
Author Topic: News Flash!! SquareSoft's Return Is Bad News!!  (Read 4609 times)

« on: March 09, 2002, 04:32:07 PM »
I just recently found out that this news isn't all it's crack up to be.

It seems as though one of the "exclusive" titles SquareSoft will be bringing us is a video game version of their anime show, Final Fantasy Unlimited.

Why is this bad news, you ask? This is main three reason.

1.Their anime show isn't exactly getting good ratings for particular reasons that I'm sure you Mario fans can figure out.

2.You know how everybody is getting all excited about Resident Evil because it is exclusive to GameCube now? This is probably a tactic by SquareSoft to get millions of people to buy their new video game. They probably do a much better remake of the game on the Playstation 3.

3.Sony owns about 20% of SquareSoft. So if millions of people buy Final Fantasy Unlimited, then not only will Square get millions of dollars, but so will Sony.


And you know what the really bad part of this is? Square is not even really making this game. One of their affiliate(The ones who created Legend of Mana and SaGa), will be. And as history have shown, they are not as good as SquareSoft at making RPGs.

But that's not all, folks! For years, Nintendo fans have been whining about how Yamauchi should retired because he keeps making stupid decisions(Even though he doesn't!), and now when he finally gave in and let Square make games for them, they are calling him a genius!

Yet, in reality, this is an incredibly stupid move. Because Yamauchi's new program is funding Square's affiliate, and what that means is, SQUARE WON'T LOSE A DIME IF FINAL FANTASY UNLIMITED FLOPS! As a matter of fact, they will be gaining money, and so will Sony.

But that's not the end! SquareSoft will be making ports of their past popular games! This means Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and more for the GameBoy Advance!!

And after they make a couple of millions from the ports, they will make some new Final Fantasies and maybe even a new series for the Playstation 3!

Oh, and did you know that SquareSoft plans to make Final Fantasy Unlimited their new series? Guess who's going to have that franchise exclusively when all of the new systems comes out!

As a matter of fact, I'll even give you a hint. The system begins with a P and rhymes with Glaystation!

The End.

"What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn''t? You either dismiss it or accept that there is much more to the world than you think."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
"Here We Go!"

- Mario
"Here We Go!"
- Mario

« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2002, 04:58:12 PM »
The people at Nintendo aren't morons- they can forsee stuff like what you mentioned going on.  The main thing is, Square isn't evil, and they're not going to try to shamelessly trick Nintendo on behalf of Sony.
What'chu talkin' bout, Dextah?

« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2002, 05:29:28 PM »
it ture what you are saying but at the same time nintendo make more than sony with that come out for game put it simpe 20 gos to sony 40 gos to nintendo and 40 to square nintendo sill got the upper hand in a way.

« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2002, 10:05:09 PM »

Yes, the people at Nintendo aren't morons, but the fact of the matter is, Final Fantasy sell systems. If Nintendo can get a Final Fantasy game on their system, then their GameCube sales will rise.

And no, I'm not saying that the people of Square will trick Nintendo. I'm saying that they are making easy money without any risk.

Nintendo is definitely making a VERY stupid move with this decision. This is benefit Sony in the long run.

"What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn''t? You either dismiss it or accept that there is much more to the world than you think."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
"Here We Go!"

- Mario
"Here We Go!"
- Mario

« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2002, 10:07:29 PM »

It doesn't matter. The money made from the Final Fantasy sales will be use to make more games for Sony without the fear of losing too much money. This will benefit Sony in the long run.

"What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn''t? You either dismiss it or accept that there is much more to the world than you think."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
"Here We Go!"

- Mario
"Here We Go!"
- Mario

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2002, 09:40:03 AM »
Hmm, I disagree with pretty much everything you've said, but this is only my opinion, so don't let me persuede you to think otherwise.

1. Good ratings don't necessarily mean much. Ratings proove popularity, and as we know a popular show does not make it good, nor does an unpopular show make it bad. Can we remember Clerks? It only ran two out of the six episodes made before it was canceled, but if you watch them, you'd see how good they are.

2. "Probably" I am seeing this term used quite a bit. As these are only assumptions. Who knows if Square will make revamped versions of Cube games for the PS 2 or 3. Who's to say that it might not work the other way around? I could say that they would "probably" make even better games for Nintendo's new system. That doesn't make it any more true.

