
Author Topic: Re: The Origin of the Koopalings  (Read 8077 times)

« on: January 30, 2002, 04:29:35 AM »
No evidence to support it,but I think Bowser married some Koopa lady, they had the koopalings,then there was an ugly divorce,and he got stuck with the kids...for a while,anyway...this'd also explain why the kids are abscent...Their mom has custody for the moment.

~Just one theory...there are many.~

Edited by - Winx on 1/30/2002 2:33:52 AM

« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2002, 07:04:00 AM »
why does everyone think Bowser and Lena (his wife) are devorced. Maby she just likes to stay at home and watch the castle when Bowser goes out. And maby the koopa kids are just very buisy with high school or something... well I think Nintendo is really starting to notice the koopa kids again soo....maby they might be back

Man 1: I must say we have a very exiting proposal.

Man 2: A video game bassed on your many adventures.

Man 1: What would you call it?

Iggy and Spike:..... "The Super Koopa Cousins!"
CANADA RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2002, 07:36:42 AM »
Red-Well...Bowser has begun to take a bit of a liking towards Peach,you see...or that is the semi-popular belief,going by his Diary entry in Paper Mario, and the Super Mario Adventures comic. Bowser says to his offspring in this comic- ''I've done a Mighty fine job of raising you kids,but I've been need a mother. So I have proposed to Princess Toadstool.'' It was featured in Nintendo Power quite some time ago,from what I've heard.  I could send you a scan of that page if you desparately need to see it.

I'm sure it'd be fine with a divorced or deceased spouse,but if they were still together,Bowser might be in for it at home.

~It's not a good idea to stay at home in the Mushroom Kingdom anyway. Castles tend to get destroyed quite often. o..o;~

Edited by - Winx on 1/30/2002 5:49:06 AM

« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2002, 08:40:24 AM »
Well, I have several theories but one of my favorite is this:

Koopas don't reproduce ***ually. Certainly, they have gender, but that's just an evolutionary throw-back from their ancestors. They no longer use this primative, messy and inefficient method. Why would they when they have such powerful magic to simply create new Koopas with?  Most likely Kamek (or Bowser himself) created the Koopalings from stones. One piece of evidence to support this theory is right outta Super Mario World in which Magikoopas create yellow-shelled Koopas out of blocks right before Mario's eyes.

That's just one of my theories. My problems with it include the following: This method of reproduction does away with genetic heredity. Unless..well, unless we say that the Koopa that casts the animation spell to bring a rock to life gets his genes (with a few mutations) passed along to his magical offspring. That makes me question something, though. Where did Bowser come from? Well, he couldn't be Kamek's creation, for Kamek doesn't look anything like Bowser. They are nearly different species. Ah, but here is our solution, Bowser is not an example of magical reproduction. No, he was born the old way. Who were his parents? That's a whole other kettle of fish, but I buy into the Mario comic's explaination. Bowser is the son of a dragon, born to a koopa and destined to rule the Koopa Clan.


« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2002, 02:25:32 PM »
Bowser's kind of like Anastasia, you know, the king sensed the family was in danger, so he hid Bowser away or whatever, and the koopa kid thing is simple: Turtles, to mate, this is pretty disgusting, find a female turtle, bite her feet, she withdraws them into her shell, then flip her over. you know the rest. so maybe Bowser did the same thing. and besides, so what if Bowser likes Peach? have you ever heard of something called "cheating on your wife"?

« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2002, 03:10:22 PM »
Well, did you read mine on a post called "Where the Koopa Kids Came From".  Well, I think mine makes alot of sense, but I'm not sure of the woman's name!
And in this crazy world, we have to ask there anything more important than hockey?

« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2002, 08:51:02 PM »
Frostbite, turtles don't mate exactly like that. The male turtle does not flip the female turtle over. They don't mate belly-to-belly. In some species, however, they do bite each other lightly (often on the legs), so you are in part correct.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, we don't care *how* Bowser mates, but rather IF he mated at all to produce the Koopa Kids. And with whom?


« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2002, 02:07:18 AM »
Frostbite- Of course I have,but you think they'd let something like that by in a Mario game? o..o;

Male turtles' plastrons (bottom shell plates) generally curve inward,so they can stay on the female. The male sometimes threatens to tip the female if she doesn't wanna let him have his way,but I've never heard of them tipping to mate. They'd die if they couldn't right themselves,so it would have defeated the whole purpose of mating.

Bowser is anthropomorphic (meaning he has human charictaristics),though,so he probably does things differently.

TTek- I suppose that is a bit more logical than some others, but it just doesn't sound right to me. I don't know...

~This topic might be deleted soon. x..@~

« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2002, 09:02:59 AM »
I've never heard of male turtles becoming so aggressive towards their mates to the point of tipping them over. In some species of tortoise, competing males try to tip each other over when fighting over a female. This is not a general occurance in the chelonian world. Oh, by the way, most species of turtles and tortoises are able to right themselves if they are tipped.

