
Author Topic: Crystals of the Universe  (Read 2353 times)

« on: August 23, 2007, 12:07:39 PM »
This story is made by me Nintendoobsessed (AKA Magikoopa189). In case you run into this story anywhere else on the web, I am also known as Magikoopa189. Thank you, and enjoy the story.

3 years after Super Mario 64...


Mario ran. Mario ran fast. It had been yet another succesful raid on Bowser's Castle. He had rescued the Princess again, but now lava  fastly chased his heels, as he escaped from the castle. Carrying the princess, Mario could hear Bowser's roars somewhere behind them, chasing them with the lava. Mario suddenly came to a stop. There were two ways. He saw that at the top of a ladder, there was light-a quick escape route. But it would take precious time, as he was carrying the princess. There was also a turn Mario could quickly take, but Mario did not know where the passage would take him. The princess was heavier then she looked, and climbing the ladder would be too dangerous. Mario quickly turned, just as the lava reached the area where his feet had been. As Mario navigated the dark and wet passage, Peach kept telling him to run faster. Already, the lava had flowed to the back of the tunnel, and the underground hallway began to light up. Peach cried out a little when Mario nearly slipped on the wet ground, but he quickly recovered and turned a corner. A large goomba was around the corner though, and Mario was not prepared. Mario ran into the goomba and tripped, knocking Mario to the ground. The Princess went flying through the air (She is light in the air, and heavy to carry). But she did not land on the ground, she landed in some very large hands. It was Bowser. " Running a little too fast, eh Mario?" He smirked, clutching the Princess. The lava could be heard, surging somewhere behind Mario. "Unhand her Bowser!" Gasped Mario. The fall had knocked the wind out of him. With one arm, Bowser held the Princess, the other he strecthed out evilly as if challenging Mario to a fight. "Come and get her then." He challenged, and then he bounded on to rocks that were floating over a pit slowly filling with lava from a pipe hanging over the pit. Suddenly, Mario felt extreme heat from behind. The lava was 10 feet behind him, it had already consumed the unfourtunate goomba, and was now aiming to take out Mario. Mario looked ahead. There was a pipe in the ground Mario had not noticed before. On the other side of the pit was a pipe which Bowser was getting nearer, and nearer to. It could be a shortcut, or the pipe could lead somewhere else. He could also try to cross the lava pit, as there was chunks of rock hanging in the air over the pit(?), but they were widely spaced, and would be difficult, and dangerous to cross.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 12:09:45 PM by Nintendoobsessed »

« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2007, 04:21:46 PM »
In case it seems kind of odd, the reason there are what seem like choice times every once in a while, that's beacause this is my old CYOA, and it is still going on Gamefaqs.


The pipe looked ominous, and Mario was not rescuing the princess by chance. He hurled/jumped onto the small floating rock, and he prepared to bound to the next one. The rock started to shake, in fact, it was a donut lift! He quickly jumped to the next one. Bowser had already reached the other side, and now he threw a chunk of lava-cored rock at Mario. He dodged it, doing a double jump, and he landed on the next rock. Bowser ran out of the chamber, with Princess Peach still at his side. Mario jumped to the final rock, and then realiazed the problem. The gap between the rock and the ledge was too far. This would be extremely risky. Meanwhile, the donut lift started to fall. Mario backed up- and jumped twice- and now he was falling towards the lava. The lava made a explode rift, and at the last moment the rock that he had been standing on started to float to where he was landing. He landed, and did his third jump, and landed on the ledge. Now it was time to run. Shoving open the door, he burst into the cold night air. Now he was outside. Beads of sweat running down his face, Mario ran faster and stopped. Bowser was far in the air, in his clown copter, with Peach. It was too late. "No" Gasped Mario, bending to his knees, ridiculosly tired. "Mario!" Screamed Peach. "Too late Mario!"  Bowser roared, stating the obvious, once again. "No..." "And now,(announced Bowser)I am going to a secret location in the Koopa Mountians you know nothing about!" "The Koopa Mountians?" Muttered Mario questionaly. "DANG!" Roared Bowser, and he coptered off towards the sunrise, gone from view. Mario sat down quietly. This was terrible. The "Koopa Mountians"? He had never heard of such a place. More sudden then being kicked in the face, Mario heard a familar sound. The sound of bubbling lava. "Uh-oh" Said Mario turning around. The lava was crawling out of the doorway now, towards him. Mario, too worried to even think, started calling for help. "HELP" Yelled Mario, standing near the castle edge. "HELP" The heat was starting to make him cringe. But he was doomed. He turned around. Soon, the lava would melt his legs, then he would fall into the lava. It would be a gruesome end. "I heard ya calling." Mario turned around. It was a lakitu. "Don't just stand there." Said the lakitu, staring at him. Mario reached out to the lakitu. "Come on!" Growled Mario. "I can't get any closer, the lava will fry me. Lean out farther." Mario swore, and reached out even farther. Too far. "Wahhhhhoaaaaa!" Mario had fallen, actully, he was still falling. The lakitu laughed and pointed at him as he fell. It had been a trick. Mario looked down. Far below, a dark forest loomed. Fortunately, a pond was nearby. Mario aimed for the lake. He missed. Mario ground-pounded right at the last moment, and landed with only a few bruises. Surprised and amazed he made it, Mario fainted.

