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Messages - Nintendoobsessed

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I finally got one for free, so it's over.

Video Game Chat / Pokemon Topic
« on: May 03, 2009, 01:25:52 PM »
UPDATE: (April 10th)



UPDATE: (February 7th)

It looks like the Fifth Generation of Pokemon is here!

Check out link to see outline of new pokemon. Speculated to be the mystery pokemon of the latest Pokemon movie!


Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver:



“As announced by the official Japanese Pokémon Web site and TV Tokyo’s TV program information on Friday, Pokémon Sunday is set to make a “world-exclusive first announcement” in its Pokémon Game Arena segment on May 10.
The most recent episode previewed the annnouncement, showing two balls, one gold and one silver, which will be opened to unveil the announcement’s subject."

The Japanese Yahoo website has officially confirmed the existence of Gold and Silver remakes. The games are to be titled HeartGold and SoulSilver and will be released this fall in Japan. According to Bangiras, the Yahoo article states that the games are remakes in the same vein as FireRed and LeafGreen were remakes of Red and Blue. The only other fact the article states is that the games will contain new features as well as sound and graphic improvements. The translation of the article and the game logos can be seen below. The logo for HeartGold features Ho-Oh's wings in a heart formation while Lugia looks like a spirit in SoulSilver's logo.

Go to the above confirmation link to read more!

VERY exciting news. Can't wait to transfer my PKMN from Diamond to Gold!

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: What's Your Religion?
« on: April 25, 2009, 01:37:40 PM »
If you had to fear it before, were you ever really a Christian?

Some of the rules in Christianity are so strict, that you could never be sure if you're going to hell.

For instance, if you're gay, you're going to hell. (According to Chrisitans.)

If Dante's Inferno can be trusted, some of the punishments are a little over board.

(If God loves us all, why does he send people to hell for simply believing in another 2000 year old book?)

Fan Creations / PHASE 19
« on: April 22, 2009, 03:53:39 PM »
                                                                       PHASE 19
                                                                  Kan to the “Rescue”

                                                         (Bowser’s Throne Room. Bowser is sitting, palm covering his face. To say the least, he’s stressed. In comes Hamro.)

Hamro: B-Bowser! The…the first “gun”…it’s done! It’s finished! A slave tried it, and killed himself! It’s a…miracle weapon!

Bowser: (Mumble)…yes…?

Hamro: Um, sir? Are you okay?

Bowser: You didn’t hear? My heir son is dead. The only one of my worthless kids that was WORTH SOMETHING is DEAD.

Hamro: Um…wow.

Bowser: …Urgh. I still have seven more…but who should it go to next…?

Hamro: Well, um, yes. I just wanted to notify you of the guns completion.

Bowser: Wh-what? They’re finished?

Hamro: Um, yes. (I already said that)

Bowser: Finally! Continue. Come back when you’ve made at least a thousand. The invasion of the Mushroom Kingdom begins soon! BWA HA HA HAH HA…heh…ha. (Sigh.)

Hamro: Um, well, yes. They’re almost done with a second, anyway. Goodbye, my great lord.

Bowser: Yes… (Sigh)…

(Hamro leaves.)

Bowser: You. Guards. You may leave. NOW.

(The two guards at Bowser’s side quickly scurry out. Bowser pounds the side of his armrest.)

Bowser: Argghhhh…[darn] IT!

(Switch to Celistar, leaping through Forever Forest, following Wes’s desperate gasps for breath. Cel barely leaps over a root, just to trip over a nearby rock. She lands flat on her face, and scurrying slowly fades into the distance.)

Celistar: Wes…dang it…why did you have to…?

(Cel gets up, and starts to run in the general direction the scurrying disappeared in. Suddenly, she smashes into something, which bounces off with a surprised squeak. Cel falls over, landing in a puddle of mud.)

Celistar: Can this POSSIBLY get worse?

???: Die, Shy Scum!

Celistar: Yow! I’m not a Shy Guy!

(A shadow figure leaps up, holding a long saber. It threateningly swishes it at Celistar, and then stops.)

???: What? You are not…one of those tribal freaks?

Celistar: No! Who the heck are you?

Kan: Ah! I am the great Squeek Lancer, Kan.

Celistar: Kan? KAN? Seriously? What kind of-

Kan: And I suppose your name is better?

Celistar: Well…actually…no.

Kan: What IS your name?

Celistar: Well…Celistar. But just call me Cel.

Kan: Wh-what? Cel-Celistar?

Celistar: Oops! I, uh, no. That’s not my real name.

