
Author Topic: Wario's Woods  (Read 2136 times)

« on: October 15, 2001, 04:17:44 PM »
Since no one will answer me in the Game Help forum. . .

Will someone explain how the attacks in Vs. Mode work??

OK, I pressed the profile sig button. What? It doesn`t show my sig? That`s not fair!
Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, MARIO, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned. [Mario sinned!]
