
Author Topic: "Mario's Myst: Toad is Missing." My Interactive Nintendo Story  (Read 2940 times)


  • Old Person™
« on: August 18, 2004, 12:07:52 AM »
Cabin 7 Camp Hyrule Fiction 2005

This is the first Nintendo fiction I have ever written.  As a matter of fact it is the first fiction I have written in about 10 years.  The story is meant to be interactive like a choose-your-own-adventure.

"Mario's Myst: Toad is Missing."
By Luigisan

In this story you will be Mario for a day.  To begin decide which of the following numbered choices you want to do.  If you are reading the text version skip down to its corresponding number, or if you are viewing this as HTML click your choice.
   1. Learn how to read the whole story.
   2. Start reading.

To read the entire story without missing anything you should always choice the first option (lowest number).  If you are reading this as text simply read straight through the story.  Go to 2.

A long, long, time ago (actually it was just last March) on a bright and early morning (well at least it was bright).
Luigi was shaking franticly while trying to wake Mario up.
"Toad is missing," Luigi exclaims.

What will Mario do?
   3. Roll over and go back to sleep.
   4. Get up.

Mario pulls the cover over his head, rolls over, and start snoring.
Luigi screams again, "Toad is missing.  Mario wake up."  Luigi pulls Mario out of bed while saying, "You've got to go find him!"  Mario falls on the floor.

What should Mario do?
   4. Brush his teeth.
   5. Go wait for the school bus.
   6. Go look for Toad.

Mario brushes his teeth then does the Mario dance.  Luigi looks on in awe as Mario hums the Super Mario Bros. theme while brushing his hair.

What should Mario do next?
   3. Go back to bed.
   4. Brush his teeth again.
   5. Wait for the bus.
   6. Eat breakfast.

Mario grabs his hat and books and heads out the door.
"What are you doing!" Luigi exclaims.
"Going to what for the bus," Mario replies.
"You better put some clothes on," Luigi says.
Mario looks down.
"Besides it's Saturday," Luigi says looking away.
Mario puts down his books and pulls on his overalls.
"Didn't you here me before," Luigi continues, "Toad is missing!"

What will Mario do now?
   6. Pour a bowl of Nintendo licensed cereal.
   7. Go straight outside and look for Toad.

Mario eats a bowl of cereal.
"What are you doing?" asks Luigi.
"Can't you see I'm eating the most important meal of the day?  Besides, you can't expect me to go Toad hunting on an empty stomach."

Mario starts out the door.
"Aren't you coming Luigi?" Mario asks.
"No," Luigi replies, "I have to wait for the others... I mean I will stay here in case Toad shows up or Bowser tries to break in."
Mario starts out on his quest to find Toad.  He goes first to the strange woods where he finds a log cabin.  He goes inside.  "This is Link's cabin. I shouldn't be here," Mario says.

Where should he look for clues?
   8. Toad's house.
   9. Peach's Castle.
   10. The Courtyard.

Mario notices some water on Toad's doorstep.  He knocks, but gets no answer and lets himself in.  Inside he hears dripping.  Following the water he stops at Toad's bed.  Water is dripping onto Toad's unmade bed.

Mario looks up and sees water leaking form the ceiling. He goes up to the attic and finds a leaking water hose crudely attached to the house's plumbing and stretch out the window.  "I think Toad knows a plumber that could fix that," Mario says out loud to himself.
He stops the leak with some scotch tape that he found on top of some colorful paper on Toad's dresser.  "I wonder what that tape was doing out," Mario thinks.  "That'll have to do for now," he says.
Mario looks under the bed and sees that it also wet and see something else under it.  Mario reaches under and pulls out a "Fungi" magazine.  He tries to open it, but the pages are stuck together.

Mario picks up a book from Toad's desk.  "101 Fawful Things," is written on the cover.  Mario opens it to the page marked with a piece of ribbon.  "I am the mustard of your doom!" he reads.  "Ha, Ha, Ha," Mario laughs, "That guy cracks my pipes."  "Help, Fawful's feeding me bread," Mario whispers jokingly to himself.  He puts the book back and searches the rest of Toad's place only to find a nearly empty toy box and no other clues.

