
Author Topic: Mario's Sacrifice 3: Final Destination  (Read 6157 times)

« on: June 28, 2005, 05:07:31 PM »
Chapter 1: Journey to the mountains peak. The two brother's had lost everything. Friends, loved ones, and partners. The X Naut army had not done a huge amount of damage to the kingdom, but Grodus had killed almost everyone they ever knew. Only the Princess remained, with a few other friends across the Kingdom. Before they left for the mountains, they visited Peach. They informed her about what happened. She took it well, a few tears, but somehow she knew that at the end of their journey, a magical experiance would occure. Peach kissed them both, and the two plumbers left for the mountains. However, this journey wasn't gonna be easy. The mountains were smack dab in the middle of the BeanBean Kingdom. The would have to walk the whole way, too. But these plumbers were on a mission. They wanted back what they had lost. So off they went. Before long, Luigi spoke up. " Rember last time, Mario?" The elder Mario brother answered. " Hmm?" Luigi spoke back. " Last time, we had Bowser take us to the BeanBean kingdom! In fact, I didn't even want to go! You guys had to grab me by the pants!" Mario laughed. " Yeah, I remember! And then you had to be the ships look out! When the crain took you by your butt! That was priceless!" Mario and Luigi both recalled their adventures in the neighboring Kingdom. It gave them something to think about. After an hour, they had reached the Star Dust Feild. The border between the Mushroom and BeanBean Kingdom was here! They could still see the mountains, of course. Little did the two know, however, that grave danger awaited them both. It was a long road ahead. They came upon the boarder. But something was wrong. The border castle were Mario and Luigi jumped roap to pass was.....gone! In fact, everything beyond the border line looked dark, and very mysterious. No one could even think about what was going to happen next. " UMPHHHH!!!" Mario was down! He tried to get up. Luigi looked for the attacker. But no one was there. He called out. No answer. Mario was okay, but was bleeding. Out the arm. And next to his foot, an eggshell lay. " Mama Mia!" Mario found the attacker. It was Birdo, but she was different! She was dark purple, and had an evil glare in her eye. " What are you doing?!" Luigi asked. " We just need to...." Birdo attacked again. She wouldn't answer to anything. Mario and Luigi prepared themselves for a long fight....TO BE CONTINUED

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?


  • Kansas
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2005, 05:17:50 PM »
I can tell that you like to write a lot.
Εὐθύνατε τὴν ὁδὸν Κυρίου

« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2005, 05:56:34 PM »
It's my favorite thing to do besides drawing.

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2005, 05:59:31 PM »
Really? Me too! I guess two Luigis think alike...
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #4 on: June 29, 2005, 03:33:52 PM »
Luigi Simpson, thanks for reading my story. All three of them! Do you think I should make a fourth?

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #5 on: June 29, 2005, 04:29:43 PM »
Chapter 2: Shadows in the light. Birdo screamed! She looked like she was gonna launch a super rage fury on the Brothers! Mario stood up, and gathered a fireball into his hand. Launching it, he took careful aim. The ground was busted up, and looked as if it was about to crumble. Birdo was hit, and fell to the ground. She stood up quick! " Man, she is tough!" Luigi said. Birdo had never been this violent before! It was almost like she had been powered up! The bros. stayed strong, and fired on Birdo. It was wasted! The egg sucker dodged everyone. " What speed," thought Mario. Birdo came up, and unleashed a monster fury of punches on Mario and Luigi! They tried their best to defend themselves, but couldn't block againts her mighty power! They fell back. Mario had one idea, but it would be risky. " Luigi. The ground is unstable! If we both fire our energy at it, it will crumble and Birdo will come with it. When I say three, we both jump as high as we can, and fire! At that point, we make our way across the border!" Luigi agreed, and got ready! When Birdo came back around, the Brother's fired at the ground. It crumbled into a large mass of rocks and dust. She fell into it, and vanished. Mario and Luigi made it to the other side. " What was that all about? She looked....possesed!" Luigi was confused, and Mario was too! They didn't have much time to worry about it though. Birdo had survived, and made it back to the border line! But before she could attack again, she fell to her feet. Something came out of her. It was a shadow. A dark, evil looking shadow. It dissapeared, into thin air. Mario ran up to Birdo. " She's still alive," Mario said. They left her, because they were afraid that she might still be dangerous. The Bros. went on. They had made it to the BeanBean Kingdom side of Star Dust. Mario and Luigi didn't worry about Birdo's attack too much. There only thoughts were bringing everyone back to life. They weren't even sure that at the end of the road was an item that could do such a thing! But it didn't matter. They had to find what the arrow had pointed to. But terrible things awaited them. The BeanBean Kingdom, though once destroyed, would not be the same place they remembered....

