
Author Topic: Mario Forms A Rock Band!  (Read 8641 times)

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« on: April 01, 2005, 08:03:14 PM »
This is going to be a story about Mario, and his newly discovered love of music, that drives him to become a rock star.

Prolouge~Mario’s Idea

In his small house, Mario sighed as he lounged on his favorite chair. He had saved Princess Peach umpteen times, unlocked the thousand-year door and discovered its secrets, heck, he had even won numerous tennis, go-kart, and golf tournaments. But something was missing. He watched Luigi as he pranced around their house blowing through a kazoo, playing some stupid song that annoyed Mario so much he wanted to rip his own ears out, and yet, it seemed to inspire him. This music, it was so compelling he wanted to make his own. He pranced up from his chair and walked to Luigi’s CD collection. He wanted to hear MORE. He flipped through the CD’s. N’SYNC? No. Stevie Nix? No. Classical Mozart? No. The Best of Snoop Dogg? No. Alvin and the Chipmunk’s Greatest Hits. Hmm….Maybe. AC/DC Back in Black, YES! Mario cranked up the CD player to full blast and listened. *Back in Black playing in background*. “Hey!” Luigi shouted, “Can’t a man play a kazoo without being interrupted?!” Mario was entranced with this music. He couldn’t get enough. He needed to play this music. This music needed to go through his soul. He needed to visit the Mushroom Kingdom Instrument Surplus Store. Now!

To Be Continued…

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker

Edited by - ledzeppelinrocks on 4/1/2005 6:07:46 PM
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2005, 08:40:00 PM »
What is it with you people?! Lizard Dude just died today for Pete's sake and you're talking about Luigi playing the kazoo!  What's wrong with you?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.  But I think we can all agree that Mario rules and that''s a fact!
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2005, 08:50:48 PM »
You know what, I think that Lizard Dude would want us to keep on chatting about Mario, we already know that this was a very horrid experience, but if this forum was to talk about death, it would be called Death Forums, not Fungi Forums. I'm not going to stop posting just because I'm about 20% sure that a forumer MIGHT have died. In fact, I'm going to post my second chapter. Sure, i'm also pretty sad about this experience, but you yourself questioned if his death was hoax or not also. It's not a rule that if a rumor about a forumer dying is going around that you have to chat about it. Plus, I don't even know LD in real life! Now I'm going to keep on posting wether you like or not Yoshisaurus Rex, if that is your real name,  because I'm pretty sure that LD would want us to keep on posting, NOT ABOUT DEATH.

Chapter One~Visit to the Mushroom Kingdom Instrument Surplus Store

Other than on his adventures, Mario didn’t get out much. His garage was filled with junk from all the years passed. A pile of koopa shells sat in the corner. Plus a rack with his golf clubs and tennis rackets. But his two prized possessions lied in this center of the garage. There sat his old Mario Kart 64 Kart, and his MKDD kart. He pulled some keys out of his pocket and revved up the good old Double Dash kart. He was going to have a little visit to the Mushroom Kingdom Instrument Surplus Store. Luigi stumbled into the garage. “I hear you’re going to the music store,” he said, “can I go with you to buy a new kazoo.” Mario shook his head yes, and off they went. It was a beautiful day in the kingdom. The sky was blue, all the giant mushrooms were plentiful, and everybody seemed to be enjoying the pleasantness of the hour. Mario and Luigi rode in their prized kart along the country side. They waved at the happy mushroom people, and a cloud of dust trailed behind them. They turned off a road to Mushroom City, and before they knew it, skyscrapers towered above them. Luigi read off a map to Mario and they followed the directions to the MK Instrument Surplus Store. After they parked and got out, Luigi rocketed into the store. “What a ball of energy,” Mario thought. As he entered the store, he saw a toad with a six-o-clock shadow, long greasy hair, and a vacant expression on his face as he strummed a vintage Fender, with his feet propped up on the counter. “Welcome to Mushroom Kingdom Instrument Surplus Store,” he said, “can I help you?” “Yeah,” Mario said, “I listened to some rock music a few days ago, and it inspired me. That’s why I came here; I want to play some rock. I don’t care what instrument. Just please hook me up with something.” The toad introduced himself as Amp, and walked Mario down a row of rock instruments. “Okay, we have bass, drums, keyboard, you know, that kind of stuff, and guitars.” Amp said. Mario looked back and forth at the instruments and was particularly attracted to the guitars. He walked down the long guitar section. A blue guitar, a green one, an orange one, even a golden one, but he was drawn to the final one. It cost a fortune, but it was the best looking one of all. It was an electric. The body looked like a 1-up mushroom, and there were two separate necks to it. It was magnificent. But the price tag made him gag. There were only two people who had that kind of money, and that was none other than the treasure stealing Wario bros. Mario needed this guitar, but the first step was to bribe Wario and Waluigi for some sweet money. Find out what happens in the next chapter!

