
Author Topic: Wacko dreams  (Read 229541 times)


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« Reply #840 on: April 05, 2010, 11:21:12 PM »
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

« Reply #841 on: April 12, 2010, 07:06:14 AM »
Last night I had another dream about the St. Lawrence River on the top of New York.  This has been a recurring theme in most of my dreams and lately I'm wondering if I do so because of a deep spiritual connection with the land in that area.

Every time I dream of this place I'm either at my cottage by the waterfront or directly in the water.  This time I was directly in the water, floating in an innertube and relaxing in the hot sun and cool water.

I flipped over on the innertube, onto my stomach and looked down through the clear water to the sub-terrainian landscape below.  It must've been atleast 60 feet below me.  As I gazed down, pondering the meaning of life, I again could see the prehestoric aquatic leviathans I have seen multiple times whenever I dream of the River.

This time I was not frightened at all, somehow I already knew they were down there, and I looked down on them as they went about their busy day.

This has been making me think a great deal of the history of that River and what has lived there in prehistoric times.  Were these creatures native to this part of the world when they were still around?  May a couple or maybe even a few still be around, although elusive to the human eye?
I only watch [adult swim]


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« Reply #842 on: April 13, 2010, 07:19:53 AM »
Part of my dream last night involved something about Mickey Mouse being based on an actual person.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

« Reply #843 on: April 22, 2010, 06:12:12 PM »
WARNING: You will not believe this dream. And I will not blame you for it. I wouldn't believe anyone who claimed to have this dream, either. This will also be long, tedious, and test your attention span. Thank you.

In the beginning, I was at my friend's house (even though I only know this person via the internet, and not very well for that matter). For some reason I wanted to take a shower (which was conveniently in the bedroom. Not in a bathroom in the bedroom, just the bedroom itself) so I decided to look for some towels. In one of the closets in the room, for some reason, was a bunch of my underwear, neatly folded, along with some towels. So I took some of the towels, along with a fresh pair of my clothes into the shower, even though they would get wet. I didn't want people seeing me getting dressed (despite the fact that the shower was made of that glass that you can kind of see through, though not very well). Then my friend's mother came in, opened the shower door, and told me "Let the cat in at 1:30." I tried to remember this, but forgot eventually. When I looked at the clock, which was conveniently in the shower (I was still in the shower at this point) it was around 1:50pm, so I jump out of the shower (I'm somehow magically dressed now) and go to the door to see a cat sitting before me, wanting to be let out. But I couldn't remember if I was supposed to let the cat out, or let him in and someone had already done that, or what. Then I think my friend's mother came back suddenly and let the cat out. I really cannot remember.

Then I remember sitting on the couch with my friend, who in reality is sixteen, but in the dream was a nine year old Jewish boy with glasses, and that fanciful beanie. So we're watching TV, and talking, and cuddling somewhat, when all of the sudden my mother enters the dream (she looked like Heather from Silent Hill 3, though. This entire dream is very Silent Hill-influenced). She was wearing fishnet stockings that only reached up to the knee. Suddenly, the stocking on her left leg grew a mouth, and that mouth grew extremely large, and began spewing blood. The mouth then rampaged around, killing everyone and everything, except for me. Then I remember looking at what appeared to be a map, and in the lower right hand corner of the map, there was this small box. The box was filled with certain symbols that represented the presence of monsters, and two of my dead friends (apparently this wasn't the first time my mother had killed a friend of mine). So that made me very upset. Then the dream changed, and my mother, sister, and I were all in our kitchen, and my mother was standing in the corner of the kitchen. Here's where the dream begins to sound extremely made up, and rather cliché. Her eyes turned this super bright light blue color, and blood began flowing out of her mouth. She was looking upwards, and saying something, but I don't remember what she was saying.

