
Author Topic: More proof that it's Princess Toadstool  (Read 2983 times)

« on: December 29, 2001, 01:05:17 PM »
I downloaded one of the Mario cartoons the other day, "Princess Toadstool for President". They call her Princess Toadstool all the time in that, so that is her name. Officially. Cos I say so, and cos I don't like this new-fangled Peach and Daisy crap. Also, Luigi says "Bowser Koopa" in that episode too!



Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"


Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"

« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2001, 02:32:52 PM »
I know.  In the olden days, they always refered to her as Princess Toadstool.  Peach was her japenese name.  Nowadays they call her Peach or Princess Peach, and I haven't heard the name Toadstool in a while!

By the Way: Daisy is another princess!
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?

« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2001, 03:44:51 PM »
Well, it was Toadstool in, let me see... these games: SMB1, 2, 3, SMW, SMRPG, SM64 (well half'n'half)... that's kind of all the good games, right? And the cartoons too. So it really annoys me when people who obviously haven't been playing Mario for as long as me keep calling her Peach in things like SMRPG, when IT SAYS TOADSTOOL AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN!

Bottom line is, in all the decent platformers it has been Toadstool, and I don't see why they have to change it. It sounds so much better.

I don't play crappy sport games either, so I don't care about Mario Tennis, Golf etc. but it was stupid of them to put Peach and Daisy together like that. Daisy has been in one game and one film (and they only picked Daisy instead of Toadstool cos it sounded better in the context of Brooklyn etc.)



Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"


Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"

« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2001, 07:51:40 PM »
"Princess Peach Toadstool" is her name.  It's perfectly fine to call her Peach, Pricess Peach, Pricess Toadstool, or just Princess.  All are acceptable!
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2001, 08:00:48 PM »
I call her Peach for every game. It's her first name so it's OK.

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon

« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2001, 11:18:51 PM »
I know it's her first name NOW. Why did they have to change it? When SMB came out, they hadn't even thought of it in England (only Japan I believe). The only reason why they changed it, is because apparently Shigs didn't like Toadstool, he thought it was an ugly name or something, but it is the original name which is why it is special.



Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"


Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"

« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2001, 07:05:16 AM »
Shiggy didn't know about them calling her Toadstool until abouty Yoshi's Safari! He told Nintendo of America to change it to the orginal name which is PEACH!

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon

« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2001, 03:41:14 PM »
Yeah, I know that. It's a shame, really. I always preferred Toadstool.



Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"


Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? Oh, I can''t take it any more!
You got a toilet in there? "No, toilet in tower. Tower!"

« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2001, 07:39:19 PM »
Toadstool was never her first name!

Don''t quote me on this, but I''m betting that pipe goes somewhere. ---Goombario
