But with nearly a second delay inbetween when you press a button and when the character reacts in Brawl's wifi is sorta a game breaker.
Pfffffft... try telling that to some people on this forum (read: WarpRattler) and you'll be met with "OH u just suck LOL yourre not a reel gamer if u cant get used 2 teh 1 second button lagz"
Back on topic, however, the subject Forest Guy was mentioning: all my friends have gone to do something.
They've either turned into druggies, went to jail, moved away, went to college, got jobs somewhere else, don't play games at all anymore, they're up their girlfriend's butts, or I hear the classic "durr LOL ninetendo is 4 kiddiez LoL" ....so basically, NSMB Wii is going to be a one player affair for me. Oh, and I broke up with my girlfriend of 3+ years, so there goes playing with her, as well.
LD's "It's a glitch, not a mode" comment made me laugh in agreement.