Kan: No…I know your real name now…amazing. You…Celistar…

Celistar: Please don’t take me back to the castle. Actually…I’m not going back. I don’t need to ask you.

Kan: Wait…what?

Celistar: My mother sent you, didn’t she? Heh, well, she didn’t know I’ve improved my skills, and-

Kan: No, no, no. Be quiet. I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. I am simply here to fight off the Tribal Guys…

Celistar: Yes…but now you know I am alive…AND where I am…and Peach has likely offered a reward for my return.

Kan: No…no, no, no, NO! I have lived in the wild for a long time. I know nothing of the current political situation. I just…your name. It’s-

Wes: Cel…Cel…OW...[darn]it…where are you? Ahh! Stop poking me!

Celistar: Ughhh…Wes. I ALMOST forgot about this whole situation.

Kan: Ah! Is that your friend out there? Captured by Tribal Guys?

Celistar: Well…friend…sort of…

Wes: Ow. Ow. No! Get that off my-URMMPH. MMPHH!

Kan: Must be nearby. I shall rescue him.

Celistar: No. I’m rescuing him. He’s my fri-accomplice.

Kan: Yes, but YOU are a young lady.

Celistar: Oh no, not this again. Do you want to fight, so I can knock some sense into you?

Kan: Now, now, I wouldn’t want to hurt you. Now just wait here...

(Kan quickly jumps away.)

Celistar: Get back here!

(She quickly leaps after him into the darkened forest. Scene switch to alley, in Mushroom City. The Police Toads have arrived. A Paratroopa, his lungs and stomach pulled out through the mouth is the victim. Another car arrives. The second, the Toad gets out, he pukes all over the street. A nearby detective reviews the scene.)

Detective: So…the ninth victim of the “Tearer Serial Murders”…

Nearby Toad: Who made that name up? “Tearer” isn’t even a real word!

Detective: Oh, shut up. Alright…like all victims, the lung and stomach are pulled and torn out of the body, through the mouth…we estimate that the victims die after an hour of being attacked, struggling for an hour in the most painful feeling possible…hmm…

Nearby Police Toad: Sir! We’ve found something!

Detective: Hmm?

(The Police Toad brings over a jagged, solid piece of something; the entire thing is the color white.)

Detective: What…in…the…?


Game Help / Re: Sprite Comics
« on: April 16, 2009, 02:33:46 PM »
Copy and paste the sheet into Paint and select the sprite you want...
If that's what you were already doing, or you don't have Paint, I have no idea.

That's what I'm already doing. It won't let me seperate the sprites.

Um, how do I get Photoshop? (Me stupid)

Game Help / Sprite Comics
« on: April 15, 2009, 05:10:08 PM »
Can someone tell me how to seperate sprites? Whenever I try to copy a single character off a sheet, the whole sheet goes on the program, and that won't work for the comic. Please Help.

Fan Creations / PHASE 18
« on: April 07, 2009, 05:52:22 PM »

                                                                                       PHASE 18
                                                                                     The Darker Side


???: EEEEEK!!!


Iggy: Wendy, what are you-

(BAM! CRASH! Tinkle.)

Iggy: Owww! Really Wendy, you’ve got to- (CRASH)

(Light. It’s Bowser’s Throne Room. Wendy, Bowser’s bratty daughter, is running into the room, screaming.)

Wendy: Ki-King Dad! Da-Junior-Junior…

Bowser: OUT WITH IT! Daddy is thinking over important business!

Wendy: But-but-JUNIOR IS DEAD!!!

Bowser: I don’t-wa-what?

Wendy: Buh-Bowser Jr…he’s dead! There’s blood, and, and-

Bowser: …Show me. RIGHT NOW.

Wendy: Come-come on! (Sob)

(Bowser stomps out of room, following Wendy. Scene switch. Wes and Cel are standing in front of an oppressive forest. Their backpack straps are about to snap off.)

Celistar: So…we’re back to the Forever Forest…

Wes: The DARK SIDE. Where tribal Shy Guys stomp around…casting evil witch spells…

Celistar: Yeah, yeah. We can handle that. I can handle it, anyway.

Wes: Hey, I can fight to. (I just don’t like to)

Celistar: Well, whatever. Come on. We’re wasting time.

(They start the hike. Inside, the gloominess swallows everything. Several hours later. There is an evil chanting in the distance. Wes continually swallows)

Celistar: Would you stop that? It’s annoying.

Wes: What?

Celistar: That swallowing! Every few seconds…GULP…GULP…

Wes: Oh, shut up.