The Bros. had made it. The BeanBean Kingdom was a mile away. The gates, however, were not there. " Weird, what happened to the gates?" Mario said. But the gates were the least of there problems. Something had....destroyed BeanBean. Again! " What the....whats going on?" Luigi started to panic. " Not again...." he said with a frown. " It looks like we've got another problem on our hands! And ya know what? "What"? Mario said. " I LOVE IT!" Luigi screamed. " It's time for another adventure!" This however, was going to be one heck of an adventure. Mario and Luigi were in for a horrible suprise....TO BE CONTINUED

What could be waiting for Mario and Luigi at the peak? Is it a secret treasure that could bring their fallen friends back to life? Or is it something much different? Keep reading to find out!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2005, 10:22:36 PM »
Chapter 3:An old enemy returns. The BeanBean Kingdoms citizens had not left. Nor were they alive. The bodies of victims lay on the ground. Who could have done this? Mario thought it was not to late to restore all the damage that both Anger and Grodus had done before. The BeanBean Kingdom would be saved. But first, a great task had to be completed. The mountains had to be climbed. Luigi began to walk. Mario followed. Since everyone had been killed, no one was going to stop them. So they thought.....

Somewhere at the mountains peak: A figure moved into a dark cave. Again. Just like last time.  What, you gonna complain? Just sit down! Jeez!
" You have my money, you Fink Rat?" It said with a growl. " Of course...." Something was moving. Out of the shadows came Ludwig Von Koopa. " I'm sure my father would have been pleased. But now that he is dead, someone has to take over the empire, right? Are you sure you can get rid of the Mario Brothers? Even Birdo couldn't defeat them with the dark spirit fused with her own!" The other guy laughed. " Birdo was weak! I'm much different. If you have the money, I'll take them out, in no time flat!"
Ludwig became angry. " You know, if you can't do this, I'm taking the money back. And then...I'll send whats left of you to the Final Destination.....THE DARK REALM!" The guy stood back. " Jeez! Don't talk so loud. Your given' me the creeps! All right! It's done!" He walked off. Ludwig walked off. He thought for sure the Bros. would be out of his way.....

Mario and Luigi made it to the Mountain's begining. They said a simple " good luck " and started to climb. But before they could, something attacked! The Bros. fell to the ground. The weapon that had hit them looked familar.....TO BE CONTINUED!

Sorry this chapter was so short. I had a long day, and I'm tired. I promise that the next one will be much longer. I hope you readers are enjoying this! I'm thinking of finishing with two more final sequals because I'm having fun writing this.