3. So, Sony makes some more money. It doesn't really matter if they make a little bit more. Some seem to forget Sony is not only a video game producer but is in the whole electronic market, so I don't see Nintendo destroying them relatively soon with or without Square's help.


 Ah, I am assuming you work for Square now, or you are really quite talented at guessing. Who is to say that Square will not produce the new games they release on the Cube as well? Or, maybe they are using the revenue from Sony to make better games for the Cube. It doesn't matter how Square is making money, nor from which system, for it goes to the same place anyway, which goes towards making new and hopefully better games. And what about Capcom, or Enix, or any company that makes games for Sony and Nintendo? Why aren't they planning on "using Nintendo fans to make better games for the Playstation?"

"And you know what the really bad part of this is? Square is not even really making this game. One of their affiliate(The ones who created Legend of Mana and SaGa), will be. And as history have shown, they are not as good as SquareSoft at making RPGs."

 True, an affiliate is creating the game coming to the Cube. However, who is to say that it wont be good? What about Mario games? They seem to be getting better and better, eh? So the affiliates had some bad games, you can say as Much for Square USA as well. Can anyone say Final Fantasy Mystic Quest? How about Final Fantasy the Movie? Such things are terrible, but none the less, they continue to put out good games.

"But that's not all, folks! For years, Nintendo fans have been whining about how Yamauchi should retired because he keeps making stupid decisions(Even though he doesn't!), and now when he finally gave in and let Square make games for them, they are calling him a genius!

Yet, in reality, this is an incredibly stupid move. Because Yamauchi's new program is funding Square's affiliate, and what that means is, SQUARE WON'T LOSE A DIME IF FINAL FANTASY UNLIMITED FLOPS! As a matter of fact, they will be gaining money, and so will Sony."

 Square will lose some money if FFU flops, it just will not be as significant as it would if they were developing the game alone. You seem to be missing the other side though, what if the game doesn't flop? Then Nintendo will make money, along with Square, which if it sold enough, may show Square that the Cube is a good and steady system to develop for, which could mean new games as well as ports of classic games.

"But that's not the end! SquareSoft will be making ports of their past popular games! This means Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and more for the GameBoy Advance!!

And after they make a couple of millions from the ports, they will make some new Final Fantasies and maybe even a new series for the Playstation 3!"

 Well, to me, the ports sound like a good idea, I can't take my S/NES everywhere. They could even bring over FF2 and FF3, because we all know that the wonder swan color won't make it here to the States. You say that if Square makes money off of the ports, they will develop new Final Fantasys for the PS 2 or 3. Would they not do that anyway? And, why couldn't they make new series and new games for the Cube as well?

"Oh, and did you know that SquareSoft plans to make Final Fantasy Unlimited their new series? Guess who's going to have that franchise exclusively when all of the new systems comes out!

As a matter of fact, I'll even give you a hint. The system begins with a P and rhymes with Glaystation!"

 Again, you must work at Square HQ, or have a very reliable source to know all of this. And if thats the case, I'd like to see it. For you are making some pretty big assumtions my friend.

 The way I see it, is you are against the company making money, as well as Sony. What does it matter if Square makes more games for the Playstation? If the Cube is getting FF games as well, why do you care? I will continue to be content with Nintendo's desicion to allow Square back into the picture, that is until you can give me a good reason why not.


« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2002, 04:38:48 PM »
"Hmm, I disagree with pretty much everything you've said, but this is only my opinion, so don't let me persuede you to think otherwise."

Don't worry, it won't. You'll just get me to see with your perspective.

"1. Good ratings don't necessarily mean much. Ratings proove popularity, and as we know a popular show does not make it good, nor does an unpopular show make it bad. Can we remember Clerks? It only ran two out of the six episodes made before it was canceled, but if you watch them, you'd see how good they are."

I don't know Clerks, but I pretty much agree with you.

However, it is also true that every Final Fantasy games sold at least one million copies. That means that it must be pretty popular.

"2. "Probably" I am seeing this term used quite a bit. As these are only assumptions. Who knows if Square will make revamped versions of Cube games for the PS 2 or 3. Who's to say that it might not work the other way around? I could say that they would "probably" make even better games for Nintendo's new system. That doesn't make it any more true."

Yeah, but it some of these "probablys" were just recently announced. Square's affiliates just recently announced that the rumor game to be Final Fantasy Unlimited is true.