Celistar: …

Wes: …

Celistar: …Well, I’m glad you’re not scared of me anymore.

Wes: Uh, what?

Celistar: I don’t think you’d tell me to “Shut up” a few days ago.

Wes: Oh. Yeah.

Celistar: …

Wes: Hey, Cel?

Celistar: What?

Wes: What are you going to do, you know, after you rescue Toadbert? I mean,-

(A bush nearby shakes violently)

Wes: Wah! (He leaps back five feet, right into another bush. Violent shaking)

Wes: Get off of me! Aagh-! COUGH COUGH.

(In the dim background, Celistar can see a Shy Guy dragging something.)

Celistar: Dang it Wes…urrgh…I suppose…

(With a final sigh, Cel runs after the shape. Switch to Jonas, who is now crawling across beach sand. In the background, Mount Shigeru ominously looms.)

Jonas: Ughhh…no-ert-I’ve failed. Celistar is dead. That Koopa killed everybody with the-ert-bomb. I’m stranded…and if I go back…

(He promptly gets up, and shakes his mask.)

Jonas: Well, now…ert. My career is over! I’m…I’m…ert! I’m going home! I’m going back to my village! This wild country stuff is making me…ert…crazy!

(Turns to the east, and sees the Gadd River, blocking his route to Sub-con.)

Jonas: Sigh…ert…looks like I’ll have to find a bridge…

(Jonas starts walking north, to the side of Mt. Shigeru. His voice starts to fade as he gets farther and farther away.)

Jonas: The closest place I know of is Chesim Dam…yet…there…ert…must be somewhere closer, yes…ert…

(Switch to the Peach’s Castle Dungeons. Koopas are everywhere, some struggling, some accepting their fate. There are also protester Toads, screaming in outrage. As a few guards come in, to take a prisoner to torture, a few Koopas attack. The Guards fend off two, and kill the third, who drowns in his own blood. The guards violently grab a random Koopa, and shove him into the Torture Room. It is nowhere near as painful as the Bowser’s Castle Room, but it is still a horrible place. One Toad Guard sits down, opposite the Koopa on a table. The other Guard lines his spear behind the Koopa.)

Corporal: Alright, Koopa. First we’re gonna ask some questions. If you don’t tell us anything, or if we think your lying, we’re going to…help persuade you.

Koopa: You…you don’t scare me.

Corporal: Now, now. Just answer my questions…first…do you know anything about the Yoshi Chiefs murder?

Koopa: What? Yoshi Chief?

Corporal: Okay. Pretend you know nothing. Second…what do you know about the Serial Killer in Mushroom City?

Koopa: I thought you were asking about Mario’s daug-

Spear Guard: (Hits Koopa) Shut up. And answer the [darn] question.

Koopa: Ow…The only thing I’ve heard is that Inspector Kooper was killed…are there more cases?

Corporal: I’M asking the questions. And here’s my last one. Do you know a Koopa named “Wes”?

Koopa: Wes…Wes…I’ve…I’ve heard that name before…It was in the news…something about Bowser…and Wes…

Corporal: That’s good…but I think you were lying about the first two…so…Spear Guard…get the Beak Wrencher out.

Koopa: Wha-what? Wrencher? That’s not even a real word!

Corporal: Shut up! And until you tell me what I want to know…we’re going to keep extending the Beak Wrencher…until your head is ripped off.

Koopa: But-but, I don’t know anything! Oh gods! No! NO! NO! I don’t know-

(Darkness. A horrible scream follows, and shortly after, a ripping sound and a final scream.)


Fan Creations / PHASE 17
« on: March 30, 2009, 01:46:59 PM »
                                                        PHASE 17
                                                       Peach’s Wrath

                                                           (Klapra Mountains. Dawn. Wes and Celistar are approaching the western side of the Forever Forest- the Dark Side. Celistar is shivering uncontrollably.)

Wes: Cold mountain air?

Celistar: No. It’s nothing. 

Wes: More of those dreams?

Celistar: …Yes. …Wait, what? I never told you about those!

Wes: …Penter…you were asleep, and he started telling me-

Celistar: Penter…what…telling you my secrets…

Wes: Well, I was about to wake you up, you were rolling over the ground, moaning. It was the night we had just got to the forest…and Penter grabbed me and threw me over…and hoarsely told me to NEVER wake you up when you were like that…I don’t know…

Celistar: …Let’s just not talk about it. (Should I ever tell him that he’s a MOD? I know he knows my secrets, but he doesn’t know I know his secrets…bleh…)

(Silence. The climb down the mountains begins. Peach’s Castle. Peach is on her throne, in a dazed state. Her eyes are staring straight ahead, at a wall. The two guards look nervously at each other.)