On his way out Mario starts to sit on Toad's stool, but realize he doesn't have time to rest when he hears the clock chime.

What should Mario do now?
   9. Go to Peach's Castle.
   10. Search the grounds.

Mario walks across the bridge, steps over a mud puddle, and up to the castle door.  He walks in and checks all around the first floor, but doesn't find anything out of the ordinary.  He goes up the step then to Princess Peach's door.  On the floor he sees a letter from Luigi to Peach starts to read it when he notices that the door is open.  "That's unusual," Mario thought "She must have left in a hurry."

Inside Mario smells a strong fishy odor.  He follows the odor up to Peach's Dresser.  On top of it he sees stationary, gift cards, and the tenth circled on a calendar.

"This is where the smell is coming from," Mario says as if talking to someone.  He pulls open to the drawer and sees Peach's neck massager and a dead trought.  His face turns read as he quickly closes the drawer shut and runs out of the room gasping.

What now?
   9.  Continue to look in the castle.
   10. Go outside.
   11. Give up and go home.

Mario looks around the castle again, and notices that the oven is warm and that there is a white powder on the floor.  He looks in a closet, and says, "That's-a strange," as he looks at an air pump.  Not finding anything else, he decides to goes back to Peach's room, but changes his mind and goes outside.

Walking through the castle courtyard Mario notices that there are muddy footprints leading away from the castle.  Mario thinks, "The look like small.. Oh No! Not the Princess." Mario runs along following the footprints and run into something.
"Toad!" says Mario, "I thought you were missing."
"I am right here," Toad says matter of factually.  "Let's go to your house he suggests."
"But the Princess," Mario starts.
"She's fine," Toad says pointing toward Mario's house.
The muddy footprints go right up to Mario's door.  Balloons are on the mailbox, and a water hose is stretched all the way from Toad's house to Mario's back yard.
Mario steps in side and pushes Toad forward, but before he can say anything Bowser pops up from behind the couch.
"What is he doing here?" Bowser asks.
"Toad is invited to all the parties," Peach replies, "because he's such a 'Fungi'."
"No, behind him," Bowser whispers around the room.
"Happy Birthday Mario," about a dozen people popup around the room saying.
"Mama Mia," Mario says.  "How did you know it was my birthday?"
Toad writes on the Paper Mario birthday table cloth, "March Tenth -> March 10 -> Mar10 ->MAR10 ->MARIO."

Peach playfully slaps Mario with a fish then kisses him on the nose.  "We all knew you would be nosey enough to go off long enough for us to fell the pool and get everything ready for your birthday party."

To be continued in "Peach is Pyst: Mario is Nosey."

Cabin 7 Camp Hyrule Fiction 2005
By Luigisan

I had to leave a lot of what I wanted to put in this story out because of the 1000 word limit at Camp Hyrule.  This was written for a contest there.  It is guarenteed to get 1 point for my cabin, and will get nothing more.
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."


  • Old Person™
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2004, 01:56:56 PM »
In 5. it should have been:
"Going to WAIT for the bus," Mario replies.
"Didn't you HEAR me before," Luigi continues, "Toad is missing!"

In 8. it should be:
On his way out Mario starts to sit on Toad's stool, but REALIZED he doesn't have time to rest when he hears the clock chime.

In 10:
"THEY look small like.. Oh No! Not the Princess." Mario runs along following the footprints and run into something.
Mario steps INSIDE and pushes Toad forward, but before he can say anything Bowser pops up from behind the couch.

I make more mistakes than normal after midnight.  I should completely rewrite this.

Edited by - Luigison on 8/18/2004 1:02:49 PM
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2004, 02:09:34 PM »
You're in Cabin 7? Me too. Wonder why I haven't seen you.

"A person is a person, no matter how small."- Horton the Elephant
This is a secret coded message.


  • Old Person™
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2004, 02:21:18 PM »
I am mostly in the on the Cabin 7 message board.  My name there is Luigisan just like my official Nintendo forums screen name.
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."
