
Author Topic: Anybody like Chrono Trigger?  (Read 2045 times)

« on: April 07, 2002, 12:07:15 PM »
Well? I love that game!

Chrono Trigger and Yoshis Island rule!
The Heck with Mario! Super Luigi Brothers!

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2002, 05:15:52 PM »
 **Warning I may post some spoilers, I haven't decided yet**
 Hmm Chrono Trigger, why yes, as a matter of fact, I do like that game. Actually, I like it enough to still play it on my SNES often. Hell, I even bought FF Chronicles for the Playstation. It had a lot of neat features, plus, the new FF 4 translation might I add. Yeah, I've done everything in CT. Even those Triple Techs that you need the colored stones for. Chrono Cross was good, but no where near the quality of CT. Plus, Glenn was cool too. I mean, anyone who weilds the Grand Lion is great. Note, I do not mean Glen from CC, I do infact mean Frog/Glenn from CT, for those who have only played CC. I also like Akira Toriyama's character designs, although they are very close to DBZ designs. However, the translation by Woosley wasn't too good. I mean, really, he even re-named the GrandLion, a Broad Sword, to the Masamune, a Katana. It makes little sense, other than the fact that they wanted to draw the FF crowds in. One thing I must commend the translation on is the re-naming of Jackie. I much prefere Magus, but I guess Jackie wasn't too bad.
 In conclusion, Yes, I do like Chrono Trigger, it is much better than all of this new graphical garbage Square is putting out now days, they seem to be forgetting what makes a good game.

« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2002, 11:14:13 AM »
This is a friend of bob heihoo.  If you do this then you should also put in some things for the playstation, because they changed it slightly.

I am the all powerful Mamuu (Wart) and I am  here to take over Sub-Con then, The Mushroom kingdom then, The Mushroom kingdom (the site)then, The Mushroom World then, Hyrule then, oh forget it.
Also known as orolo1

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2002, 01:09:44 PM »
 The only thing that made sense from that post was that you are a friend of bob heihoo.
 If you were trying to say they changed the game slightly for the PSX version, than you were incorrect. The only things added were the cut scenes and extra things at the end of the game, such as art, maps, beastiry, and the like. The actual game remained untouched ane exactly the same as the SNES version.

« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2002, 07:44:10 PM »