It was morning when Mario woke up. He looked around to get a good idea of where he was. A forest was nearby, and the pond was next to it. Behind him was Bowser's Castle. Mario had this strange feeling there was something important he was forgetting. Mario shrugged. Was it rescue the princess? No, he already remembered that. But he knew it was important...


« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2007, 05:26:11 PM »
No introduction this time! I'm busy sword-fighting, which may also explain the shorter chapter.


Oh, whatever. There was no time to think about anything else. Rescuing the Princess was more important then anything else. Mario started to run in the direction of the Sunrise- East. Running into the forest, the thing Mario decided not to try to remember any more sizzled in. The castle, already bulging, started to leak massive amounts of lava, soon to explode. "Sheesh, where does Bowser get all this lava?" Commented Mario, jumping over a strangely large root. Near the top of the castle, a bubbling part of the lava sent a lava/rock flying into the air, landing in the trees, setting a massive fire. "Could this get any worse?" Asked Mario. Yes, it could. The lava was now pouring from the castle, making a bowl of lava which soon began to overleak, and was going as fast as a river. Everytime Mario made a turn, the lava would turn too. Everytime Mario made a jump, the lava jumped too. It was like the lava was alive. In fact, it was. Thousands of small Blarggs were in the lava, directing towards Mario. Podoboos were there too, the ones who made the fire jump. Without much thinking, Mario decided he needed to find a lake. But the forest was not the kind that you would expect to find a lake in, dark and gloomy as it was. Mario stopped. Four paths were there. But he would have to hurry, the lava could be heard behind them.


Bowser and Peach had already arrived at Bowsers mountian lair. The place was a mess. Tons of metal junk trashed the place, and the only clean thing was Bowser's throne. Peach had already been chained to the throne. Bowser sat down, smiling at his-for now- working plan. As he was still enjoying the happy moment, Mario came running into the cave.  "What the- ARGGGGGG! Those dang guards!" Bowser stood up, prepared to fight. "Ha ha! Works perfectly!" A Shy Guy in a lab suit stepped out from behind the Mario, looking confident. "What-Oh!" Bowser pretended to laugh. (But he was actully still surprised.)"I see your ah-" "Robot" Answered the Shy Guy, mouth twisted to a smirk. "Yeah, uh, your robot... IS FINISHED!" Finished Bowser excidtedly, although trying not to show it. "Yes, good work Assistant Lab Guy, faboulus work." "And if it fooled you-"it didn't fool me"-yes, well if it fools everyonebut youthen it should work for your secret plan." "Not secret to you anymore, I am up-ranking you to Prime Lab Guy. Tell the current Prime Lab Guy that he's downgraded to Assistant Lab Guy." Finished Bowser. "Yes sir, certainly sir!" The new Prime Lab Guy said, excited he was getting revenge on his cruel boss. "But sir- what is your plan?" " I 'll tell you tomorrow when you help me with it." And the excited Prime Lab Guy went running deeper into the cave.


2 hours. 2 painful hours of breathing hard, and gasping. Before Mario had a chance to explore any of the paths, the lava had come flowing from the paths, Blarggs and all- apparantly, the paths were all traps. So Mario had to run straight into the woods, getting scraped by twigs, and getting chased by death. Eventually, the lava had stopped following him, but there was a new problem. He had lost the trail, and it would be more twig scrapings and blood tomorrow, following the sunrise. But he would take a break tonight. Mario laid down, and fell asleep.

It was morning. Before Mario could open his eyes, he could hear chanting.