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2005, 08:39:51 PM »
Chapter 4: Fink Rats! The deadly assassin. " Fawful! " Mario screamed. " I thought we had gotten rid of you for good! " Fawful laughed. " Yes, but after our little run in with the Bean Star, I found myself without a master. And on top of that, I was broke. Now, I kill people for money. I'm an assassin for hire! It just so happens you two Fink Rats are on the top of my hit list!!! So, prepare to be smacked on my sandwich of revenge like mustard!!!" Mario chuckled. " That nut still has the lamest puns! Lets get a move on Luigi!" Luigi began to run towards Fawful. " DIE!!!" he screamed. Mario, while Luigi had him occupied, tossed fireballs at Fawful. It hit him hard. The crazy killer fell to the ground. The gear on his head shot him back up. He launched a load of bombs at Mario. The portly plumber simply stood there. " Those weapons couldn't hurt a fl....." The bomb exploded on impact. Luigi looked for Mario in the smoke. He wasn't there. Luigi's brother had been crushed under a pile of rocks. Luigi yelled out. " Mario! Are you there?!!!" No answer. " Looks like I've got one down. What a fool. He just stood there! He should have known that I have built even more powerful weapons! I mean, come on! Even the Goombas in world 8-1 would power up to buzzy beatles!" Luigi was enraged. Had he lost his brother again? Not a chance! Something from the rocks began to speak. " Mffff!!!!! LUI...G..I!!!" Luigi ran up to the mess. " Mario! Is that you?" Mario spoke back. " Yes, it's me! I'm all right....sort of. I can't move my left arm. It might be broken. I'll try to get out, but in the mean time, your gonna have to last againts him for a while! I''m sorry, but I guess he was stronger then I thought! I should have moved!" Luigi said to his brother, " Don't worry!" Mario was sure Luigi could do this himself. The younger brother stood againts Fawful. " I guess I should have used a stronger weapon, but it doesn't matter. I'll get him after I kill you!" Luigi landed a one-two punch right on Fawful. Just then, Fawful drew a sword from his head gear. It stabbed right through Luigi's arm. Blood fell. So did Luigi. Fawful followed. But the two stood up quick. Luigi however, fell down quick. " Wha.....whats going on? Why do I" Fawful laughed. " You fool! That sword was no regular weapon! It was poisioned! Slowly, it will sap your strength. Then, body functions will fail! Then, you will become paralyzed! And then....the best part.....YOU DIE!!!!!!" Luigi wouldn't give up. He charged back at Fawful, and hit him as hard as he could. The nut case flew back about four feet, and attacked. His fury kick smacked Luigi. Fawful would not give in. His every blow made Luigi weaker. " You know what, Fink Rat? I have the cure for this poision, but I'm not gonna give it to you! But I'll tell you what! I'll kill you right now so you won't have to suffer!" Then, a voice rang out. " BULL!!!!" Out of the rocks came Mario. His arm had been broken. But he, just like Luigi, was enraged. He knew his brother was hurting. He had to get the antidote! Fawful noticed the plumbers arm. With not alot of effort, he kicked it. Mario screamed! " GAGHHHH!!!!" The Fawful launched a smoke bomb at Mario. Out of the smoke, came Fawfuls foot. He kicked Mario's arm again. Mario just kept screaming. Fawful laughed yet again. " Look at you in your agony! Your laying there on the floor! I didn't even kick you that hard!" Mario got up. " I'm tired....." Fawful laughed once more. " Then die, you fool!" Mario smacked Fawful into the mountain side. " No....I'm tired of your annoying laugh!" Mario knew Fawful's weakness. His ego. " I bet you coudn't even beat me without that head gear! Your weak!" Fawful became angry. " Oh yeah? You look weak enough. I'll kill you without the head gear!!!" As soon as he took it off, Mario ran up and landed 15 punches in the blink of an eye. Fawful fell down. He was K.O'd for good. Mario took the cure, and gave it to Luigi. The younger plumber was saved. He woke up. " did it! But how?" Mario chuckled. " Sometimes an assassin's greatest weakness is his ego. He sould learn to not toy with his prey!" The two got up, and walked back to the BeanBean kingdom. After this tough fight, they had to rest up before the mountain climb. Luigi would have to rest his heart, and Mario needed a splint for his arm. However, before they could walk back, Fawful got up. He fired a poision sword at Mario. And this time, there was no cure. Luigi noticed this and told his brother to duck. But Mario simply caught the sword. He smiled, and tossed it back at Fawful. It hit him right in the stomach. " Wait! Don't leave me!!! I'm going to....." But the brothers had left. Fawful felt the poision seep into his veins. He became weak, and started to die......

At the top of the mountain, Ludwig spit and screamed. " That fool! He said he could do it! But there still alive, and he's dead! I guess I'll send his spirit to the dark realm!!!" Then, the Koopa got an idea. " I've got it! I'll send someone that they love after them! All I need is this Dark Realm! Yessss.....this time I'll get those fools for sure....."