To Be Continued…

Yoshisaurus Rex, I used to think you took things easy. I've been proven wrong.

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker

Edited by - ledzeppelinrocks on 4/1/2005 6:53:56 PM
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2005, 12:40:44 AM »
"Now I'm going to keep on posting wether you like or not Yoshisaurus Rex, if that is your real name,"

Sorry, that just strikes me as funny.

It''''s funny until someone gets hurt. Then it gets hilarious!
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2005, 10:50:53 AM »
Ha, that's a good one.  My real name.  Heh heh heh heh... *stops laughing and suddenly falls on the floor and begins to weep bitterly* No, you're right!  You're completely right!  My real name actually IS Yoshisaurus Rex!  It's true!  My parents were huge Yoshi and Jurassic Park fans before they were married, so when I was born they immediately decided to give me that rediculous name.  Do you know how hard it was to go through life with a name like that?!  Kids would always point and laugh at me in school, and then throw green-polka dot eggs at me when I walked home.  Every Easter they would force me to eat weird stuff because they thought I could lay eggs.  I couldn't even spell my name correctly for the longest time!  Oh, I'm so embarrassed!  Please don't talk about this anymore!!!

Getting back to serious world now, I think you're story is pretty cool so far.  I might make my own little thing soon (not trying to advertise).

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.  But I think we can all agree that Mario rules and that''s a fact!
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2005, 01:29:43 PM »
Hehehe, real name.

If I did actually die, I would want the forumers to keep on going posting their funny Mario stories. It would make me happy.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2005, 06:57:14 PM »
Yeah, I'm so glad this whole joke is over. It was cruel, but pure genius. I believed it like the first few minutes, but then I got some clues that made this seem preeety fishy. I'll probably post my next chapter tommorow or monday.

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2005, 12:01:22 PM »
my fat is better than even yours and the kid who says that who I am sure you don't know who that is but I don't care


Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2005, 05:47:38 PM »
Here is a hot fresh chapter right off the press, and luigiandpeachey, I have no idea what you just said. Anyway, please enjoy my 2nd chapter.

Chapter Two~Bribing Private Wario

Mario told Amp he would be back soon, and let Luigi stay to browse through the kazoo section. He remembered that Wario and Waluigi lived in an apartment in the city he was in. It was Koopa Apts. #17, that was it. He found out later that night that Koopa Apartments had the worst looking living conditions Mario had ever seen. Grime and shifty looking strangers were in every corner. He climbed the rusty stairs to Wario’s apartment and half-heartedly rang the doorbell. When the door opened, the worst stench ever, reached Mario’s nostrils. It was like onions and rotten milk. Mario almost vomited, and so did Wario as he saw his enemy in the doorway. “Mario!?” He screeched, “What are you doin’ here, ya filthy mutt?” “I have to ask you of you a favor.” Mario replied. “Ok,” Wario grunted, “step inside, and watch out for the ****roaches.” Mario stepped in. The walls were tainted with a green liquid, and the carpet had bug droppings and dead mice all over it. With so much stolen money, you think they could afford more. Maybe they just liked to be gross. Waluigi was eating pork chops on the couch while watching some crapping infomercial. He spat out a huge chunk of pork and shouted, “What’s that loser doing here?” “He has to ask us a favor,” Wario blubbered. Waluigi walked up expectantly, and in a few minutes Mario had explained the whole thing, he wanted to borrow some money, to get the guitar so he could release his true feelings, and maybe even found a rock band. “Hmmm…” Wario thought, “Sure, as long as you pay me back.” “Okay!” Mario explained. Wario nodded and waddled over to an area of the carpet where a large X was marked. He bent over, and ripped open the carpet! He pulled out a large sack of cash and handed it to an utterly confused Mario. “Okay, there ya go, but you better pay back, twerp,” Wario said, “oh, and FYI, Waluigi is a great bassist.” “Yeah, I’m a regular Jimi Hendrix…” Waluigi said, “…who…plays bass instead of guitar!” “I’ll keep that in mind,” Mario remarked. Whatever, he thought. He left and started up his kart, and drove off, loud traffic surrounding him, but Mario was very hard in thought as the busy Mushroom City night drove on. He was thinking of what to do. What to do next… He needed to buy that sweet ax, and find himself some band members! Who will he choose? Find out in the following chapters!

