I need to turn off the computer and leave my house more often.
Anyway, I feel happy but sad also. Growing up is harder than I thought.
If you wanna know, we used to have 7 years of Elementary and 5 of Highschool, but politians changed it so you can have four groups of 3 years each: 1st Cycle E.G.B. (that is, Escuela General Básica -- Basic General School) (first, second and third grade - 6, 7 and 8 years old if you were born in March like me -- people who was born in June for example, starts at 5 1/2 years old), 2nd (fourth, fifth and sixth grade), and 3rd (seventh, eighth and nineth grade - 8th and 9th used to be Highschool's 1st and 2nd). Then you have the Polimodal, with 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade (15, 16 and 17 years old if born in March).
Man... that was long again.
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.

« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2001, 12:18:58 AM »
!!!!! °O° <blinks> °O°

It seems like i DID post it!!!!!
I guess that's what happens when you press 'Post Reply' in the FIRST page of a TWO-PAGE topic. °~°
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.

« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2001, 11:28:40 AM »
Woah, I think you just set a new record there, man!

Someone set up us the bomb!
Someone set up us the bomb!

« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2001, 11:57:32 AM »
well said my friend

"I'll never look back, I''ve got no regrets. 'Cause time doesn''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog
"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2001, 09:14:56 PM »
read what sonic said before me,and I agree.

"If it''''s a joke, laugh at it"
All hail the almighty oreo master

« Reply #25 on: July 24, 2001, 07:54:55 AM »

What a speech....I always thinkg of Sanctus Yago as a quick talker.  Anyways, great post.
"True Dat!"
Mæriô from da Ghetto©

« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2001, 12:15:18 AM »
Whoa, believe me... I'm so NOT a quick speecher. Actually, i'm a very goos one. I'm good on talking. I know a lot of words. I'm very fast reading also. And, of course, i also know enough English to communicate with you.
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.

« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2001, 12:16:24 AM »
Whoa, believe me... I'm so NOT a quick speecher. Actually, i'm a very good one. I'm good on talking. I know a lot of words. I'm very fast reading also. And, of course, i also know enough English to communicate with you.
I learned reading at 4.
I would like to go on with the story of my life, but I'm kinda tired (it's 3:15 a.m.).
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.