What has Ludwig sent after the Bros.? Will they dare to climb the mountains? Can they recover from their wounds? Why am I asking you this? Find out, on the next chapter of Mario's Sacrifice III!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 7/5/2005 9:32:44 AM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2005, 09:05:29 PM »
Chapter 5: A dirty trick. After a weak of resting up; a splint for Mario and bed rest for Luigi, the brothers decided it was time to scale the tall mountain of the Bean Bean Kingdom. It wasn't gonna be easy. The pathway up the mountain side would be rough, and of course, many bandits lived in small shacks, looking to rob mountain climbers. But it didn't matter to Mario, nor Luigi. They had to get what was ever at the top of that mountain. The two made their way to the base of the mountain. They passed the dead body of Fawful, or what was left of it anyway. Luigi picked up the head gear he used to fight them. " This might come in handy." He put it on his item screen, or in his bag, rather. Mario then began to scale the pathway up the mountain. Luigi followed. It was rough, just as they thought. Rocks punched small holes through their work boots. It wasn't easy to stay balanced either. And if that wasn't enough, another problem presented itself. " Mario, I'm hungry. Where's the food." Mario gulped. " I thought you had it?" " Great no food. And it's getting hard to breath!" Mario laughed. " We didn't need oxygen tanks in the game. We don't need em now!!" Luigi became confused. " Wha...what game? What are you talking about?" Mario then dismissed it, saying that it was better not to question reality and the virtual world. As the two talked, laughed, and joked, someone was plotting againts them. A very angry Koopaling.
" Ha! Those fools have no idea what their going to be up againts, do they....Yoshi!" The green dino had returned! But something was different about him. He was evil. The dino became violent. Thrashing all over the cave, it looked as if he was trying to resist something. Ludwig laughed. " You cannot defeat the dark spirit. It will take over! " Yoshi stopped thrashing. He stood in place. "!" Yoshi was still trying to resist. Ludwig then raised a weird looking hit Yoshi with a powerful beam of light. Yoshi, yet again, stood still. " Yes....must destroy....Mario Brother's." Ludwig sat down on his father's throne. " Hmmm....Birdo was so easy to control. But this took everything I had just to get him to stop! He's strong.....his spirit is pure. It tried to resist the darkness. And I still don't have complete control over him! That must be the difference. Brdo was so stupid and pathetic. But strong and pure. The bond he shares with his strong. He might just.....NO! Not even he can resist my spirits. It's time that Yoshi lets go. The darkness must destroy his spirit. He must destroy the Mario brothers. Go, now! " Yoshi tried to resist again. But he left the cave. He was going to fight the Mario Brother's.