Toad Guard: Um, Peach, your highness. I have a question.

Peach: …Yes…?

Toad Guard: Um…where did all of those guards come from last night, I mean, all the ones that came and attacked the crowd…

Peach: We…have…many…guards…to…protect…the…castle.

Toad Guard: Yes…but…there were HUNDREDS. Maybe even a THOUSAND! Why-


(Some kind of strange energy seems to leave Peach’s body, and she lays limp on her throne. The guards stare in terror, and begin violently shaking.)

(It’s the news report the Kingdom Courier, again. It is a different News Reporter, who looks more boring then the previous one.)

Reporter: Tonight, on Kingdom Courier…a strange virus seems to be out breaking in the south eastern most places of the Mushroom Kingdom, near Sub-con. The virus, tentatively known as the “Muscular Hormonal Virus”, only affects baby Toads. But it is not a killer. Instead, it seems to be replicating growth cells in a Toads body, causing these babies to grow much stronger then even adult Toads. This disturbing virus is being labeled as a miracle and a terror, but-

(A TV is turned off. A masked figure moves towards a window, and looks out upon Mushroom City, with binoculars. Far below, in a dark street, another dark figure is lurking…the mysterious serial killer of Mushroom City. The Masked figure quickly runs to a door, and leaves the room, running past Apartment Rooms, and down stairs, and then leaps down the stairs, flying)

Masked Figure: I’ve finally got you, you freak…killing Kooper…your crimes are finally over…

(An open window flashes some light, and a Koopa Shell and wing are shown)

(Bowser’s Castle. A door opens. The figure that opens the door coughs horribly. Inside, Bowser Jr. is violently throwing toys around)

Bowser Jr.: Arrrrgh! Fly Super Koopa! Kill that bad Mario…

(Throws a plastic Koopa figure at a badly made Mario. Bowser Jr. looks up.)

Bowser Jr.: Hey! What are you doing in here? I already told you to get out! No ones allowed in my room, no one-

(The figure coughs some more as it pulls a knife from behind its back. Bowser Jr. stares in shock.)

Bowser Jr.: Da-dad already said no more knives, remember? Don’t you remember what Roy did, that one-

(Screen blacks out. A short scream, with more grisly sounds of knives piercing flesh.)

???: COUGH HACK. My…dear dear, brother. I am so…TERRIBLY…sorry. But you can’t be the heir to the throne…oh you HACK COUGH…idiot. You should’ve screamed for help…that would have been MUCH more interesting…HACK COUGH…


Mario Chat / BEST AND WORST IN SERIES? Week 39: Secrets
« on: March 28, 2009, 06:54:42 PM »

What are the Best and Worst Secrets in Mario Games? Vote Here! (Brought to you by Chocobo!)

BEST: Super Mario Galaxy (1) LUIGIYAY

WORST: Super Mario Bros. 2 (American) (1) I collected all teh coins, and all I got was this YOSHI EGG???


3D Game (7)
Nintendo System {Which system had the best/worst games?} (2)
Mario Spin-Off (1)
Mario RPG (1)


BEST Winners:
WEEK 1(Attacks): Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
WEEK 2(Final Boss Battle): Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
WEEK 3(Music): Super Mario Galaxy
WEEK 4(Underwater Levels): Super Mario World
WEEK 5(Powerups): Super Mario Bros 3
WEEK 6(Bowser Level):Paper Mario
WEEK 7(First Boss): Super Mario 64
WEEK 8(Yoshi's Role): Yoshi's Island
WEEK 9(Intro): Super Mario Galaxy
WEEK 10(Ending): Paper Mario
WEEK 11(Races): Super Mario 64
WEEK 12(Non-Bowser bosses): Yoshi's Island
WEEK 13(Hub):Super Mario Sunshine
WEEK 14(Hub Dwellers): Super Mario Galaxy
WEEK 15(Title Screen): Super Mario 64
WEEK 16(Box Art): Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time
WEEK 17(Level Success Animation): Super Mario 64
WEEK 18(Ghost Levels): Super Mario World
WEEK 19(Castle/Fortress Music): Super Mario World
WEEK 20(Super Mario Bros. Remixes): Super Mario 64
WEEK 21(First Level): Super Mario 64
WEEK 22(Coins): Super Mario World
WEEK 23(Storyline): Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
WEEK 24(Hub Music): Super Mario Galaxy
WEEK 25(Original Super Mario Bros Level): 1-1
WEEK 26(Characters): Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
WEEK 27(Bowser): Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
WEEK 28(Lava/Fire Levels): Super Mario 64
WEEK 29(Sidequests): Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
WEEK 30(Non-Mario Playable Character): Yoshi
WEEK 31(Villian{s}): Bowser
WEEK 32(2D Game): Super Mario World
WEEK 33(Returns): Wario Land: Shake It! - (Captain Syrup)
WEEK 34(Block Design): Super Mario World
WEEK 35(Cameos): Pokemon Red
WEEK 36(Sports Game): Mario Tennis
WEEK 37(Handheld Game): Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga
WEEK 38(Console Game): Super Mario 64