To Be Continued…

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2005, 08:23:31 PM »
This keeps get better by the second!  I like how you're so good with making the character have such funny personalities.  A Toad named Amp who has long and greasy hair and works at a music shop?  Hahahaha!

EDIT: I hope you were joking about your comments about me, just like I was joking about LD. :)

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.  But I think we can all agree that Mario rules and that''s a fact!

Edited by - Yoshisaurus Rex on 4/3/2005 7:27:13 PM
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2005, 08:35:04 PM »
Hey, don't worry Yoshisaurus, we're cool, and I'm glad you enjoy this, because I'm already posting my next chapter. You'll probably be happy to know that the chapters following this one will have loooottts of yoshis. OK, everyone, enjoy.

Chapter Three~Amp’s Bass

It was late at night, about eleven-thirty when Mario returned to the music store. From the parking lot he could here Luigi tooting on a new kazoo on the curb. He was playing the Overworld song from SMB. “Hey look, bro,” He shouted, “a brand new kazoo!” “That’s great. Now time to get my guitar,” Mario replied. He stormed in and found Amp asleep with his feet propped on the desk. Mario shook him awake with the bag of money in his hand. “I believe I have enough money for a guitar,” Mario said. “Oh,” Amp croaked, rubbing his eyes as he stretched and stumbled over to grab Mario’s guitar. They exchanged the guitar and money, and as Mario was leaving Amp stopped him. “W-wait, man,” he stuttered, “you’re planning on founding a band right?” “Yeah,” Mario said, “how did you know?” “Well,” Amp explained, “only the best rockers bought their first guitars here, even the all-famous Rip Toad. I saw them start; I knew that they were heading out to found a band. Mario, I know it would only help you to include me in your band. I know it, and plus check out my skills with a bass.” Amp grabbed a bass from the wall, plugged into an amp, and played for Mario. His fingers were flying all over the neck of the bass. He played a tune that opened Mario’s ears further to the magic of rock n’ roll. It was the best bass rhythm that you could imagine. He played the highest and lowest notes with ease and knew which went together. Mario knew that he had just found his bassist. When Amp was finished, he said, “Mario, if you let me join your band, I’ll teach you everything you need to know about guitar. Plus I’ll always be there as your trusty bass.” Mario eagerly accepted, and he told Luigi to rent a hotel room in Mushroom City, because he and Amp would be setting off to find their back-up guitarist…who lived on Yoshi’s Island. In our next chapter, Amp and Mario will set off to sea to reach Yoshi’s Island, but they will truly face the troubles of the deep blue. Plus they don’t know what dangers will behold them when they try to find Yoshi on his island. Find out in the following chapters.

To Be Continued…

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2005, 10:06:23 PM »
Luigiandpeachey: Just a hunch, but I think that you're Mariosassistant!

You know perfectly well that there should be a signature here. Well, I know too. Don''t get yourself caught up in the illusion that this is a signature- because it''s not.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2005, 05:23:17 PM »
Uh, no i'm not. You know mariosassitant in real life. I'm guessing you saw his email which is or something like that. That is just because mariosassistant (WHO YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE) also enjoys the musical stylings of ledzeppelin, plus i made that email for him.