At the bottom of the Mountain, about 1,000 feet above the kingdom, the Mario brother's were taking a quick rest. It would be short lived. As they spoke together, something was moving down the mountain. Very, very fast. Much faster then Birdo moved. It made it's way up to Luigi. The younger Mario brother didn't stand a chance. It punched him so hard, that it broke his ribs. Three of them. He coughed up blood. It was getting both hard to breath, and stand. Mario gasped. It couldn't have been a bandit. It moved way to fast. The creature turned, and showed it's face. " Yoshi? Yes, you are Yoshi! Your the only green Yoshi that I know! You even have the scare on your shell that one time when my whole house caved in and busted it in to pieces! How is it possible? You died, fighting Grodus!" Yoshi wasted no time. He ran up to Mario. The plumber didn't see it coming. He tried to gather a fireball, but he couldn't even grab and toss it. He kicked Mario in the arm. The broken one. This time, it hurt ten times worse then when Fawful kicked it. His arm had been completely destroyed this time. Mario screamed so loud, that the whole mountain began to shake. He fell down, unable to move. He tried to get Luigi to snap out of it. As he did, Luigi stood up. He was in great pain. His ribs had been broken, and in turn, it was hard to breath. Just then, something awesome happened. Yoshi took control of his body! " Guys....everything you need to know is at the top of this mountain. I can't talk for long. My body is under the control evil spirit. I can't tell you the whole story...just this....The Shy Guy walks in the moonlight at Midnight!" He then, did a horrific thing. He plunged himself off the mountain. As soon as he hit the bottom, he was crushed. The poor guy was dead....once again. Luigi was yet again, confused. " The Shy Guy.....wha?" He even wondered how Yoshi managed to come back to life. It was all to complicated. Mario got up. His arm was fractured in five places. The pain was great. But there was no time to go back down the mountain. The brothers had to press on....somehow. TO BE CONTINUED!!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 7/5/2005 9:28:52 AM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2005, 08:22:23 PM »
Chapter 6: The bandit's challenge. Mario was in a deep amount of pain. He could walk, but every step felt like a knife had been jabbed into his arm. Luigi was much better. As it turns out, he was less hurt then explained. The crazy moron just loves to make a chapter with blood, pain, and broken bones!!! Well, enough of that. Back to the story. Yoshi had only cracked a few of Luigi's ribs. He didn't actually brake them. Thus, Luigi had tied tape over his chest to reduce pain. Looking at his brother trip and fall, Luigi could only add words to help Mario up the mountain. If Mario couldn't go any further, Luigi promised that he would carry him the rest of the way. And if that wasn't enough, someone was watching them. " Suckers! They will be perfect for our "Pit of 10 trials!" And if they don't survive, then we'll send them to the bottom!" As the odd character spoke, it's pals moved in close to the Bros. They took one swipe on their necks, and knocked them out.................................. " Why, you're in the Pit of 10 Trials!" A voice had awoken Luigi from his sleep. " Wha....what's that?" Luigi asked. He opened his eyes, and a weird looking character was in front of him. " The Pit of 10 Trials is a ten level pit of.....well....trials! If you complete all ten, we will set you free! That is, if you don't fail! If you do, we send you to the bottom! Same goes if you refuse! Let me introduce myself! I'm I.R.A Theif! But you can call me Bob!" Luigi was frustrated! " Grrr! We don't have time for your games, you stinkin' Bandit! Let my brother and I go! We have an important mission!" Bob looked at him. " What do you mean we? Your brother isn't going anywhere. He was to bashed up to play are little game. We will stuff him until he explodes if you don't accept our challenge." Luigi looked around. Bob was right. Mario wasn't there. The younger brother sighed. " This whole adventure...just what I wanted. I wanted to be the hero. I got what I wanted. And it's hard work. But think of what I've done! I've defeated a monster built from hate and anger. An army of X-Nauts! And a few bad dudes on this adventure too! This pit should be a snap! I'll do it!" Bob was over in the shadows, dancing to his favorite tune. He looked at Luigi. The short guy looked just like the bandits Mario had battled on his adventure to the Thousand Year Door. " Good luck! And remember! If you fail, you get dropped, and your brother gets stuffed!" He vanished in smoke. Luigi was ready. A warp pipe appeared. He went done and got ready for his challenge....TO BE CONTINUED!!!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2005, 09:39:23 PM »
Chapter 7: The code. Luigi was transported into a small room with a chalkboard. He thought it was gonna be easy. His brother had beaten a Pit of 100 Trials before him. If Luigi couldn't beat this, then he might as well have given up his hero days. Anyway, on the chalkboard, a riddle had been written. " A mother had one child, but ten of these were born." The plumber was puzzled. All of a sudden, Bob's voice rang out. " Luigi, you must answer the riddle within three turns. Every wrong answer gets you an electric shock. Get three wrong, and it's off to the bottom! Oh, and your timed, too!. In thirty seconds, if you haven't answered, it will count as one wrong answer. Good luck, Luigi! Go!" Luigi thought. One child, but ten were born? The more he thought, the more confused he became. After thirty, he got shocked! " OUCH! That stings! At least I've got two answers left." He thought again, but decided to guess. " Err....children?" Luigi got shocked again. One more and it would be his last. Then, he got a great idea. " Whem we are born, we have ten fingers and ten toes! But which is it? It could be either one! I guess I'll take my chances! TOES!!" It was silent. A warp pipe appeared. Luigi was in luck. He traveled down, to the next pit. All of a sudden, he was in a stadium. In front of him? A big, ugly ogre, and a tiny little fluff bunny. Bob spoke again. " This time Luigi, you pick a fighter, and face off! No more to say. Go!" Luigi thought this was a trap. If he picked the bunny, it would become large and deadly. So he picked the ogre. And got wacked by his mallet. Hard. He fell down. " Crud! I picked the bad choice! I thought this was a trap! He flew up, and hit the ogre. The ogre didn't feel a thing. It got mad. And it swung out again! It missed Luigi, but only by a hair! " Gosh, this guy must have a weakness! He almost punched the ogre, but fell on accident. His palm scrapped across the ogre's belly. Then, the ogre began to laugh. And it rolled on it's back, as well. Luigi began to rub it's belly again! The beast kept laughing. After this, the bunny transformed into a horrible creature. It was a trick! Just, not like he thought. Luigi fell down the warp pipe. And as soon as he landed, a gigantic Shy Guy came out of nowhere. It demanded that Luigi feed him. And if he didn't, he would eat him instead. Luigi got nervous. No food around. Luigi noticed that he was outside. At the top, was a full moon. It reminded him of the code Yoshi told him before he fell to his death. " Uhhh...the Shy Guy walks at midnight? Was that it?" The Big Shy Guy walked back. " Yes, I supose I should present to you, the second part of the code. He raised his hands. The big man did the strangest dance. It looked like the walking pattern of a goomba. Then, he fell on his back, like a koopa. Finally, he farted himself into the air, like he was riding on a cloud. A warp pipe appeared, and Luigi went down. " What was that all about? Whatever it was, it must have been a code! I've got to remember that dance! " At the beginging of the Pit of 10 Trials, Bob spoke to himself. " Yes! This is the one to free us! The bandits will soon be free! If Luigi completes the trials, are hopes will be restored! Come on, you can do it!"