Most of the "probablys" were started because some websites made assumptions, so don't completely put the blame on people who talk about them.

"3. So, Sony makes some more money. It doesn't really matter if they make a little bit more. Some seem to forget Sony is not only a video game producer but is in the whole electronic market, so I don't see Nintendo destroying them relatively soon with or without Square's help."

Oh, I still remember that, but I was just stating that part just to let some people know. As a matter of fact, I didn't even know that they will be getting money until someone told me.


"Ah, I am assuming you work for Square now, or you are really quite talented at guessing."

Listen, I can understand if you are cynical when pointing out my mistakes, but don't say that I work for any company again. It's been used too many times, and now I find it incredibly annoying. Just called me a psychic or Miss Cleo if you must, but don't say that I work for a certain company again.

"Who is to say that Square will not produce the new games they release on the Cube as well? Or, maybe they are using the revenue from Sony to make better games for the Cube."

How about Square themselves? GameSpot just released an article which shows that the PS2 is still their main console. The only reason they are making GameCube games at all is so they can make ports for the GameBoy Advance.

"It doesn't matter how Square is making money, nor from which system, for it goes to the same place anyway, which goes towards making new and hopefully better games."

I know.

"And what about Capcom, or Enix, or any company that makes games for Sony and Nintendo? Why aren't they planning on "using Nintendo fans to make better games for the Playstation?""

Because Capcom and Enix isn't in financial problems after making a very expensive movie that flopped. And for one thing, neither of them are known for sticking to one console.

During the NES/Master System and SNES/Genesis days, SquareSoft stick mainly to Nintendo. Now during the days of PSX/N64/Saturn and PS2/GCN/Xbox, they are mainly sticking to Sony.

The only reason they want to release Final Fantasy XI on all of the consoles is so they can insured its success more since it is a completely online game.

"And you know what the really bad part of this is? Square is not even really making this game. One of their affiliate(The ones who created Legend of Mana and SaGa), will be. And as history have shown, they are not as good as SquareSoft at making RPGs."

"True, an affiliate is creating the game coming to the Cube. However, who is to say that it wont be good? What about Mario games? They seem to be getting better and better, eh? So the affiliates had some bad games, you can say as Much for Square USA as well. Can anyone say Final Fantasy Mystic Quest? How about Final Fantasy the Movie? Such things are terrible, but none the less, they continue to put out good games."

First of all, the same person(Shigeru Miyamoto) made all of the Super Mario games. Square's affiliate are making this game instead of Square themselves.

Secondly, what is wrong withg Final Fantasy:Mystic Quest? Is it because it is too easy? You may not know this but it was made to be easy. This game was meant to bring non-RPG fans to the genre more. And I just happen to like it too.

Yes, I know the Final Fantasy movie flopped, but what does this have to do with video games other than the fact that it is based on one?

"But that's not all, folks! For years, Nintendo fans have been whining about how Yamauchi should retired because he keeps making stupid decisions(Even though he doesn't!), and now when he finally gave in and let Square make games for them, they are calling him a genius!

Yet, in reality, this is an incredibly stupid move. Because Yamauchi's new program is funding Square's affiliate, and what that means is, SQUARE WON'T LOSE A DIME IF FINAL FANTASY UNLIMITED FLOPS! As a matter of fact, they will be gaining money, and so will Sony."

"Square will lose some money if FFU flops, it just will not be as significant as it would if they were developing the game alone."

Actually, no they won't. Nintendo is COMPLETELY funding this project. I'm not sure if they are funding the GBA games or not, though.

"You seem to be missing the other side though, what if the game doesn't flop?"

I'm not saying that it will. I'm just saying what would happen if it did.

"Then Nintendo will make money, along with Square, which if it sold enough, may show Square that the Cube is a good and steady system to develop for, which could mean new games as well as ports of classic games."

But what if it doesn't? Remember, Square is only allowing games on the GameCube mainly because they want to develope for the GBA. They might make more games, but don't get your hopes up.

"But that's not the end! SquareSoft will be making ports of their past popular games! This means Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and more for the GameBoy Advance!!

And after they make a couple of millions from the ports, they will make some new Final Fantasies and maybe even a new series for the Playstation 3!"

