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Messages - mario2_gold

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Fan Creations / Mario's fairwell pt.2
« on: November 08, 2005, 07:45:36 PM »
Mario was on his own now,walking slowly down the streets. He heard his brown sneakers slap in puddles of rain,looking glum. He had no place to stay and no one to keep him company,he was more lonely than Akon. Mario wanted to cry but he wanted to be a man so he held it in. His eyes hurt from holding it in,he couldn't take it, he ran into the nearest alley. Mario sat down against a wall and let it all out.
      When he was finished he was about to step out of the dark alley when he felt something grab him by the collar, suddenly it pulled him down. As Mario hit the ground with a thud he looked up,and a pair of cold, and orange eyes stared into his. Mario got up to run but an orange reptile like arm wrapped around his neck and it choked him. "Ha Ha Ha" went a voice. "who are you and what do you want!?" mario screamed, "the names king koopa." said the large reptile as he lowered Mario to the ground. Mario turned around to look at the creature, "but my friends call me Bowser, and I want to know why you went into my alley." "I don't see your name on it." said Mario trying to look tough. Bowser grabbed mario by the neck and slammed him against the wall. "I don't know who you think you are, but if you trail your sorry butt back into my alley, you'll have your big 'ol nose rearranged to the back of your head!" said Bowser. Then he snapped his fingers and two other large reptiles stood beside Mario, "I'll let you off with a warning right now, guys." said Bowser, and the guys next to mario grabbed Mario by each arm and two seconds later Mario found his head in the dumpster. Mario was hopeless.

to be continued

Edited by - mario2_gold on 11/8/2005 6:01:47 PM

Fan Creations / Mario's fairwell Pt.1
« on: November 07, 2005, 07:17:14 PM »
One fine day in the mushroom kingdom,Mario had it made,growing up in brooklyn, he ran the school and was very popular. Also in the mushroom kingdom, he got all the hottest girls, but mario wasn't really nice to girls. Mario would go out with them and less than a week he'd break up with them. Plus he was admired by the mushroom men, and mario bullied the goombas,by stomping on them,and once in a while he would kick around the paratroopas. Don't think Luigi had it made too, Mario picked on Luigi all the time, but that's what big brothers do. Mario would steal Luigi's hat and throw it on top of the flag pole at the end of each level on mario 1. Little did mario know, he would get a taste of his own medicine when he meets someone large, strong, and has horns.
                  Every week mario got meaner and meaner until everyone had it, they banned mario out of the mushroom kingdom,faster than deezer can ban a member in this forum. And suddenly for some reason it rained as mario left the mushroom kingdom, suitcase in hand. Kinda ironic, don't you agree, and mario stared at the large castle, and yelled "You'll be sorry you ever kicked Mario Mario out of mushroom kingdom!" as he said that the thunder boomed and a tear ran down his eye,but it could've been a rain drop.

 to be continue

Edited by - mario2_gold on 11/7/2005 5:18:00 PM

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