Luigi had made it to level four. He thought this was too easy. But his next challange, would be a powerful challenge indeed. Just wait.....TO BE CONTINUED!!!

I'm a-Luigi! Number-a one!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2005, 09:14:53 PM »
Chapter 8: Disaster. Luigi looked on. " This is....the city?" Indeed, he was in the big city. Bob spoke to him. " If you can make every person in this city cry, you can move on to the next level!" Luigi stepped back. How in the world was he gonna make every one cry? Of course, he knew the author was ripping of something from an episode from the stupid Power Puff Girls, so he began to scream at him. "Darn it! What the heck are you doing? I thought you hated the PPG!! And why are you making me do this?" "Grr.....I used to like the PPG, but it got so stupid that I started to hate it! Just do the darn task!" Meanwhile, Bob had popcorn in hand, watching the two fight. It was funny. Okay, enough. Back to the story. Luigi shook it off, and began to look for a rain cloud. The sky was clear as day. Not a rain cloud in sight. Even though he was 100x stronger then Bogger, Butt head, and Bone Bag, Luigi didn't have that retarded ice power. So making a rain cloud would be impossible. The plumber searched for a water factory. He looked high and low for a giant toilet. A water park. A sewer. No good. He would have to do this the hard way. Not only that, but he would be timed. " WHAT? What do you mean timed? No one said I would be timed! You made that up!" " Of course I did. It would make this For me." Luigi smashed his hand into the ground. How would he complete this in...uhhh.....two minutes! " Okay, now you're just being mean! Fine, I've got a great idea!" Luigi knew this was fake. He really wasn't in the Mushroom Kingdom, just a virtual world. He jumped into the air and gathered energy. Launching an inferno at toads, goombas, koopas, bob-ombs, bullet bills, and piantas, he fried the city. Not a single man, woman or child went without crying. Luigi was happy....well, sort of. A pipe appeared, and he went down. Just then, he was stopped. Bob spoke again. " Luig! Disaster! We need your help! I'm transporting you to the main room upstairs! Hurry!" Luigi was inside the main room. What he saw was horrible. Millions of dark spirits were attacking! " Luigi," Bob screamed. " I don't have time to explain, but these creatures are dark spirits! They come from the Realm of Darkness, known as the Final Destination! Thye won't hurt you unless they are inside a body of a living person! Luigi snapped to it. "So that's why Yoshi and Birdo attacked us! Bob, do they increase overall strength?" Bob answered. " Yes, they do. But a strong sprit can resist the other's dark influence. Once inside, the spirit will only leave if you defeat it's new body." Luigi understood it all now. Most of it. It still didn't explain why Fawful attacked, and the weird code he learned earlier. He still didn't know why Yoshi had come back. " Luigi, I'll tell you what. We Bandit's have been terrorized by these creatures for some time now. If you git rid of them, I'll let you and your brother leave! Fail, and it's off to get the idea."  A dark spirit attacked a bandit. It became possesed! This next battle would test his strength. And everything else he had learned from his great adventure.....TO BE CONTINUED!