WORST Winners:
WEEK 13(Hub): Super Mario Galaxy/Super Paper Mario
WEEK 14(Hub Dwellers): Super Mario Sunshine
WEEK 15(Title Screen): Mario Kart Wii
WEEK 16(Box Art): Mario Kart Wii
WEEK 17(Level Success Animation): Super Mario Bros. 2(American)
WEEK 18(Ghost Levels): Super Mario Sunshine
WEEK 19(Castle/Fortress Music): Super Mario Bros. 3
WEEK 20(Super Mario Bros. Remixes): Super Mario All-Stars
WEEK 21(First Level): Super Mario Sunshine   
WEEK 22(Coins): Super Mario Galaxy
WEEK 23(Storyline): Super Mario Sunshine
WEEK 24(Hub Music): Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time
WEEK 25(Original Super Mario Bros Level): 8-3
WEEK 26(Characters): Super Mario RPG
WEEK 27(Bowser): Super Mario Sunshine
WEEK 28(Lava/Fire Levels): Super Mario Sunshine
WEEK 29(Sidequests): Mario and Luigi: Partners in Time
WEEK 30(Non-Mario Playable Character): Baby Daisy
WEEK 31(Villian{s}): Petey Pirahna
WEEK 32(2D Game): Super Mario Bros 2 (Japan)
WEEK 33(Returns): Mario Kart Wii - (Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Baby Mario, BL, FK)
WEEK 34(Block Design): Super Mario Land
WEEK 35(Cameos): Alleyway
WEEK 36(Sports Game): Mario Superstar Baseball
WEEK 37(Handheld Game): Mario Party Advance
WEEK 38(Console Game): Super Mario Sunshine

Fan Creations / ARTICLE 1
« on: March 28, 2009, 03:13:01 PM »
Today on the Mushroom Kingdom-(And perhaps every Saturday!)-instead of a regular chapter, I'll be posting an "article" which will essentially be an advanced explanation of some part of the story-to make Mario even more realistic. Here's the first.

                                                               ARTICLE 1#: The Pipes
                                                                  By Professor Gadd


The Pipes. The mysterious, mass area of pipes to the far northeast of the Mushroom Kingdom. For centuries, these mysterious objects have affected our art and culture…and history, most famous because of the Krakatoz Massacre. But…what is the cause of these strange pipes? Why do strange organisms come crawling from The Pipes, beasts of indescribable terror? I will attempt to explain to the general public the simplified explanation of this fascinating…and morbid, phenomenon.


                                                       Let me begin by entailing the basic history of The Pipes. The earliest known record of The Pipes, is an 8000 year old scroll, called the “Antetzu Schrisus”…roughly translated as “Pipes Many”. It is an ancient description of The Pipes…and of a beast that came out of the Pipes. Described as “A twenty headed-Oni (Or demon)”, the beast rampaged through a nearby village, until a miracle cure (?) was found. The scripture is unclear on the “Cure” (?). There are no more mentions until 5000 years later. (3000 BMA {Before Mario’s Arrival}) A great deal of records suddenly burst forth, describing The Pipes, and culture’s fascination with it. There are many records of explorers entering the pipes, some returning, raving mad, and some never coming back. There would go onto be many more foolish explorers, entering The Pipes. But it would be 540 BMA that would go straight into history books. The Krakatoz Massacre occurred in late summer. A large group of explorers, led by Geraldine Krakatoz, went into the Pipes, to explore, with an old map offered by an anonymous benefactor. Just as they started to enter the pipes, a massive beast, described as a “40 foot long, clawed, massive, red eyed beast. Its arms dripped a yellow mucus, that when touched, gave out the properties of a powerful acid”. Predictably, the beast rampaged, killing nearly all the explorers, and then invading a nearby village. The beast suddenly disappeared. There are many theories on what happened, and EVERY villager had a COMPLETELY different account on what had happened. This would later go on to be known as the “Toz Effect”, a mysterious psychological disorder that affected anyone who encountered a beast from The Pipes. (This, and the different accounts of the villagers, is explored in another my articles, “The Krakatoz Debate”.) And lastly, we must not forget that on 0 BMA, the savior of our kingdom, Mario, crawled out of the Pipes. His appearance is further explored in, “The Origins of Mario”.