"Well, to me, the ports sound like a good idea, I can't take my S/NES everywhere. They could even bring over FF2 and FF3, because we all know that the wonder swan color won't make it here to the States. You say that if Square makes money off of the ports, they will develop new Final Fantasys for the PS 2 or 3. Would they not do that anyway? And, why couldn't they make new series and new games for the Cube as well? "

Mainly because Sony owns 20% of Square, which pretty much ensures that the new series won't be exclusive unless it is on a Sony system. I know 20% isn't enough to keep Square from doing certain things, but it is enough to do that.

"Oh, and did you know that SquareSoft plans to make Final Fantasy Unlimited their new series? Guess who's going to have that franchise exclusively when all of the new systems comes out!

As a matter of fact, I'll even give you a hint. The system begins with a P and rhymes with Glaystation!"

"Again, you must work at Square HQ, or have a very reliable source to know all of this. And if thats the case, I'd like to see it. For you are making some pretty big assumtions my friend."

Well, if you go to a website called GameSpot, then you could read an article about SquareSoft making an offical statement about Final Fantasy Unlimited becoming their new series.

"The way I see it, is you are against the company making money, as well as Sony."

Now who's making big assumptions.

"What does it matter if Square makes more games for the Playstation? If the Cube is getting FF games as well, why do you care?"

I care because I'm an RPG fan who only owns a GCN, and if I do buy FF:U, then I want it to be as good as the PS FFs. And it doesn't matter to me that the PS is getting more FF games.

"I will continue to be content with Nintendo's desicion to allow Square back into the picture, that is until you can give me a good reason why not."

I don't want to. You are a different person than I am.

Okay, now that I'm done. I will try to see all of this from your point of view. So would it be asking too much for you to see this from my point of view?

"What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn''t? You either dismiss it or accept that there is much more to the world than you think."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
"Here We Go!"

- Mario
"Here We Go!"
- Mario

« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2002, 04:39:06 PM »
"Hmm, I disagree with pretty much everything you've said, but this is only my opinion, so don't let me persuede you to think otherwise."

Don't worry, it won't. You'll just get me to see with your perspective.

"1. Good ratings don't necessarily mean much. Ratings proove popularity, and as we know a popular show does not make it good, nor does an unpopular show make it bad. Can we remember Clerks? It only ran two out of the six episodes made before it was canceled, but if you watch them, you'd see how good they are."

I don't know Clerks, but I pretty much agree with you.

However, it is also true that every Final Fantasy games sold at least one million copies. That means that it must be pretty popular.

"2. "Probably" I am seeing this term used quite a bit. As these are only assumptions. Who knows if Square will make revamped versions of Cube games for the PS 2 or 3. Who's to say that it might not work the other way around? I could say that they would "probably" make even better games for Nintendo's new system. That doesn't make it any more true."

Yeah, but it some of these "probablys" were just recently announced. Square's affiliates just recently announced that the rumor game to be Final Fantasy Unlimited is true.

Most of the "probablys" were started because some websites made assumptions, so don't completely put the blame on people who talk about them.

"3. So, Sony makes some more money. It doesn't really matter if they make a little bit more. Some seem to forget Sony is not only a video game producer but is in the whole electronic market, so I don't see Nintendo destroying them relatively soon with or without Square's help."

Oh, I still remember that, but I was just stating that part just to let some people know. As a matter of fact, I didn't even know that they will be getting money until someone told me.


"Ah, I am assuming you work for Square now, or you are really quite talented at guessing."

Listen, I can understand if you are cynical when pointing out my mistakes, but don't say that I work for any company again. It's been used too many times, and now I find it incredibly annoying. Just called me a psychic or Miss Cleo if you must, but don't say that I work for a certain company again.

"Who is to say that Square will not produce the new games they release on the Cube as well? Or, maybe they are using the revenue from Sony to make better games for the Cube."

How about Square themselves? GameSpot just released an article which shows that the PS2 is still their main console. The only reason they are making GameCube games at all is so they can make ports for the GameBoy Advance.

"It doesn't matter how Square is making money, nor from which system, for it goes to the same place anyway, which goes towards making new and hopefully better games."

I know.

"And what about Capcom, or Enix, or any company that makes games for Sony and Nintendo? Why aren't they planning on "using Nintendo fans to make better games for the Playstation?""

Because Capcom and Enix isn't in financial problems after making a very expensive movie that flopped. And for one thing, neither of them are known for sticking to one console.