"Rockin Robots, Dr. Light!"~Megaman

"Rockin Robots, Dr. Light!"~Megaman

Edited by - PaperLuigi on 7/13/2005 8:15:33 PM
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2005, 12:13:54 PM »
Chapter 9: Injection. The entire room was filled with dark spirits and horrible screams. Bandits fell to there knees in pain. They had become one with the darkness. Their weapons transformed into large swords, about three feet larger then Luigi. And they were pretty darn heavy. "So thats the true power of darkness! It must increase overall power, because those weapons are huge!" Suddenly, Luigi felt a sharp pain. A dark spirit tried to make it's way into his body! "Oh no you don't! I'm not gonna let you take me!" Staying on his feet, Luigi powered up, trying to chase it away. It wasn't enough. The spirit kept going. " Luigi! Your brother wanted you to have this!" Bob tossed a Super Mushroom over to Luigi. He gulped it up fast. It was easy. The spirit left right after Luigi felt full control. Not long after this, a bunch of evil bandits attacked him. They grabbed hold of him, trying to prepare his execution. Luigi couldn't brake free. They were too strong. One by one, they stabbed him in the back. Blood had gushed all over the floor. "GAAAAAGHHHHGGHHH!!!!" The pain was greater then any other pain he has felt before. Not only this, but he felt something. Something he had felt long before. It felt like a chant, and it said....."Fear, doubt, anger, pain......" Luigi gathered a fireball, and blew them all away. Bob looked at Luigi. "Hey, were trying to save these guys, not kill them! What are you thinking?" Bob was furious. "Shut up, you crazy piece of @#%$!!!" Bob fell back. "What's your problem?" Luigi shook his head. Wha....whats going on? Whats wrong with me?" He looked over in the corner. A hammer was laying there. Grabbing it turned Luigi into Hammer Bro Luigi. "Yes! This will do." Luigi through a ton of hammers at the enemy. One by one, they fell to the ground. The spirits flew out of them. It was over. But something was wrong....."That was way too easy! I'm starting to think that the spirits were not here to kill you guys." Luigi then felt horrible. He had stopped bleeding, but his head was pounding. "Whats....going on?" They pain stopped, but he was not at ease. Bob came back, with Mario. "Here is your brother, just like I said. I even got some doctors to patch him up!" Luigi looked at his brother, and was overjoyed! "Mario, they were gonna kill you! And send you to some horrible pit below! Why are you so happy?" Bob spoke up. " No, when I said we were gonna stuff him, we would feed him with tons of food! And down below? I ment the bottom of the mountain! If you couldn't complete the trials, then you would not be ready to take on...him! I needed you guys to defeat our greatest enemy!" Luigi asked, "Who?" Bob answered. " Ludwig Von Koopa! For 6 months, we have lived in fear of him and his dark spirits! He has opened the realm of the dead, the Final Destination for humans and animals alike! You must defeat him! I see now you are ready for such a task! Go, Luigi and Mario! Go and destroy him! I'm sure my large Shy Guy has given you the second part of the pass word? You need it to enter his cave of darkness." Luigi said no more. He knewjust about everything he needed to know. Shaking Bob's hand, he left with Mario. Still, he was hurt in the mind, and body. He could have sworn someone said, "Death to the Kingdom.....You shall bring darkness, my pawn....."

At the top, Ludwig was pleased. His spirits had injected Luigi with power. Dark power......"Now, my pawn, you shall bring darkness opon this pathetic world....My father would have been proud. One day, I will find him in this dark realm, and bring him back. The same power that fueled Death's Gamble will help me destroy everything in my path.....It's time to die, Mario!" TO BE CONTINUED.

"Rockin Robots, Dr. Light!"~Megaman
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?

« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2005, 07:08:01 AM »
I think these are really good stories

« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2005, 02:42:23 PM »
Thank you! That makes me feel better.

"Rockin Robots, Dr. Light!"~Megaman
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?
