
Author Topic: Ever had pre-marital sex? You can never be a Republican in Laurens County, SC.  (Read 3799 times)


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« on: March 09, 2012, 12:26:47 AM »

If you ever did anything wrong in the past, this local GOP, which apparently has higher standards than God, has no use for you. This is stupid and wrong on many levels.

The only reason to have a rule like this would be to appease social conservative evangelical Christians -- the ones who claim to follow a religion based entirely on forgiveness. Having moral standards for the present is one thing. Applying them to the past like this, with no hope of forgiveness, is the exact polar opposite of Christianity.

Let me say that again: You have gotten the entire point of Christianity 100% backwards, Laurens County GOP. Christianity is not meant to be even slightly about being a way better person morally than everyone else around you and rubbing it in their faces, and pushing away anyone imperfect. The entire point of Christianity is that we are all hopelessly imperfect, and God forgives all of us, so we should be loving and forgiving everyone else. Christianity is having your favorite pen stolen by that dickweed co-worker of yours and then stopping and saying to yourself "Hold on. The creator of the universe gave up his life to save that dickweed, and I can't give up a pen? Who the hell do I think I am?"

This kind of self-righteous attitude is at least 78% of what is wrong with modern American Christianity (and at least 59% of what is wrong with the modern Republican party).

Also, you gave your state's delegates to Newt Gingrich, you idiots.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse

« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2012, 08:34:14 PM »
That awkward moment when you show up to the Laurens County Republican Party meeting with a boner.
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2012, 11:32:28 PM »
Well, it's a good thing I'm not a Republican.

(because i had sex)