During the NES/Master System and SNES/Genesis days, SquareSoft stick mainly to Nintendo. Now during the days of PSX/N64/Saturn and PS2/GCN/Xbox, they are mainly sticking to Sony.

The only reason they want to release Final Fantasy XI on all of the consoles is so they can insured its success more since it is a completely online game.

"And you know what the really bad part of this is? Square is not even really making this game. One of their affiliate(The ones who created Legend of Mana and SaGa), will be. And as history have shown, they are not as good as SquareSoft at making RPGs."

"True, an affiliate is creating the game coming to the Cube. However, who is to say that it wont be good? What about Mario games? They seem to be getting better and better, eh? So the affiliates had some bad games, you can say as Much for Square USA as well. Can anyone say Final Fantasy Mystic Quest? How about Final Fantasy the Movie? Such things are terrible, but none the less, they continue to put out good games."

First of all, the same person(Shigeru Miyamoto) made all of the Super Mario games. Square's affiliate are making this game instead of Square themselves.

Secondly, what is wrong withg Final Fantasy:Mystic Quest? Is it because it is too easy? You may not know this but it was made to be easy. This game was meant to bring non-RPG fans to the genre more. And I just happen to like it too.

Yes, I know the Final Fantasy movie flopped, but what does this have to do with video games other than the fact that it is based on one?

"But that's not all, folks! For years, Nintendo fans have been whining about how Yamauchi should retired because he keeps making stupid decisions(Even though he doesn't!), and now when he finally gave in and let Square make games for them, they are calling him a genius!

Yet, in reality, this is an incredibly stupid move. Because Yamauchi's new program is funding Square's affiliate, and what that means is, SQUARE WON'T LOSE A DIME IF FINAL FANTASY UNLIMITED FLOPS! As a matter of fact, they will be gaining money, and so will Sony."

"Square will lose some money if FFU flops, it just will not be as significant as it would if they were developing the game alone."

Actually, no they won't. Nintendo is COMPLETELY funding this project. I'm not sure if they are funding the GBA games or not, though.

"You seem to be missing the other side though, what if the game doesn't flop?"

I'm not saying that it will. I'm just saying what would happen if it did.

"Then Nintendo will make money, along with Square, which if it sold enough, may show Square that the Cube is a good and steady system to develop for, which could mean new games as well as ports of classic games."

But what if it doesn't? Remember, Square is only allowing games on the GameCube mainly because they want to develope for the GBA. They might make more games, but don't get your hopes up.

"But that's not the end! SquareSoft will be making ports of their past popular games! This means Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and more for the GameBoy Advance!!

And after they make a couple of millions from the ports, they will make some new Final Fantasies and maybe even a new series for the Playstation 3!"

"Well, to me, the ports sound like a good idea, I can't take my S/NES everywhere. They could even bring over FF2 and FF3, because we all know that the wonder swan color won't make it here to the States. You say that if Square makes money off of the ports, they will develop new Final Fantasys for the PS 2 or 3. Would they not do that anyway? And, why couldn't they make new series and new games for the Cube as well? "

Mainly because Sony owns 20% of Square, which pretty much ensures that the new series won't be exclusive unless it is on a Sony system. I know 20% isn't enough to keep Square from doing certain things, but it is enough to do that.

"Oh, and did you know that SquareSoft plans to make Final Fantasy Unlimited their new series? Guess who's going to have that franchise exclusively when all of the new systems comes out!

As a matter of fact, I'll even give you a hint. The system begins with a P and rhymes with Glaystation!"

"Again, you must work at Square HQ, or have a very reliable source to know all of this. And if thats the case, I'd like to see it. For you are making some pretty big assumtions my friend."

Well, if you go to a website called GameSpot, then you could read an article about SquareSoft making an offical statement about Final Fantasy Unlimited becoming their new series.

"The way I see it, is you are against the company making money, as well as Sony."

Now who's making big assumptions.

"What does it matter if Square makes more games for the Playstation? If the Cube is getting FF games as well, why do you care?"

I care because I'm an RPG fan who only owns a GCN, and if I do buy FF:U, then I want it to be as good as the PS FFs. And it doesn't matter to me that the PS is getting more FF games.

"I will continue to be content with Nintendo's desicion to allow Square back into the picture, that is until you can give me a good reason why not."

I don't want to. You are a different person than I am.

Okay, now that I'm done. I will try to see all of this from your point of view. So would it be asking too much for you to see this from my point of view?