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2005, 08:04:54 PM »
New chapter. (And so far, in my opinion, the best yet.) Plus there are three deaths! :D


Chapter Four~Voyage on the Blooper Sea

It was dark and raining the next day as Mario and Amp set off to the coast of the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario was in front concentrating on the road while Amp was in the back eating a greasy breakfast burrito and listening to his iPod. When they got to the coast Mario wasn’t sure if they could sail. The waves on the Blooper Sea were wild that morning, and thunder flashed across the sky, but it was a risk Mario was willing to take. There was a small shack that had a large sign that said: Admiral Bobbery’s Boat Rental Shack, and the subtitle read, “Beware of Scurvy, Mates!” Mario would again meet one of his great friends, Bobbery. He entered and Bobbery shouted, “Aaar! It be Mario!” and he gave Mario a pat on the back. “So, you be looking to rent a boat?” he asked. “Yeah!” Mario exclaimed, happy to meet Bobbery again. “Well, we only got one left for ye,” he sighed, “and it’s the worst one. Yes it is in fine condition, and it sails like a dream, but it WONT STOP TALKING!” Mario looked out side the window, and discovered that the boat was The King of Red Lions! “Aw, great,” Mario mumbled, “he is such a chatterbox! I know. I’ve played the game!” “Now off with ye, but not with ye money,” Bobbery said, “that’ll be fifty-AAAUGH!” He crumpled to the ground because Amp punched him in the face. “Why did you do that!?” Mario yelled. “Hey, with my music download fees, I can’t afford to pay for that,” he said. So, Mario and Amp grabbed a sail and trotted down the dock to their new boat “friend.” The King of Red Lions was singing “Walk this Way” in an opera tone, and it was even worse than Luigi and his kazoo. The King of Red Lions ****ed his head towards Mario and said in a hyper rush, “Ohhii’mthekingofredlionssayareyougoingtorentmeorwhatbecauseireallywanttosail!” “Uh….yeah….” Mario said, his eyes as wide as saucers, staring at this strange hyperactive talking boat. He posted the sail, and he and Amp set off across the Blooper Sea. Bloopers were jumping in and out of the water, even in the murky weather, and every time Mario looked down at the water, there would always be a huge shadow moving by, and he instantly looked away. Amp taught Mario guitar lessons on the way, and they just ignored the King’s constant blabbering from everything from pop-tarts to dung beetles. Mario worked long and hard hours on the guitar, and he fingers swelled up, and one time burst out in blood from all this grueling finger work. Amp taught him chords, how to make a radical solo, lead guitar, and everything! As a few hours went by, Mario was good enough to play Stairway to Heaven, and at a really good part, the King said, “heyiknowthatsongisn’titby…um…Leed Zupplian.” “Shut up you CENSORED DUE TO FORUM RULES,” Amp yelled, and bashed him over the head with his bass. This same loop kept on happening for quite some time, when they eventually spotted Yoshi’s Island on the horizon. “w00t!” Amp screamed with joy. Everything was all better, the King stopped blabbering as much, Mario got even better on the guitar with this motivation, and even the sky was clearing up. But, that all changed when a gargantuan shadow appeared ahead of their boat. It was twice as big as Yoshi’s Island! It turned out to be the infamous Evil Demonic Blooper of the Blooper Sea. It jumped up and swallowed up the King and his two passengers, Amp and Mario.