So at this point, I'm fairly certain my mother is possessed. She did not seem to see the seriousness of the situation, however, and just blew me off when I tried to talk to her about it. Then once again, the dream changed. I was in a different room and I was on my bed, but the room wasn't my room. It was either made of wood, or just extremely rusty. I don't think there was a floor, either (in fact I'm fairly certain my bed was simply levitating). So I decide to call my best friend, to discuss the recent events of my mother becoming possessed and killing people and such. So I call him, and we talk, and I'm all like "You're not going to believe this, but I think my mother is possessed." And he wasn't taking it seriously, and eventually had to go. So I was alone again. Once again, the room changed, and now I was in this room entirely made of what appeared to be flesh. As if I was inside of something. One of the walls was entirely taken up by this huge metal mouth-esque type of thing, with rows of metal teeth. The mouth opened and closed in a rhythmic fashion. It also breathed fire! So at this point, I think to myself "Wait... Maybe this is a dream. IT HAS TO BE." So I begin to change my dream as I'm having it (which is hard to do, but I was able to do it. Unless I just dreamed that I was dreaming and that I changed my dream, which would be weird), and I thought "What are the happiest things ever..." hoping that maybe happiness would triumph against evil, horrible thingies. My first thought was "Disney Princesses" (why? Heck if I know), so there they were, and they all started flying and fighting the evil in the room (what they actually had to fight, I can't remember. Whether or not there were monsters of some kind in the room, along with the mechanical mouth, I can't recall. Perhaps they weren't actually fighting anything, but in my mind they were helping me "fight" the bad dream). But, alas, they failed, which was oh-so disappointing. Basically at that point in the dream, I committed suicide, but that took me into the room below the one I was just in (the walls and floor were the same). More spikes, and I forget what else. But I think I just committed suicide again. Then I was outside. It was foggy and I remember a chain link fence. I think they (I have no idea who "they" are) were giving me a final chance to escape, so I start running, and I'm suddenly this robotic acorn with legs (reminiscent to the Pokemon "Seedot"). Another, bigger, fatter robotic acorn with legs then begins chasing me. It suddenly turned into a racing game, and there were these pads on the ground that would make you go faster/spin if you ran on them. This race was in laps, I'm not sure why. But right as I was about to win, I finally woke up.

This dream will forever top all dreams I've ever had, or ever will have.

« Reply #844 on: April 22, 2010, 06:49:34 PM »
She was wearing fishnet stockings that only reached up to the knee. Suddenly, the stocking on her left leg grew a mouth, and that mouth grew extremely large, and began spewing blood. The mouth then rampaged around, killing everyone and everything

That's... really something, Starfish.

Also somewhere in there, I found Weegee on YouTube, and most of his videos seemed to be animations illustrating very odd, though doctrinally sound, Christian allegories. One, which looked kind of Seussian, was about some kind of legless floating land whale who suddenly grew a line of hair vertically down its body, and the only way to get rid of the hair was to attach it all to a palm tree and burn the tree down. The hair represents sin, the whale represents us, the tree represents Christ, etc.

Somehow I hadn't noticed this until now. Being featured in someone else's dream always makes me feel involuntarily intrusive.
YYur  waYur n beYur you Yur plusYur instYur an Yur Yur whaYur

« Reply #845 on: April 26, 2010, 10:28:24 PM »
I actually went on a roller coaster with Paul McCartney in my dream. That was amazing

« Reply #846 on: April 27, 2010, 10:32:03 AM »
I had a fairly disturbing clip of a dream the other night.  I was at the creek in the back of my property swimming and having a nice time by myself, it was a nice day out.  I go under one more time and as I come out, the sky in the North started to darken until it was the blackest I've ever seen in (almost as dark as the night).  I get out of the water start drying off and pretty soon the sky all around me is turning this way until its all around me.  I started to run through the field and as I did so one strong beam of light cut through the darkness in the sky and shown on me as I ran.  It was not the sun, but rather, like the strength of a billion suns.  Then I woke up.
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #847 on: May 03, 2010, 04:26:22 PM »
I am having increase difficulty recalling my dreams lately.  I have a number of theories as to the cause of it.  First I thought it was because my life has been going really well the past few months, and I didn't need a place to escape to anymore.  But I'm going to take some measures to see if I can get back to the level I was used to by starting to take vitamins, and not watching TV before I go to bed.  Instead I'll just lay there like before I had a TV in my room and reflect on my busy day.  And just for fun... maybe I'll make a new dream catcher.
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #848 on: May 03, 2010, 08:06:49 PM »
Last night I had a dream where I was on a small asteroid with a colony of aliens living on it. These aliens were probably more advanced than us, though their emotions and behavior were pretty close to a human's. Most of them had no arms whatsoever, while a few others had robotic arms. Despite that, neither the armless or robotic-armed aliens had any trouble with holding or manipulating objects. When I asked an armless alien about how she (well, at least I thought it was a she) could manipulate things, she told me something about how her brain and psychology worked and how that somehow allowed her to pick up objects without arms.

I don't remember much else, but I clearly remember a part where I was in a building, and another alien was telling me that he had actually worked on a Super Smash Bros. game. He said he had told Masahiro Sakurai not to overpower the pokéballs.