                                                                    THE THEORY
                                                                 So, you may be asking, what is your theory on all of this? What is it? Well, to say it in the least complicated fashion, The Pipes are a multidimensional hyperflumic portal, an access point to the infinite number of alternate dimensions. Yes. There has been sufficient evidence to prove, that there is indeed, a Multiverse. What is the Multiverse? It is the infinite number of dimensions, that each has their own reality. How does this happen? Here’s an example: Say you flip a coin. At this point, in one universe, the coin lands on heads. In another, it lands on tails. But, with EVERYTHING. Ultimately, The Pipes create a transport to all of the alternate realities of the universes. That is why such terrifying things come from The Pipes.


                                                              And finally, I shall explain the most complex part of this article- the advanced, technical dynamics behind the probabilities of the energy of The Pipes, and the connections of specialized tools that could create a-

                                       (The rest of the page is messily ripped out.)

Mario Chat / WEEK 38 RESULTS
« on: March 27, 2009, 02:09:50 PM »
Super Mario All Stars counts as a Remake!

Week 38: Console Mario Game


Super Mario 64 (5)
Super Mario Galaxy (3)
Super Mario World (2)
Super Mario Bros 3 (1)
Yoshi's Island (1)


Super Mario Sunshine (5)
Mario is Missing (2)
Super Mario Bros 2 (American) (2)
Mario Party 7 (1)
Hotel Mario (1)
Mario Party 8 (1)
Yoshi's Story (1)


3D Game (7)
Nintendo System {Which system had the best/worst games?} (2)
Mario Spin-Off (1)
Mario RPG (1)

Next week is Secrets! (Brought to you by Chocobo)!

Fan Creations / PHASE 16
« on: March 27, 2009, 01:44:44 PM »
Funny you should say that, actually. You're my friend, I have a little sister who's a raving Beatles fan, and she punched someone who mistakenly proclaimed she was wearing a Jonas Brothers shirt.

Forgive me for posting the Picard facepalm picture and sending the story off topic, but the situation called for it. Your story is very good nintendoobsessed and I'm interested on where it's going to go from here.

It's okay. That post really called for it. (And apparantly, this was the Bloodykoopas first post. Did he join JUST to write that stuff? :P


Jonas Brothers dislike aside, I really am interested as to where the story will go from here, and though the plot of Mario getting killed and someone else stepping up to his position isn't exactly numero uno for originality (nor is Mario with a child) but the way you present it is certainly intriguing. Keep up the good work.

Yeah, I know. This is kind of like how Super Mario Sunshine was to Super Mario Galaxy. I took a lot of the ideas from Mario's Crowbar (Names, Mario dying, etc.), and tried to improve them into this. I guess it worked out, as I'm getting a lot more comments for this!

                                                                 PHASE 16
                                                               Misty Mountain

                                                           (Traveling through the Klapra Mountains. It has been three days since Phase 15. Celistar looks tired but determined. Wes is well, but he is severely annoyed.)

Celistar: These are some…long mountains…

Wes: The Klapra Mountains go on for hundreds of miles.

Celistar: Well…we’ve got to rescue…Toadbert…

Wes: Why are you so determined about this? By this time, they’ve probably finished torturing him, and have now finished him off. It only takes the doctor two hours to find the information he wants.

Celistar: …Doctor?

Wes: Oh…er…yes. I’m assuming they have a doctor. To torture the…”patients”…

Celistar: Then why did you say you knew how many-

(Suddenly, two Dark Koopas come from behind a large rock. One holds a knife. The other holds a large sack.)

Dark Koopa: Heh heh heh. What a random group. A Koopa and a Human…let’s just get to the details. You put everything valuable in here… (Points to sack)…then, we play a game to see if you live.

Celistar: You’ve got to be kidding. Are we supposed to be intimidated by that knife?

Wes: Um, Cel…that’s a KNIFE. It’s sharp. And it kills.

Celistar: It’s not as bad as that thing that killed my father…

Wes: Yes, but-

Celistar: Let’s just get this over with.