2 hours later…

His eyelids opened and closed as he awoke in a daze, and Mario found himself in the blooper’s belly. Amp and the King were next to him, awake. “Hey you’re awake,” Amp exclaimed, “Now we can get out of here!” “yeahbutihaveaproblemguys,I’mslippingonthisstomachmaterialandimightfallinthatstocmachacidisurehopei…AAAAAH!!!” And then the King fell into the stomach acid and dissolved to a fine mush. There was an awkward silence and then Amp shouted, “Thank you God!” Suddenly a large spear flew through the stomach, just missing Mario’s head. Amp and Mario were flung around in the stomach, and then every thing stopped. There was a soft rumble under both of their feet. They looked down at the acid, and it was gurgling. Amp said, “THIS FISH IS GONNA VOMIT!!!” They we’re propelled to the fish’s mouth, getting soaked with vomit and the King’s remains. The blooper was lying on its side on a beach, they landed on some sand. The blooper had been caught by some sort of tribe, see, neither Mario nor Amp could see anything, because Amp’s eyes were covered with vomit, and Mario had the King’s severed head shoved on his. Amp rubbed his eyes, and Mario took the head off, expecting to see a tribe of happy Yoshis. What they saw was a sinister tribe of Shy Guys…on Yoshi’s Island???

To Be Continued…

PS-Mario’s guitar, and Amp’s Bass made it out of the belly fine.

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker

Edited by - ledzeppelinrocks on 4/4/2005 7:05:55 PM
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.


  • Steamed
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2005, 09:02:58 PM »
I'd thank you for doing my job for me, but if censoring was necessary... *flexes right hand* Heh, heh. Ha.

« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2005, 05:17:58 PM »
I admit I know Mariosassitant but I am not the person.  I really like your stories about Mario and especialy their personalities!  I really like that you have Luigi obsessed with the kazoo!  (I am a huge Luigi fan! which you already know)

Edited by - luigiandpeachey on 4/5/2005 4:19:19 PM

« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2005, 08:27:52 PM »
when are you going to type your next chapter?

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2005, 08:46:12 PM »
I'm thinking Wednesday or Thursday. I'm working on it right now.

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2005, 04:29:26 PM »
Sorry I got this out late, but here ya go! This chapter has many surprizes, plus a very gorey battle scene between a hoard of shy guys and yoshis.

Chapter Five~Shy-Guy Steak-Out, and Yoshi’s Guitar

Mario and Amp sat there confused. The Shy Guys started talking in a strange language. After a few minutes of this, a large chubby shy guy said, “Hello, I am Quar, the tribe translator. I will translate in English whatever the chief instructs us to do in Shy Guyese.” Out of the shrubs came four small Shy Guys carrying a large throne. On it sat a Shy Guy that was twice as big as Mario, and wore magnificent golden clothes and a silver mask covered with jewels, his had 100 rubies around his neck. He also had a gigantic, two ft. crown with a giant diamond in the middle. Everyone bowed down to him, and he said in ancient prayer in Shy Guyese, and bowed his head. A few minutes passed as they held their posture like this, and then Amp whispered into Mario’s ear, “That must be the chief.” After a few more seconds, the chief whispered in Quar’s ear, and Quar said, “The chief says that the two of you must be sacrificed. You will be escorted to the slaughter-house.” “WHAT!?!?” Amp screamed, “NO! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” Then, two large, chubby shy-guys pulled them to the slaughter house. It was a small hut with weapons lining the walls. The two shy guys strapped a struggling Mario, and shouting Amp to two different tables. They left the room for a few minutes and brought in the fish in and laid it another table. It was right up against Amp, and he gagged. The guards left again. Mario looked around for a way to get out of this mess. He looked to the dusty ground. There lied a very familiar object that he remembered from the time he came to this island before. A SUPER SCOPE. He leaned down and grabbed it in his mouth. “Look Amp!” he shouted, “We can shoot off our latches!” Mario carefully aimed the scope at his latches and shot. In a few minutes, he had undone all of them. He turned to shoot of Amps, but the fish had rolled over onto him, and he was being crunched in all the weight. Mario shoved over the fish, and shot open the latches. “Let’s go kill us some shy guy!” Mario exclaimed. He stealthily crept around the hut, and suddenly felt a rumble. What was it? It was coming from the woods. It sounded like he was going to have some help eliminating the shy guys, because thousands of yoshis split through the trees and trampled the shy guys! A major battle had begun. Mario and Amp went around shooting the shy guys with their super scope. Yoshis were biting off the shy guys limbs, and the shy guys were sticking their spears through the Yoshis. A red yoshi had just bit off Quar’s head, and the chief had just suffocated a purple yoshi by sitting on it. A blue yoshi had bit off the two chubby guards’ arms, and an orange yoshi was screaming, “YOSHI, YOSHI!!!” because it had been hit by three spears in the face. Mario had just blown a massive scope beam at over 10 shy guys, and they got flung into the ocean. Twelve dead black and white yoshis sat in a pile with a 2 yard spear sticking through all of them. This madness went on for over twenty minutes, until finally, all the shy guys were dead, but only a few yoshis remained alive. It was a green one a white one, and a black one. Mario met up with the yoshis, and gave the green yoshi a guitar. “Can you play?” Mario asked. The yoshi sadly nodded its head, and played Smoke over Water, as he cried due to the hundreds of yoshis dead. He played it beautifully, and from that point on, the green yoshi had become their backup guitar, and the black and white yoshis became their first roadies. The crunched through the piles of corpses to the edge of the sea, stole a shy guy tribal canoe, and headed out to the south to find their drummer, and Mario had a drummer in mind. DK. Find out what happens in our next chapter.

