
Author Topic: Wacko dreams  (Read 229496 times)


« Reply #90 on: November 12, 2006, 11:34:58 AM »
That's more awesome than Boo's dream!

« Reply #91 on: November 12, 2006, 11:51:19 AM »
Last night I had a dream where I was down stairs and suddenly I went upstairs and called my friends dad who I know from scouts.  I say to him that there are ghosts living downstairs.  And for some odd reason in my dream, his career is to find where ghosts live.  he comes over and it is a rainy day, and he takes some instruments downstairs and tells me to wait outside while he conducts some experaments.  He comes back out and says he found nothing, so my mom said "Good now you can still sleep downstairs."  Well it was only mid-day and really rainy outside, so I guess I went down to take a knap while she left to go somewhere.  I wake up and my action figures are on the floor walking around.  and my mom calls to tell me to clean them up, but she does not know that they are alive and walking on the ground.  And then I guess I take them apart and throw them away but later that night they came back as one big action figure.  It sounds really scary but I had no feelings of anguish or fright in this dream, only a really sullenness mood was in the air.
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #92 on: November 12, 2006, 06:03:48 PM »
I had a dream last night that I was turned into a robot. It was really weird.
"If they make greeting cards to thank people for helping with evil plans, I owe you one!" ~Dimentio, Super Paper Mario

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #93 on: November 12, 2006, 09:30:57 PM »
That's it? No elaboration?
That was a joke.


  • Old Person™
« Reply #94 on: November 12, 2006, 09:36:05 PM »
I dreamed this morning that my wife had asked me how I felt, and I said, "carrot", but meant to say, "pickle" then realized that I really felt "stiff", and couldn't figured out why I'd thought "pickle", or thought I'd said, "carrot".  Strange.  (Here's and extra comma, for good measure.)
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."


  • Giddy fangirl
« Reply #95 on: November 13, 2006, 02:07:33 PM »
Hmmmmm, mabye you dreamt with Buggs Bunny.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.


  • Bruised
« Reply #96 on: November 14, 2006, 05:21:01 PM »
I was in my English teacher's dream once.
Regards, Uncle Dolan

« Reply #97 on: November 14, 2006, 05:59:39 PM »
I had the weirdest dream I've ever had in... days. I had a dream where weird half-ghost, half-people like things were taking over the world, and if they touched you, you would turn into one of them. Well, eventually, they took over my house and they tried to "convert" me, but I constantly avoided them. In fear of what they might do to me, I took a knife out of a kitchen drawer and tried to get rid of them. They constantly avoided me, and every time I tried to hit them, this Pokemon-like text box appeared saying "[Name] used [mess of gibberish]! But, it failed!"
Then I woke up to find my bed in a giant mess of unorganized sheets and pillows.

The Chef

  • Super
« Reply #98 on: November 23, 2006, 09:40:17 AM »
I forgot to mention these before, but a few nights ago I had a dream where I was given a new custom title here at the forums. I can't remember what it was or who gave it to me.

Last night I dreamed about bacon and eggs.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #99 on: November 29, 2006, 12:57:27 PM »
Last night I dreamt that we had an Atari 5200 at work and one of the dudes at work wanted to buy it.
It was some sort of modular vacuum cleaner.
That was a joke.


  • Mushroom_Boy's best pal
« Reply #100 on: November 29, 2006, 01:39:09 PM »
The Chupperson dream reminds me a wacko dream that I had in the past.
I was in a videogame-store and none was around. Just me with tons of videogames and consoles, only for me.
So I take a AMIGA32CD, some NES Carts and several misc stuff and runaway.
When I return to my home I open the door pretty happy for my adventure, so the door opens and a giant
ATARI 2600 punch me in the face.
Mind in blank.
I wake up.

Before I go to bed I always scream "Everybody's doin' a brand new dance now and some girl appears and say  "Come on baby do the loco-motion".


« Reply #101 on: November 29, 2006, 04:53:23 PM »
What part did the ATARI "punch" you with?

« Reply #102 on: November 29, 2006, 07:26:50 PM »
Awwwwwwesssoooooomee.  I wish a giant Atari 2600 would punch me in the face.  Watch I just jynxed myself and when I open the front door tonight at midnight, a big Atari 2600 is going to punch me in the face and knock me out.
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #103 on: November 29, 2006, 07:36:28 PM »
Yeah I'd say the sooner he gets off the pot, the better.

Anyway I had a dream that I had a Wii, and- no wait I explained that one already.

Anyway I had another dream that I got a Wii for Christmas, and then I upload- no, I'd rather not explain that one.

Anyway I haven't had many wacko dreams recently, so...
« Last Edit: November 29, 2006, 07:49:58 PM by Vidgmchtr »
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #104 on: December 01, 2006, 06:23:38 PM »
I feel weird about making another post, because the last post was mine. I WAS going to edit it, as with the former, it's just bad to have two consecutive posts, but with the latter, the thread does not go to the top of the page, and the edit would probably go ignored. So, I'm going to just make another post. Don't yell.

So, I actually HAD a sharable wacko dream. Just last night.

The dream was fairly coherent though factually inaccurate at a lot of points (most of the beginning of my dream there was some sort of block party and I was reading up information on Frank McCourt and flashbacks of stuff he apparently did in my dream happened though they didn't in real life).

Though, that was the beginning of the dream, which I forgot most of, and it was pretty boring anyway. I'd say the most wacko part was toward the end.

I was inside of my house, and some guy was there as well, talking to me, telling me stuff I do not remember. I was going to take a walk (the guy followed me and continued to talk as I listened), and as I left, there was an unconscious tanuki (one that looked like the statues, not the actual animal) on my lawn. It was big, approximately 5 feet tall, and probably had a waist twice as big as mine. Oh, it had clothing on. It also seemed to be missing things it carried (it was apparent in my dream I saw the tanuki before). Its clothing consisted of a huge pair of shorts, and a vest (opened). As I continued to walk down the street, there was another unconscious tanuki on another lawn, wearing similar clothing, also having stuff stolen from it.

When I got to a third one, the guy who was talking to me saw the confused look on my face, and asked me what was wrong.

"You know, I thought tanukis only existed in quadrupedal form. And, not in this country."

After I said this, the third one regained consciousness, and looked at the house he was laying in front of. The look on his face quickly changed to an annoyed one, and it walked up to the front door and rang the bell. As it waited it leaned on the railing of the stoop, which it then started to tap on out of boredom.

The guy then quietly laughed and said to me "heh, he thinks the people of that home stole his stuff!"
"...I stole his stuff."
"And the other two?"
"Those too. They're dead. I killed them. I got lazy by the third one, so I guess I forgot to kill him."

After that, a loud noise (my alarm) went off, and it was heard by the tanuki, me, and the crazy guy, and I woke up.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."