Dark Koopa: Yes! Stop your nonsense, and give us whatever’s in those backpacks!

Celistar: Well, I can definitely give you a pack!

(Celistar leaps on the Dark Koopa without the knife. His head smashes into his shell, screaming as his skull is broken into shards, piercing his head, causing a rush of blood coming out of the shell. Celistar leaps off sideways, sending the shell spinning at the other Dark Koopa in a wonder of physics. It knocks the Koopa in the gut, smacking him off a cliff side, the shell following. The only thing left is a large puddle of blood. Shocked silence.)

Wes: That “pack” thing wasn’t funny.

Celistar: I know. I never really liked puns, anyway.

(Switch to Bowser’s Castle. Throne Room. Bowser is still on his throne; he refuses to go anywhere else, except when absolutely necessary. Dr. Speckian has arrived, angry that he has had to walk all the way from the dungeons.)

Bowser: Well, Professor Speckiyam? What did you learn?

Dr. Speckian: It’s DOCTOR SPECKIAN, sir, and I have learned an incredible amount from the prisoner, since you have given me so much time to torture him.

Bowser: And…?

Dr. Speckian: E. Gadd has installed a complex security system. It involves every known entrance to the castle-including windows-except one.

Bowser: What? Yes? Where is it?

Dr. Speckian: (Looks nervous, and then whispers something unintelligible)

Bowser: WHAT?

Dr. Speckian: Yes…the prisoner…after many torture devices, he finally screamed out this secret.

Bowser: But-I-…

Dr. Speckian: It would likely be a good idea that you send some…random Koopa to do the job…I don’t think you’d fit, anyway…

Bowser: WHAT? Are you saying-?

Dr. Speckian: No…no…but…surely you wouldn’t want to go through-

Bowser: No. No, that’s right. We’ll have to send a team, however. I doubt only one would get the princess out.

Dr. Speckian: Maybe this isn’t worth it. Even if it’s disused…a hundred year old sewage pipe is still not very…clean…

Bowser: QUIET. It’s not my problem, I’m not going in there. Besides, Mario’s gone, and Luigi’s incident has left him…unhelpful to them. And Mario’s daughter…she’s actually coming HERE. BWA HA HA HA!

(The screen blacks slowly, Bowser’s laughs fading in the distance. Switch to Jonas, who wakes up in a panic. He is in a misty hut, and in the far end is a misty shape.)

???: Ahhhh…Jonas…you finally awake. You’ve been in that trance for three days.

Jonas: Ert…but the last thing I remember…ert…is starting up the castle…

???: The mist led you here in your sleep…you arrived asleep…the mist will do that…

Jonas: Ert…the mist! But…who are you?

(Mist starts to clear. It is an old Toad. Jonas starts to feel a strange tumult of feelings…coming from the Goomba. But he manages to not step back)

The Master: A long time ago, I was known as The Master. A Toad Town miracle. I was once even stronger then Mario.

Jonas: Ert…stronger?

The Master: Yes…but after much training, he defeated me. How is Mario?

Jonas: Ert…he died. The Doctors are still trying to find a cause, but the doctors are sure it was a Koopa.

The Master: Oh…that is terrible.

Jonas: Ert…yes…why are you away from Toad Town? In this misty mountain?

The Master: Heh heh ha. Mt. Shigeru is a place of higher meaning. It is a place of training…and I have evidence to believe that this mist is from a Gap.

Jonas: Gap?

The Master: Rips in the dimensional thread. But that is…getting off the subject. After all of this training, I have gained the ability to sense people’s energies…and I felt you. I wanted to bring you here, to see if my ability was truly correct, or if I needed more training…

Jonas: Well, ert-

The Master: A Heiho hero, eh?

Jonas: Well, actually, no. Well, I mean,-

The Master: I’m sure you can do something. I mean, you DID feel at least a little powerful.

Jonas: I’m ert…very sorry sir…maybe you misread.

The Master: Why are you so sure you are nothing? Perhaps you have hidden abilities-

Jonas: No. Now sir, I came up here for you to tell me where Celistar’s daughter was, and-

The Master: Well…if I can’t feel your energy correctly, perhaps I don’t truly know where Mario’s daughter is, hmm?

Jonas: Well, I…ert! I’m not going to waste any more time… (With a prompt turn, Jonas leaves, feeling more arrogant then ever. However, the House appears to be floating in the air, and Jonas starts falling. The Master looks down, and sighs.)