Also, I think Popeye and Hagar the Horrible were in there somewhere.

« Reply #849 on: May 05, 2010, 03:36:42 PM »
I have to say, since I have started my new routine.  I have been thinking more clearly and remembering my dreams with a lot more ease.

A couple days ago I was reading one of my favorite books "Breaking Open the Head" by Daniel Pinchbeck.  I was near the end when I was reading an acount by him in which he tried a new drug he received from a friend.  The drug was DPT.  Short for Dipropyltryptamine, DPT is similar to that of the composition of DMT.  But unlike DMT, DPT is not a naturally occuring substance, and only came about when it was synthesized a few decades ago.

While dipropyltryptamine is chemically similar to dimethyltryptamine, its psychoactive effects are markedly different.

The most prominent features of the DPT experience are increased significance or intensity of music, colors take on a new intensity or appearance, the body may have a buzz or vibratory feeling, a pleasant sensation of warmth, complete ego loss, apparitions of faces.

Daniel Pinchbecks acount intrigued me so much that last night I had a dream where I tried it by means of insufflation.

The visuals were remarkable, looking at my friends face as I brought my head up.  My whole world seemed to desinagrate before my eyes. 

This dream isn't so remarkable to me because of what I saw, even though remarkable doesn't even begin to describe my visuals.  This intrigues me because it makes me think of how the subconscious helps bring about latent desires.

This also makes me wonder if in my dream, because I actually thought I was trying a new drug.  Did my brain simultaniously release an even larger dose of DMT while I was dreaming, in placeof the DPT I thought I was doing in my dream?  To substitute the visuals of course, and to replace the DPT that did not naturally occur in my brain?
I only watch [adult swim]


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« Reply #850 on: May 07, 2010, 08:43:27 PM »
Quote from: In a dream, my grandma describing That Girl
Her eyes just scream "love"...
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

« Reply #851 on: May 09, 2010, 07:41:02 PM »
Explain yourself.
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #852 on: May 11, 2010, 02:46:31 PM »
I had a very interesting dream last night.  Very compelling, and its made me think a lot today.  Right when I was able to fall asleep, there I was atop a cliff in what looked like a desert in one of the western states of the USA.  Again, surrounded by darkness, the night sky was lit up by a monster of a thunderstorm.  It had not started to rain yet.

There before me was a native american indian, all clad in tribal attire.  Bear claws on his necklace, feathers hanging from his hair (beads too), a loin cloth, but instead of a headdress he wore a wolf skin over his head.  The arms of the wolf came over his shoulders and the wolf's head sat directly above his.  He was complete with war paint also.

Coincidentally he was sitting "Indian Style" across from me, a medium sized fire sat between us.  I was standing.  I did not get a good look at myself but at some point I'm pretty sure I was also clad in traditional indian clothing as well, war paint also.  I could feel the breeze blowing across my bare skin.  I also remember holding a spear.

He looked at me and did not speak, but motioned me to do something.  Somehow, without having to verbally comunicate, I knew what he was asking of me.  I looked up toward the sky and I held my spear above my head.  As a prolonged flashed of lightning streaked across the sky, I started to chant what I can only remember as "Ounatek!" repeatedly for about four or five times.

Bringing my head back down after I was done, looking for his approval, he threw some powder from a laced leather bag into the flames.  What came out was a hawk made a green flame.  Then the dream was done.

This has to be the latest out of at least 15 other dreams I've had interactions with native americans.  But I've never experienced an initiation like this before.  It's left me dumbfounded.  What does this mean?
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #853 on: May 11, 2010, 03:13:06 PM »
It means, "time to lay off the peyote".

Sorry. Anyways, Native American totem poles are typically carved as human heads topped with animals which represent certain elements and attibutes. Perhaps you've been trying to achieve or exhibit some trait which you perceive such fierce creatures as wolves to have. The recurrently-appearing Indians mean only what they represent to you, rather than anything specific: They could signify savagery or spirituality or anything in between, depending on one's outlook regarding them.
YYur  waYur n beYur you Yur plusYur instYur an Yur Yur whaYur

« Reply #854 on: May 11, 2010, 08:14:02 PM »
Well, I'm glad you didn't just write it off.  It does mean something to me, I'm just not sure what that is yet.  I just understand that its important, maybe it signifies a right of passage of some sort, something I've overcome.
I only watch [adult swim]