To Be Continued…

Chapter 6 should be posted anywhere between tommorow and wednesday.

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2005, 04:01:56 PM »
Chapter 6: 75%
Special RIP Memorial Chapter: 100%
Chapter 7: 0%

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2005, 07:24:08 PM »
Double update! Chapter 6+Special Memorial RIP Chapter #1! Enjoy!

Chapter 7-0.00000001%

Chapter Six~Klappa Your Hands!!!

Mario and Amp were out on the Blooper Sea, heading out to Kongo Jungle, an island south of Yoshi’s Island, and about 10 times its size. When they got there, they found that the Kongo Jungle was a very diverse island. Strange and unfamiliar plants and wild untamed animals covered the atmosphere. They didn’t see any of the Kongs yet. They crept through some of the jungle. It was very dark and spooky. Mario looked around, and saw that Amp was trying to eat a small chimp that was squirming around in him mouth and screeching. “AMP, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?” Mario shouted in a whisper. “It’s okay,” Amp choked, “monkeys taste good!” Mario grunted and pulled the saliva covered chimp out of Amp’s mouth. The small chimp squeaked, “Please don’t hurt me. My name is Scrawny Kong, and I’ll be your friend if you don’t eat me!” “Hey Scrawny Kong, do you know the way to your Kong friends?” “Yes,” he said, “I will lead you to them.” He took off, with Mario and Amp closely following behind. They entered a more dark and unforgiving environment. They scampered on for almost 30 minutes, Scrawny Kong’s Nose high in the air. Then suddenly, Scrawny fell through a bunch of leaves that appeared to be a trap. Mario and Amp expected to just see Scrawny at the bottom of a deep pit, but neon lights glittered from the ground, and they looked down at a TV studio, with a live audience applauding and laughing. They seemed to have not noticed Scrawny. But they noticed when Amp and Mario fell down to save Scrawny. They studied their atmosphere. It was a game show named Klappa Your Hands, and the whole studio audience was Klappas! The audience fell silent. There was a host Klappa in the front. He wore a tuxedo and had a perky smile. “Well…it looks like we have our NEW CONTESTANT!” he shouted, “COME ON UP!” Mario, Amp, and Scrawny stumbled up to the stage as the audience roared. They each stood at three different podiums, and the host said, “Okay, here are the rules. If each of you can answer a question I give you correctly, you get to leave this studio, with a cash prize. If you don’t…then you must sit on the electric chair and perish!” All three heroes gasped. “NO!!!” Amp screamed, and Mario held his shoulder. “It’s alright, Amp,” he said, “we can do this.” The host paused uncertainly and said, “Uh…okay! The first question is for the plumber in bright clothing!” He paused, and said, “What is the capital of the Mushroom Kingdom?” “Easy!” Mario exclaimed, “Mushroom City!” “CORRECT!” the host screamed, then said, “Next question for the Toad that looks like Jimmy Page. What is lead guitarist in AC/DC?” “OH!” Amp yelled, “Angus Young!!!” “CORRECT!” the host screamed again, then asked his final question, “this last and final question is for the underweight primate who is scratching his…um…parts.” The eager monkey looked up from his…um…activity. “What is the capital of Botswana? This is your final question; therefore, you may call a friend. Do you choose to?” “Um no tha…” Scrawny began to say, but Amp grabbed his mouth and screamed, “YES!!!” “Okay,” the host said, “you may use the phone in the back.” He pointed to the back room, and they entered it, and shut the door. “What was that all about, Amp?” Mario pressed. “Never mind that,” Amp replied, “now, Scrawny. Do you have Donkey Kong’s phone number?” “Yep,” he perkily replied. “Now we need to call him and tell him to come in here and break us out!” Amp pressed even more aggressively. “But,” Mario said, “we can just answer the capital of Botswana, and get the cash pr…” “DO ANY OF YOU KNOW THE CAPITAL OF BOTSWANA!?!?!?” Amp exploded. “Uh…no,” Scrawny said, and Mario replied the same. “Now call him!” Amp exclaimed, and after a short phone call, the three returned the game with plastic smiles. “Okay,” Scrawny said, “the capital of Botswana is Poo-Poo land!” The crowd chuckled, and the sound of a trombone sliding down blared over the speakers. “Ooh,” the host said, “looks like you missed it! Now you all must perish on the electric chairs! Oh well! We’ll see what happens next time in Klappa Your H-OH MY GOD!!!” CRUNCH! DK had fallen through the ceiling and landed right on the host. He sat there squashed, and his held his large coconut gun. He shot a few shells at the audience to prove he didn’t mean for any funny business. Mario ran up to him. “We want you to join our band as drummer!” DK grunted and trotted over to the Klappa Your Hands Players, (the band that was playing all the music) and punched out the drummer, and played a huge drum line on it. They had found their drummer. Find out what happens back on the Mushroom Kingdom as they prepare to play their first gig!