(Switch to Celistar’s nightmare. Young Celistar…running…tripping…through the black door…the figure…turning…the face of the mask……frustrating…it’s…SO FAMILIAR…something…important…the…figure…”Celistar…you’re d-“…she can’t hear the…rest…and….she turns…MORE…figures…all with the same mask…dark, shadowy bodies…she can feel their hate…and…surprise…and…! The…center…! It’s-It’s-!)



Hooray! A new Zelda game for the DS, Spirit Tracks seems to be a sequel to Phantom Hourglass.


Mama Mia!

Congratulations, on not giving up on this. I can only HOPE that my new story lasts half of the time your story took. :)

Fan Creations / PHASE 15
« on: March 26, 2009, 02:34:43 PM »
OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD I absolutly love that story. But somehow I think its sad. I cut myself after I reaad that story. Please dont make it more story or my personal break down and suiccide is close. PLEASE DONT LET THIS COOL JONAS CHARACTER DIE. do YOU like the JONAS BROS.


                                                                   PHASE 15
                                                                 The First Wave

                                                              (Wes and Celistar are already leaving Tropix City. It is sunset. Both of them are heaving large backpacks.)

Celistar: I guess it could just go like this forever. Get backpacks…lose backpacks…get new ones again…

Wes: There’s not a rich city everywhere, you know. We’re entering the wild country…or kingdom, more like.

Celistar: What do you mean?

Wes: We’ve passed the Mushroom Kingdom borders. We’re now in an area between the Mushroom Kingdom and Dark Land…and to a miniscule extent-Sarasaland.

Celistar: That’s up north…right?

Wes: Yes…just about two miles of border connects Sarasa to these “Wild Lands”.

Celistar: How do you know so much?

Wes: I learned a lot of this…in…school…yeah.

Celistar: Your education was a lot better then mine.

Wes: Yeah…well they didn’t expect you to fight for Bowser.

(Silence. Scene switch to Toadbert…smiling crazily. His face instantly snaps to a dazed look…tired and sad. Dr. Speckian smiles darkly. The “patient” is finally awake.)

Dr. Speckian: So…I see your mind is alive again.

Toadbert: Oh…no…the dungeon…the cold…

Dr. Speckian: Don’t worry…about the dungeons…but your true terror…is about to begin…

Toadbert: Oh…the infamous torture room…

Dr. Speckian: Yes…but it will soon be a beacon of hope for everyone in our kingdom, a chance to overtake the Mushroom Kingdom.

Toadbert: Heh…IF I tell you anything…I barely know anything about the Kingdom’s secrets….I’m just-

Dr. Speckian: Don’t lie to me, you spot headed idiot. YOU are Toadbert…the only Toad smarter then you is Russ T…and he-

Toadbert: Cannot be captured…the advance security systems around his house that he’s paid E. Gadd for are some of the most advance in the world. So…it comes to me.

Dr. Speckian: Yes. Before you waste my time any further, to give me less time to torture you, I want to know if you know why I’m a “Doctor”.

Toadbert: …

Dr. Speckian: I have had training in torture. I am the best the world has seen…(mumble)…I am the best in the world of these times…that voice full of assurance won’t last long…Mario’s dead…heh…heh…ha! Ha ha hah ha! I can FEEL you trembling! I feel your terror. So…this is the ripe time. I will ask you a final time before I give you my gift of pain. TELL ME WHAT THE KOOPA KINGDOM DOES NOT KNOW. TELL ME.

Toadbert: N…y…n…ye…n…ye…

Dr. Speckian: Say it! Or it begins!

(Black out. Switch to Mushroom City. It’s chaos. There are thousands of protesters in the streets. Not all are Koopas. Angry citizens storm the castle. Peach is on a balcony, screaming to the crowd.)

Peach: QUIET…MY…children… (Mumble)…some…Koopa…has…taken…my…daughter…we…must…find…the….culprit…-

Random Toad: This is wrong! This is sick!

Random Toad 2: Guards! Why are you allowing this? This is insanity!

(Guards look around nervously. But they believe in the princess too much…)

Peach: You…I’ll…arrest…you…too. Grab…them…guards!

(Guards look ashamed, but they rush into the crowd, grabbing Koopas and the targeted Toads. They fight back, but more and more guards come.)

Random Toad 3: Where…why are their so…MANY?

(Peach turns to leave)

Peach: Please…be…nice…my…chil…dren…

(She disappears into the darkness of her castle. Toads and Koopas alike scream in outrage. Some start to throw rocks at the castle. But more…and more guards come…too many…to be real…)


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