"What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn''t? You either dismiss it or accept that there is much more to the world than you think."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
"Here We Go!"

- Mario
"Here We Go!"
- Mario

« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2002, 04:39:31 PM »
"Hmm, I disagree with pretty much everything you've said, but this is only my opinion, so don't let me persuede you to think otherwise."

Don't worry, it won't. You'll just get me to see with your perspective.

"1. Good ratings don't necessarily mean much. Ratings proove popularity, and as we know a popular show does not make it good, nor does an unpopular show make it bad. Can we remember Clerks? It only ran two out of the six episodes made before it was canceled, but if you watch them, you'd see how good they are."

I don't know Clerks, but I pretty much agree with you.

However, it is also true that every Final Fantasy games sold at least one million copies. That means that it must be pretty popular.

"2. "Probably" I am seeing this term used quite a bit. As these are only assumptions. Who knows if Square will make revamped versions of Cube games for the PS 2 or 3. Who's to say that it might not work the other way around? I could say that they would "probably" make even better games for Nintendo's new system. That doesn't make it any more true."

Yeah, but it some of these "probablys" were just recently announced. Square's affiliates just recently announced that the rumor game to be Final Fantasy Unlimited is true.

Most of the "probablys" were started because some websites made assumptions, so don't completely put the blame on people who talk about them.

"3. So, Sony makes some more money. It doesn't really matter if they make a little bit more. Some seem to forget Sony is not only a video game producer but is in the whole electronic market, so I don't see Nintendo destroying them relatively soon with or without Square's help."

Oh, I still remember that, but I was just stating that part just to let some people know. As a matter of fact, I didn't even know that they will be getting money until someone told me.


"Ah, I am assuming you work for Square now, or you are really quite talented at guessing."

Listen, I can understand if you are cynical when pointing out my mistakes, but don't say that I work for any company again. It's been used too many times, and now I find it incredibly annoying. Just called me a psychic or Miss Cleo if you must, but don't say that I work for a certain company again.

"Who is to say that Square will not produce the new games they release on the Cube as well? Or, maybe they are using the revenue from Sony to make better games for the Cube."

How about Square themselves? GameSpot just released an article which shows that the PS2 is still their main console. The only reason they are making GameCube games at all is so they can make ports for the GameBoy Advance.

"It doesn't matter how Square is making money, nor from which system, for it goes to the same place anyway, which goes towards making new and hopefully better games."

I know.

"And what about Capcom, or Enix, or any company that makes games for Sony and Nintendo? Why aren't they planning on "using Nintendo fans to make better games for the Playstation?""

Because Capcom and Enix isn't in financial problems after making a very expensive movie that flopped. And for one thing, neither of them are known for sticking to one console.

During the NES/Master System and SNES/Genesis days, SquareSoft stick mainly to Nintendo. Now during the days of PSX/N64/Saturn and PS2/GCN/Xbox, they are mainly sticking to Sony.

The only reason they want to release Final Fantasy XI on all of the consoles is so they can insured its success more since it is a completely online game.

"And you know what the really bad part of this is? Square is not even really making this game. One of their affiliate(The ones who created Legend of Mana and SaGa), will be. And as history have shown, they are not as good as SquareSoft at making RPGs."

"True, an affiliate is creating the game coming to the Cube. However, who is to say that it wont be good? What about Mario games? They seem to be getting better and better, eh? So the affiliates had some bad games, you can say as Much for Square USA as well. Can anyone say Final Fantasy Mystic Quest? How about Final Fantasy the Movie? Such things are terrible, but none the less, they continue to put out good games."

First of all, the same person(Shigeru Miyamoto) made all of the Super Mario games. Square's affiliate are making this game instead of Square themselves.

Secondly, what is wrong withg Final Fantasy:Mystic Quest? Is it because it is too easy? You may not know this but it was made to be easy. This game was meant to bring non-RPG fans to the genre more. And I just happen to like it too.

Yes, I know the Final Fantasy movie flopped, but what does this have to do with video games other than the fact that it is based on one?

"But that's not all, folks! For years, Nintendo fans have been whining about how Yamauchi should retired because he keeps making stupid decisions(Even though he doesn't!), and now when he finally gave in and let Square make games for them, they are calling him a genius!