To Be Continued…

Special RIP Memorial #1
This is a memorial to those who have died in the making of this story.

Rest In Peace:
Admiral Bobbery
The King of Red Lions
The Giant Blooper
1024 Yoshis
432 Shy Guys
The Chief
The Two Shy Guy Guards.
Klappa Host
49 Klappas
Klappa Drummer

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2005, 07:24:14 PM »
Double update! Chapter 6+Special Memorial RIP Chapter #1! Enjoy!

Chapter 7-0.00000001%

Chapter Six~Klappa Your Hands!!!

Mario and Amp were out on the Blooper Sea, heading out to Kongo Jungle, an island south of Yoshi’s Island, and about 10 times its size. When they got there, they found that the Kongo Jungle was a very diverse island. Strange and unfamiliar plants and wild untamed animals covered the atmosphere. They didn’t see any of the Kongs yet. They crept through some of the jungle. It was very dark and spooky. Mario looked around, and saw that Amp was trying to eat a small chimp that was squirming around in him mouth and screeching. “AMP, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?” Mario shouted in a whisper. “It’s okay,” Amp choked, “monkeys taste good!” Mario grunted and pulled the saliva covered chimp out of Amp’s mouth. The small chimp squeaked, “Please don’t hurt me. My name is Scrawny Kong, and I’ll be your friend if you don’t eat me!” “Hey Scrawny Kong, do you know the way to your Kong friends?” “Yes,” he said, “I will lead you to them.” He took off, with Mario and Amp closely following behind. They entered a more dark and unforgiving environment. They scampered on for almost 30 minutes, Scrawny Kong’s Nose high in the air. Then suddenly, Scrawny fell through a bunch of leaves that appeared to be a trap. Mario and Amp expected to just see Scrawny at the bottom of a deep pit, but neon lights glittered from the ground, and they looked down at a TV studio, with a live audience applauding and laughing. They seemed to have not noticed Scrawny. But they noticed when Amp and Mario fell down to save Scrawny. They studied their atmosphere. It was a game show named Klappa Your Hands, and the whole studio audience was Klappas! The audience fell silent. There was a host Klappa in the front. He wore a tuxedo and had a perky smile. “Well…it looks like we have our NEW CONTESTANT!” he shouted, “COME ON UP!” Mario, Amp, and Scrawny stumbled up to the stage as the audience roared. They each stood at three different podiums, and the host said, “Okay, here are the rules. If each of you can answer a question I give you correctly, you get to leave this studio, with a cash prize. If you don’t…then you must sit on the electric chair and perish!” All three heroes gasped. “NO!!!” Amp screamed, and Mario held his shoulder. “It’s alright, Amp,” he said, “we can do this.” The host paused uncertainly and said, “Uh…okay! The first question is for the plumber in bright clothing!” He paused, and said, “What is the capital of the Mushroom Kingdom?” “Easy!” Mario exclaimed, “Mushroom City!” “CORRECT!” the host screamed, then said, “Next question for the Toad that looks like Jimmy Page. What is lead guitarist in AC/DC?” “OH!” Amp yelled, “Angus Young!!!” “CORRECT!” the host screamed again, then asked his final question, “this last and final question is for the underweight primate who is scratching his…um…parts.” The eager monkey