
Author Topic: CALLING ALL FANFIC WRITERS!  (Read 9760 times)

« on: May 13, 2001, 01:03:57 PM »
Well, after letting my fan fiction site sit around for almost year, I decided to update it and post three new stories. (the addy is, but I need some more stories. That's where you guys come in. If anybody has some mario fanfiction stories/poems/top tens/whatever that they wrote, send 'em in to and I'll post them on my site. I have twelve stories so far, and when I get fifteen, I'll post a poll where people can vote on stories to be included in my "Mushroom masterpieces" hall of fame each month. Basically, there aren't any rules for length, you can have swearing, ***, violence, drugs, and toher weird stuff (but if there's a lot of it, I'll post a warning before your story). Any questions? Help me out guys, I want to make this site something great! Even if you don't have any fanfics to send in, visit the site. There's some pretty cool stuff there. Thanks!

~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~
~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~

« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2001, 03:48:10 PM »
man oh man how I hate fan fiction


« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2001, 08:15:30 PM »
LOL. I know some people get really irritated by it, especially by the fanfics that kill off the best characters or make up really annoying ones.

~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~
~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~

« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2001, 04:28:57 AM »
I espeally ( major spelling error there ) hate those cross over ones, but oh well, good luck


« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2001, 05:36:55 AM »
Heh, I used to run the fanfic section over at SMBHQ a long time ago. After reading so many of them, I also started to hate a majority of them... but there are some REALLY good ones, and some talented writers out there.

If you've ever read Lakitu's Defection, or any of Toasty's fanfics, you'll know what I'm getting at.

I too have dabbled in fanfics. I tend to try and fit my ideas safely into the regular storyline without affecting the games (or perhaps even writing the games). They should be light-hearted, and written in a Mario-ish style (cartoony, most fanfics lose this). I like well-written crossovers, but they have to be REALLY clever, and not just

"MaRio met SoniC and dey figt!!! MaRiO wInS!!!!!!!"
- and believer me, there are a lot of these...

I have a ton of ideas for fanfics of my own, but don't have the time to get them all down on paper (or WordPad). Shame really, here are some of my ideas:
- A novelisation of Mario games (I started a SMW one once, and I was really proud. I didn't get further than writing the first world, but I still filled 17 A4 pages font size 11 Arial on Microsoft Word, no mean feat).
- Mario, Generation 2: Set far in the future where Mario and Luigi, now decrepid pensioners, must locate and train the "new hero" before a series of deadly MechaKoopas take control of the world. I had some great ideas for this one.
- Mario vs. Sonic: Same idea, different outlook on things. Mobius is under threat from an interstellar being, and Sonic can't stop it. His only chance is to divert the alien monstrosity to another dimension, namely the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario must fight Sonic on a warp plain to protect his own planet.

Eh, probably had more too.

Pocket Monster Island -
TMK''s newest affiliate
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« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2001, 01:05:14 PM »
As is probably obvious from some of my posts, I love to write Mario theories.  Another passion of mine is writing the stories of the games, but I do so usually in comic form.  Right now, I have written and drawn adaptions of Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2. I am working on my "epic," SMB3, right now (currently over 100 pages).  Next up are Super Mario Land and SML2 (summer projects).  I would someday love to get these up on the internet to share with you fellow Mario fanatics!

But, Pricess, if I do type any Mario fanfics, or adapt my comics' story lines into just text, I will send them in.  
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2001, 03:09:43 PM »
Roy Koopa, currently 100 pages is INSANE.
Either cut down the font size, divide it into parts like the never-to-be-finished Star Wars saga, or do something so you won't end up getting a Guiness Record for longest story.
(don't take it personally, I was just ranting there)

I would have posted something here earlier, but the Fungi Forums weren't working for me. So now it might be a little painful to hear this, but I just can't stand fan fiction. Like that one guy said, it's especially irritating when lame new characters come into the mix (I can't tell you how many Lemmy's Land fanfics I could have read if it weren't for Susan this and Nick that).

The only exception is that one time when I decided to get over it at least once, when I came upon a fan fiction on Star Fox. I remember it all too well (because I actually read it), and it took HOURS.
I also had an incident where I read a three-part Tiny Toons fan fiction, but I still stand that I hate fan fiction.

And on another unrelated note, I saw Princess Peach's website, and it says she likes horses. At least that's one thing we have in common, but nothing else.

It''s hard to save the world when you''re a penguin in wizard clothing.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2001, 03:34:48 PM »

Edited by - Koopa on 3/9/2002 10:33:42 PM
Now I''m gonna make a monkey out of you.

« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2001, 07:19:50 PM »
penguinwizard, I'm not offended or anything, but let me clearify something.  It's not typed, and it's not 100 pages of text.  It's a comic!  That's mostly pictures.  It's split into six parts, about twenty pages each (give or take), and it really doesn't take that long to read.  I felt a longer story was the only way to do SMB3 justice.  If you ever get a chance to see it, I think you'll understand.

And for the record, you're right.  A 100 pages of text for a fanfic is too long.  
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2001, 12:53:53 AM »
Peach, that sig kind of reminds me of Gladiator

« Reply #10 on: May 19, 2001, 09:25:05 AM »
OMG! I love Gladiator! It's my favorite movie.... actually my sig does sound like something Commodus would make people say to him so he could feel special. I can see why most of you guys would hate fanfiction. Judging by some of the ones I have in my inbox.... some are really good (if you go to the site, check out the Mysterious Scent, its from an ultra-talented guy called Mushroom scribe), but some of the ones I have and didn't post yet (and even one or two that is posted) would be kind of irritating. I basically have the site because I like to write fanfiction, and I think it self-indulgent to have a site solely dedicated to my work. You can love reading it, or hate reading it, but I like writing it, and that's all that matters to me.

~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~
~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~

« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2001, 08:02:38 AM »
Actually, it sound like the thing Maximus says after he takes off his mask and Commodus recognizes him. Anyway, FANFIC UPDATE! I have now added the "Mushroom Masterpieces" Section. Go on over to my site
(yeah, I know, I need a redirect address!)
And vote. You can vote everyday until June 1. The three stories with the highest number of votes will get in the hall of fame, any submissions I got after yesterday aren't on the ballot, but they will be next month. Go on over and vote!

~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~
~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~

« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2001, 08:55:04 AM »
I write fanfiction. I got lotsa Starfox, and some Mario. One of em, is that There is a big flood, caused by Bowser (Dun ask why) and Mario gets carried away by the currents, and winds. Luigi,Toad,and Peach must find them. Meanwhile, Bowser is also trying to find Mario, but the opposite of what Toad,Luigi,and Peach are doing. (And you know what I mean) Well, i'm just starting it. But SFX fanfics, i'll give you a whole book of em....
Its me! That silly willy Koopa!

« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2001, 05:43:43 PM »
Starfox, huh? I was actually always planning on making the mario fanfiction site part of a larger network of video game fanfic sites, but I haven't yet because the only fanfics I've written so far are with Mario (although I do have a banjo-kazooie one and one of those "stupid crossovers" that I'm doing right now). But, I think I would make sites for fanfics from other games if I had some submissions. OK, if anybody has any other fanfics that aren't mario, send them in. Then I'll have an excuse to make more sites.

~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~
~Heir to the Royal Throne, the Baker of Many Cakes, Kisser of Many Noses,Bimbo Supreme, and Crybaby Extroidinaire,Her Royal Highness, the Noble Princess Peach Toadstool~


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« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2001, 06:13:04 PM »
nintendoland has a lot of fanfics. Try it out.

They also have a message board that has moved to some VGF site?

The Triforce Protector