Yet, in reality, this is an incredibly stupid move. Because Yamauchi's new program is funding Square's affiliate, and what that means is, SQUARE WON'T LOSE A DIME IF FINAL FANTASY UNLIMITED FLOPS! As a matter of fact, they will be gaining money, and so will Sony."

"Square will lose some money if FFU flops, it just will not be as significant as it would if they were developing the game alone."

Actually, no they won't. Nintendo is COMPLETELY funding this project. I'm not sure if they are funding the GBA games or not, though.

"You seem to be missing the other side though, what if the game doesn't flop?"

I'm not saying that it will. I'm just saying what would happen if it did.

"Then Nintendo will make money, along with Square, which if it sold enough, may show Square that the Cube is a good and steady system to develop for, which could mean new games as well as ports of classic games."

But what if it doesn't? Remember, Square is only allowing games on the GameCube mainly because they want to develope for the GBA. They might make more games, but don't get your hopes up.

"But that's not the end! SquareSoft will be making ports of their past popular games! This means Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, and more for the GameBoy Advance!!

And after they make a couple of millions from the ports, they will make some new Final Fantasies and maybe even a new series for the Playstation 3!"

"Well, to me, the ports sound like a good idea, I can't take my S/NES everywhere. They could even bring over FF2 and FF3, because we all know that the wonder swan color won't make it here to the States. You say that if Square makes money off of the ports, they will develop new Final Fantasys for the PS 2 or 3. Would they not do that anyway? And, why couldn't they make new series and new games for the Cube as well? "

Mainly because Sony owns 20% of Square, which pretty much ensures that the new series won't be exclusive unless it is on a Sony system. I know 20% isn't enough to keep Square from doing certain things, but it is enough to do that.

"Oh, and did you know that SquareSoft plans to make Final Fantasy Unlimited their new series? Guess who's going to have that franchise exclusively when all of the new systems comes out!

As a matter of fact, I'll even give you a hint. The system begins with a P and rhymes with Glaystation!"

"Again, you must work at Square HQ, or have a very reliable source to know all of this. And if thats the case, I'd like to see it. For you are making some pretty big assumtions my friend."

Well, if you go to a website called GameSpot, then you could read an article about SquareSoft making an offical statement about Final Fantasy Unlimited becoming their new series.

"The way I see it, is you are against the company making money, as well as Sony."

Now who's making big assumptions.

"What does it matter if Square makes more games for the Playstation? If the Cube is getting FF games as well, why do you care?"

I care because I'm an RPG fan who only owns a GCN, and if I do buy FF:U, then I want it to be as good as the PS FFs. And it doesn't matter to me that the PS is getting more FF games.

"I will continue to be content with Nintendo's desicion to allow Square back into the picture, that is until you can give me a good reason why not."

I don't want to. You are a different person than I am.

Okay, now that I'm done. I will try to see all of this from your point of view. So would it be asking too much for you to see this from my point of view?

"What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn''t? You either dismiss it or accept that there is much more to the world than you think."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
"Here We Go!"

- Mario
"Here We Go!"
- Mario

« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2002, 04:59:50 PM »
Dang, did you really have to post that same message 3 times in a row!!?!

Mario and the gang are the best and will always be the best.
Loyal member since 1/6/02
ATM Machine-
 Place 5 gold coins for a Mushroom.
(Formally known as marioaddict)

« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2002, 08:59:50 PM »
Okay. I have no clue, whose side squaresoft is on. but as long as theres a final fantasy on GBA or even on gamecube, I really can't complain!:>

A feild sat in place. Peacefully minding its own feildish ways. when suddenly, it ceased to be a field. It was no longer what it was and was what it was not.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2002, 05:15:28 PM »
Mario Addict.

The reason why it is posted three times is because the first two times didn't work right, so when I finally did get it to work, the other ones were posted too for some reason.

"What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn''t? You either dismiss it or accept that there is much more to the world than you think."

- Shigeru Miyamoto
"Here We Go!"

- Mario
"Here We Go!"
- Mario

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2002, 08:34:05 PM »
"I don't know Clerks, but I pretty much agree with you.

However, it is also true that every Final Fantasy games sold at least one million copies. That means that it must be pretty popular."

 Clerks is good, you should watch it sometime.

 Popularity does not matter, that is what I was trying to get at.

"Yeah, but it some of these "probablys" were just recently announced. Square's affiliates just recently announced that the rumor game to be Final Fantasy Unlimited is true.

