
Author Topic: Super Mario World Super Mario Advance 2: Great Game!  (Read 1987 times)

« on: February 27, 2002, 05:44:32 PM »
This new Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2 is great.  My mother picked it up for me in Toronto and I like it.  The sound FX and music are slightly altered, along with the ability to push Yoshi around.  Also Yoshi's eating effects are nicely done, for he doesn't just swallow the enemies, he just puts them in his mouth, and then you can spit them out, or let them stay in and swallow them.  SMA2 is also compatible with Super Mario Advance, so you can have Multipak fun, like playing 2 player classic where you cooperate as a team.  Also, the voices in this game aren't annoying.  They hardly ever talk.  They speak rarely, such as when they get an item, get hit, finish or start a level, and very little talking.  All 96 secrets are identical, and you can save whenever you want.  Also when you get hit, after you have a feather or fire flower, you only go back to Super Mario, instead of being small mario.  When you jump off Yoshi, Mario screams "Yippee!" and it's funny.  The Mario Bros. is a clone, and is yet again awsome.  Get it: It's no mistake!
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?