Anyway, to stear this topic back to where it should be:
Winx: You are right, my theory does make some sense, and it is logically sound, but I don't like it much either. It doesn't seem right. Here is a more traditional theory:

The Koopa kids are the produce of natural reproduction. Koopas, being basically anthropomorphized turtles, share many traits with real-life turtles. They are social to an extent but they don't form close-knit ties with their mates. King Bowser, wanting offspring (or perhaps just obeying a more primal urge), mated with a female koopa. Who? Well, it doesn't really matter much. Could be some random Koopa, perhaps one of high rank. After she laid her eggs, her role as mother ended. I don't think Bowser had her killed off, I just think she really didn't have much to do with the koopalings to begin with. Now, the Koopalings where born just a few years before SMB3, I think. How is it possible that they where so capable so soon after their birth? Simple. They are turtles, remember? Well, meer hours after being born, baby turtles are almost as capable as they would be as adults. They don't have a prolonged "baby" phase during which they are helpless and completely dependant upon their parents. Or, on the other hand, the Koopa kids could be much older than that and we (from Mario's point of view) just never saw them until we had to fight them. As for their small size compared to Bowser, if their mother is a koopa and you buy into the dragon/koopa thing, the Koopalings only have 1/4 dragon blood, whereas Bowser has 1/2.

What do you think? More specifically, what do you think about the whole Bowser's father being a dragon theory? My only sources of evidence for that are the Mario comic and well, that Bowser looks like a dragon and can breathe fire.


« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2002, 06:55:17 PM »
TTek-meh..only know what I've heard about turtles from my field guides and documentaries I've seen...not like I'm a herpetologist or anything,so you probably know better than I do.

The 2nd theory seems to fit better,IMO. I don't know about the dragon thing,though. I always figured Bowser & his kids were all the same species 100%. Just me... I always heard hybrids couldn't produce offspring,though,but maybe I'm misinformed.

~It's hard to know the fraudulent info from the legitimate scoop~

« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2002, 11:25:17 AM »
Winx, I'm no herpetologist, either, turtle breeding is my hobby. Speaking of hybrids, some species of turtle can interbreed and the resulting hybrids can also reproduce. Actually, what we call North American box turtles do this very often in the wild.

If Bowser's father was a dragon and his mother was your ordinary koopa, then he is 1/2 dragon. If the Koopalings' father was Bowser and their mother was another ordinary koopa, then they are 1/4 dragon. I've always liked Bowser's back story from the Mario Comics. Oh, and according to it, the reason we have never seen Bowser's father is because he was slain by a knight from the Mushroom Kingdom before Bowser was born.

If we disregard the comic, then how do we explain Bowser's monsterous form? Why can he breathe fire? Simple solution! There seems to be several different races of "koopa" anyway. There are Lakitus, Troopas, Magikoopas (well, we can't see much of them, they are probably the same species as Troopas), Hammer Brothers (larger, more muscular troopas), Boom-Booms, Paratroopas (although, I maintain that they are just under a flight spell), etc. You get the idea. So, perhaps, King Bowser and his kids are all of the Royal Koopa race. The only problem with this is how do the Royal Koopas reproduce? There only seems to be one family of them. Do they dilute their blood and with each generation become more like other koopas or do they practice inbreeding? If so, where is Bowser's Wife/Sister?


« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2002, 02:41:44 PM »
I believe that bowser did not "leave his wife" as you all seem to think. Rather, his wife is at the Keep, just ordering the koopas around... and loving it. I believe she has cheated on bowser and bowser stole pech to make her jealous.
I will now base some evidence on Morton Koopa Jr. ...
The Jr. part of his name means... well, for all intensive perpouses, it means he was born naturally. and that bowsers official name is: King Bowser Morton Koopa.
Bowser does have another child... ME!

« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2002, 02:41:52 PM »
I believe that bowser did not "leave his wife" as you all seem to think. Rather, his wife is at the Keep, just ordering the koopas around... and loving it. I believe she has cheated on bowser and bowser stole pech to make her jealous.
I will now base some evidence on Morton Koopa Jr. ...
The Jr. part of his name means... well, for all intensive perpouses, it means he was born naturally. and that bowsers official name is: King Bowser Morton Koopa. Sr.
Bowser does have another child... ME!

« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2002, 03:22:52 PM »
Will you leave the stupid Morton thing out of this??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!

I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon
I''m the leader of the Koopa Bros.We''re hip and cool and uh... we like bacon

« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2002, 02:07:02 AM »
I guess we can just chalk all this up to lack of conclusion due to lack of information. We really don't know much about what King Bowser does in his free time. We don't know anything about his family, or much about his history. Most of the information we have is from the good guys' point of view. Oh well.

Say, here's another interesting koopa question: What is the koopa homeland? Where are they from? Dark Land? Dinosaur Land? Some other far-off, unheard of land?

