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Topics - Ludwig Von Koopa

Pages: [1]
Mario Chat / Koopa Kid Quiz!
« on: March 04, 2002, 06:54:28 PM »
Ok this is a quiz about the koopa Kids one question by one ok. Question 1. in super mario world what 1 koopa kid fights dirfent than any other? Every other one is copied twice. But harder dont cheat and dont tell. I'll give the answer at the end first to get it wins then onother question untill I decide to quit. Oh dont say example Iggy I know its iggy say iggy. Ok answer away!

Ludwig Von Koopa:HA HA HA we will get you Mario,Luigi,and Yoshi!!! Bowser:I plan you dont! Ludwig:sorry got over my shell. Ludwig:I get carried away scnce im the strongest Koopa kid! Note: Im also SuperYoshi7175 as well as Ludwig Von Koopa.

So ask away I masterd ever castle and know shortcuts threw them! A big shortcut in Larrys!

Ludwig Von Koopa:HA HA HA we''''ll get you Mario,Luigi,and Yoshi!!! Bowser:I plan you dont! Ludwig:sorry got over my shell.

Mario Chat / koopa Kids
« on: March 04, 2002, 09:53:31 AM »
Give your theroys on were the koopa kids are are they dead? Alive? Tranning? Vacation? I think they are being trained by Bowser! What does everyone else think? I dont think they are dead or have disappered I think they have the next plot ready!

Ludwig Von Koopa:HA HA HA we''ll get you Mario,Luigi,and Yoshi!!! Bowser:I plan you dont! Ludwig:sorry got over my shell.

General Chat / Who am I???
« on: March 04, 2002, 09:14:33 AM »
Im tring this game too! Guess who I am. E-Mail listed has nothing to do with this(Its not mine). Im well know for 2 events. Some like some didnt. The events were held in late jan. earley feb. I think done a lot of good. I post on any topic. Most people even newbies know me I live in the east may want to look at people who posted in the No-School topic hint!

Kudwig:HA HA HA we'll get you Mario,Luigi,and Yoshi!!! Bowser:I plan you dont! Ludwig:sorry got over my head.

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