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Messages - Watoad

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 15 16 ... 94
Latest News / Re: Revolution controller revealed!
« on: September 16, 2005, 12:25:33 AM »
a. Those controllers look like a lot of fun to play with.
b. Stepping above the cinema trailer for Metroid Prime, that video is now my favorite Nintendo promotional clip.

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

Video Game Chat / Re: Game Music Discussion
« on: September 15, 2005, 10:59:12 PM »
Thank you for naming "Mining Melancholy," Y. Rex! That track is sorely missing from the official (U.S.) soundtrack, and I never thought to look for it before because I didn't know what it was called. But I found it and more at some site I hadn't heard of before (even though it's hosted by ClassicGaming X_x). Yay! :)

My sig doesn't change all that often, methinks. The quote of Bubs that you mention is an old one, maybe three or four sigs ago.

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

Latest News / Re: Revolution controller revealed!
« on: September 15, 2005, 10:37:10 PM »

Latest News / Re: Revolution controller revealed!
« on: September 15, 2005, 09:51:20 PM »
I just think it's cool that Eclipsed Moon was the first one to post about it. ;D

EDIT: If you recall the Revolutionary Wars, then you'll see that some people were right in guessing that this generation of consoles would give birth to the two-piece controller . . .

Mostly EDIT and no bacon, or am I badly mistaken?

Edited by - WaToaD on 9/15/2005 9:34:45 PM

General Chat / Re: What Udder Madess Is This??
« on: September 15, 2005, 05:33:11 PM »
Yoshisaurus, I can see why you're suggesting that, but I don't really think that it would either work or do this place any good. Such a thing would probably get just as many complaints as (or more than) we get already, I imagine, and I don't think that it would fit with the forums. How do I put this . . . here, I'll quote someone else:

"Have you noticed that since someone posted the SF topic, [t]here's been a lot of topics here devoted to something, instead of the ramdom insanity that usually takes place here?"

~ FLUDD, November 10, 2002[SF is probably for Star Fox.]

My experience with the Fungi Forums has been the same—insanity and weirdness is a lot of what this place is. Or maybe those are just words that some people use for what many of us here think of as "interesting," "funny," or even "worthwhile." I mean, compared to "normal life," a fat plumber who runs all day long, jumps to impossible heights, and battles a giant dinosaur-dragon monster to save a princess in a pink dress sounds a lot like insanity and weirdness to me.

Sorry to bust your dream bubble, though. :/ It's nice of you to think of other people like that. ;)

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

Video Game Chat / Re: Game Music Discussion
« on: September 15, 2005, 05:08:22 PM »
Is Video Games Live news to anyone here?

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

General Chat / Re: Mario Bar
« on: September 15, 2005, 02:23:15 PM »

↑ Watch out, Chup; ↑

↑ I'm catching up. ↑

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

Video Game Chat / Re: Free Kirby Stylus
« on: September 15, 2005, 01:59:41 PM »
The question is, after you get it, which stylus will you actually use: Kirby or Mario Kart? Or will you use the styli for playing their respective games?

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

General Chat / Re: What Udder Madess Is This??
« on: September 15, 2005, 01:30:07 PM »
I don't know why Mr. Koopa made that "ouch" comment because I was warning you, not attacking you. While I can't and won't complain about you having negative opinions—I don't know anyone who doesn't—I will continue to bother you as long as you're rude to others. If I don't keep after you, then my only options are either (a) to just let you be rude—which would mean that I might as well invite marioguy and the others to come on back—or (b) to ban you, which I don't want to do.

If you don't like how this board works or the kinds of stuff that we post here, then you're of course allowed to leave voluntarily. I certainly would have left years ago if my opinion were that this board is nothing more than "Pointless Weird Crap."

To be honest, I never actually got the parody in the first place, Type of Lizard, but I've enjoyed this topic since it began and especially since Luigison added his 4¢ (as you may recall, goofy image posting was rare and therefore a real treat back in those days). So for my sake at least, you needn't apologize.

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

General Chat / Re: I Dreamt About Two Of You
« on: September 14, 2005, 09:19:45 PM »
We saw a little of you here, too . . .

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

General Chat / Re: What Udder Madess Is This??
« on: September 14, 2005, 08:05:55 PM »
I'm actually not much of a PBF fan myself, but this particular comic (hosted by strikes my funny chord.

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

General Chat / Re: What Udder Madess Is This??
« on: September 14, 2005, 11:46:20 AM »
Glorb, I'm not going to stop hounding you for speaking insultingly to everyone around here. If you keep it up, then you won't be any different from those who have been banned for doing the same thing. Ending up with that kind of a reputation won't do you any good, I assure you.

And since I'm already posting here, I'll go ahead and say that I loved both of the most recent bovimages. The comic was particularly funny, and I thought the cartoonist made very clever use of the limited space in those confined rectangles.

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

Mario Chat / Re: Bowser the Ladies Man
« on: September 14, 2005, 11:32:10 AM »
> You people are CRAZY! It's a GAME! Even more, it's a MARIO game! They have no plot! Why bother starting a topic on this when it has no plot to speak of. Besides, Mario parents are probably toasters or something.

Oh, you already knew about the Mariology topic. My bad. >_<

You might want to think twice about the negative Mariology opinions that you're flailing about, though. A topic in this board that receives over 100 replies is pretty darn successful, so there's little point in proclaiming that it's stupid, especially if it already has that many when you post in it for the first time. (For example, out of the 150 most recent topics in General Mario chat, only 7 of them have reached 100 replies. One of those 7 is Mariology (serious posts wanted).)

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

General Chat / Re: Mysterious ice cream
« on: September 14, 2005, 11:05:41 AM »
You're just lucky that the bonus slice of cow-flavored cheese packed into every box didn't eat you alive. That would have been Udder Madess! But instead you didn't find any cheese, so I guess it was actually quite Udderly Boring . . .

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

General Chat / Re: TMK E3 contest #1
« on: September 13, 2005, 05:50:36 PM »
I will be leaving my scanner in a few days, so I decided to go ahead and do this while I still can.

Unfortunately, scanning befuddles me, and you'd be much better off looking at the actual picture in the magazine. The real cause of the terrible quality of the image below may be the annoying software driver that HP made for our scanner. I don't know this, however, so it's easier just to blame myself because I know that I have no scanning expertise whatsoever.

If you need me to give you the page number so that you can find this picture, then I think you need a bit more practice with Where's Waldo? before you move onto real-world cases like this one.

"Dang, TEM lives in a low-quality area." ~ Lizard Dude

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