Most of the "probablys" were started because some websites made assumptions, so don't completely put the blame on people who talk about them."

 Yes, I had known that FFU was the game to be made for the Cube, however, it is not confirmed that is will be a series, or even another one to be made after.

 Blame is not something I'm here to be giving. I am only showing that I disagree, or do not believe what was said.

"Oh, I still remember that, but I was just stating that part just to let some people know. As a matter of fact, I didn't even know that they will be getting money until someone told me."

 Understood, however, it is not as big of a deal as it was made out to be.

"Listen, I can understand if you are cynical when pointing out my mistakes, but don't say that I work for any company again. It's been used too many times, and now I find it incredibly annoying. Just called me a psychic or Miss Cleo if you must, but don't say that I work for a certain company again."

 I had no idea you detest it so much, therefore, it shall not be repeated.

"How about Square themselves? GameSpot just released an article which shows that the PS2 is still their main console. The only reason they are making GameCube games at all is so they can make ports for the GameBoy Advance."

 Yes, I have read that article as well, however, it does not say that the only reason is for the ports, but it does say the the PS2 will be their main console for FF XI and FF XII, if I remember correctly. Who's to say what happens afterwards?

"I know."

 Glad to hear it.

"Because Capcom and Enix isn't in financial problems after making a very expensive movie that flopped. And for one thing, neither of them are known for sticking to one console.

During the NES/Master System and SNES/Genesis days, SquareSoft stick mainly to Nintendo. Now during the days of PSX/N64/Saturn and PS2/GCN/Xbox, they are mainly sticking to Sony.

The only reason they want to release Final Fantasy XI on all of the consoles is so they can insured its success more since it is a completely online game."

 I wouldn't say Square of Japan is in any financial situation, where as SquareUSA maybe, but SUSA does not make the games.

 I still have my doubts that FF XI will be coming to the cube, although it is a possibility. If it did, I would assume it to be tough to make the different consoles compatible with one another, and possibly not worth the capital.

"First of all, the same person(Shigeru Miyamoto) made all of the Super Mario games. Square's affiliate are making this game instead of Square themselves.

Secondly, what is wrong withg Final Fantasy:Mystic Quest? Is it because it is too easy? You may not know this but it was made to be easy. This game was meant to bring non-RPG fans to the genre more. And I just happen to like it too.

Yes, I know the Final Fantasy movie flopped, but what does this have to do with video games other than the fact that it is based on one?"

 I know such things. I had only used Mario as an example because so many games have been put out, but the quality was not degraded.

 I was disapointed by FF:USA not because of the easiness of it, but for the lack of a good plot and characters. I also detested the DragonQuest style battle system. I also do know FFUSA was created to hook Nintendo fans to the RPG genré, but I also know that it failed way back when. It was some-what a mockery to the real RPGs, not to insult your tastes.

 As for the Movie reference, I was only using it to show that a company can put out something poor of quality, whatever it may be, and continue to do other things in a quality manner.

"Mainly because Sony owns 20% of Square, which pretty much ensures that the new series won't be exclusive unless it is on a Sony system. I know 20% isn't enough to keep Square from doing certain things, but it is enough to do that."

 Actually, I did some research of my own on this, and Sony owns 19% of Square. 19% is not enough to prevent Square from going to Nintendo exclusively. Square needs at 75% to 25% majority vote on large matters such as that, and 19% isn't enough to cover the 25%, if every non-Sony affilated Square employee wanted to make the move. Not to say that it would happen.

"Well, if you go to a website called GameSpot, then you could read an article about SquareSoft making an offical statement about Final Fantasy Unlimited becoming their new series"

 And that I have done, yet I have still to find an article that confirms FFU to be a new Series, new game, yes, Series, no.

"I care because I'm an RPG fan who only owns a GCN, and if I do buy FF:U, then I want it to be as good as the PS FFs. And it doesn't matter to me that the PS is getting more FF games."

 Well then, just because an affiliate is making FFU does not mean that it will be any worse. In fact, Square is said to be working  closly with it's affilate and the team even has people who worked on games such as Legend of Mana, which while it wasn't great, wasn't too bad.

"I don't want to. You are a different person than I am.

Okay, now that I'm done. I will try to see all of this from your point of view. So would it be asking too much for you to see this from my point of view?"

 No, it's not too much to ask, that is why I ask you to sell me on your perspective, in that way, I can understand your point of veiw all the more.
