
Author Topic: Review on LotR  (Read 1508 times)

« on: March 02, 2009, 03:08:29 PM »
LotR is a very great book. I have also seen the movies many times. So this review will also have notes and comparisons between the book and the movies.

Story: 8/10
Gandalf has discovered that The Ring Frodo owns is The One Ring which belongs to The Dark Lord Sauron. Sauron was returning to power and taking over all lands in Middle-Earth. Sauron was already very strong, but if he were to get his ring again, he would be unstoppable. Now to stop Sauron from getting the ring, Frodo must tke into the heart of Sauron's kingdom, where the ring could be destroyed. But you probably knew that already.

This book is very long. Took me two months to read it. Over a thousand pages long.

Effects: 10/10
The effects in this book were awesome. THEY WERE WORDS!!!

About the movies
This book was way better than the movies. I have seen the movies many times and remembered almost every part. Even though I remembered every part of the movies, the book wasn't spoiled for me because of how the movies difffered from the book. There was events, fights, twists and information that were completely left out of the movies that were in the book. The first movie left many events out. The second movie was different from the book in almost every way. The third movie left out many twists, a certain event that I wont mention here because I don't want to spoil it for you and just was not as good as the book.

Book Overall: 10/10
A very good book. When Tolkien wrote the book, he divided it up into six parts. He wanted it to be published into one book, but it was published into three volumes with two parts in it each. In both The Two Towers and The Return of the King, the first part tells of the adventures of Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Pippin and Merry. The second part tells of the journey of Frodo and Sam.

This book was memorable from beginning to ending. It is smart to read The Hobbit before LotR. This is the slowest book I have ever read. It is about 200 pages before it gets really good and any real fighting begins, but between there and the beginning there are several thrilling and sometimes scary events that just let you know that epic parts will be coming up later in the book.
One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them. One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