looked up from his…um…activity. “What is the capital of Botswana? This is your final question; therefore, you may call a friend. Do you choose to?” “Um no tha…” Scrawny began to say, but Amp grabbed his mouth and screamed, “YES!!!” “Okay,” the host said, “you may use the phone in the back.” He pointed to the back room, and they entered it, and shut the door. “What was that all about, Amp?” Mario pressed. “Never mind that,” Amp replied, “now, Scrawny. Do you have Donkey Kong’s phone number?” “Yep,” he perkily replied. “Now we need to call him and tell him to come in here and break us out!” Amp pressed even more aggressively. “But,” Mario said, “we can just answer the capital of Botswana, and get the cash pr…” “DO ANY OF YOU KNOW THE CAPITAL OF BOTSWANA!?!?!?” Amp exploded. “Uh…no,” Scrawny said, and Mario replied the same. “Now call him!” Amp exclaimed, and after a short phone call, the three returned the game with plastic smiles. “Okay,” Scrawny said, “the capital of Botswana is Poo-Poo land!” The crowd chuckled, and the sound of a trombone sliding down blared over the speakers. “Ooh,” the host said, “looks like you missed it! Now you all must perish on the electric chairs! Oh well! We’ll see what happens next time in Klappa Your H-OH MY GOD!!!” CRUNCH! DK had fallen through the ceiling and landed right on the host. He sat there squashed, and his held his large coconut gun. He shot a few shells at the audience to prove he didn’t mean for any funny business. Mario ran up to him. “We want you to join our band as drummer!” DK grunted and trotted over to the Klappa Your Hands Players, (the band that was playing all the music) and punched out the drummer, and played a huge drum line on it. They had found their drummer. Find out what happens back on the Mushroom Kingdom as they prepare to play their first gig!

To Be Continued…

Special RIP Memorial #1
This is a memorial to those who have died in the making of this story.

Rest In Peace:
Admiral Bobbery
The King of Red Lions
The Giant Blooper
1024 Yoshis
432 Shy Guys
The Chief
The Two Shy Guy Guards.
Klappa Host
49 Klappas
Klappa Drummer

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2005, 01:21:26 AM »
omg!  This is the greatest story ever!  I laughed so hard.  This would make a kilarious video game.



What are the toads in SMS REALLY doing when Mario isn't looking?
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2005, 01:25:36 AM »
I am soo tempted to make a video game out of this!

(Double O in 'Soo' was intended)

Edited by - No-One on Whichever day that happens to be convenient for me at Whatever time I feel like it.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2005, 11:46:29 AM »
That would be great.  You could be Mario, Amp, DK, Yoshi, etc.  I would LOVE to see Luigi prancing around with a kazoo and Mario watching him with an annoyed look on his face.  I can't help but smile when I just think about it!

So, when is this story going to be worked on again?  I can't wait to see what happens next!

What are the toads in SMS REALLY doing when Mario isn't looking?

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus and a fungus is a decomposer, can we say that Toad is a decomposer?

Edited by - The Blue Toad  on 4/28/2005 5:37:54 PM
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2005, 05:01:40 PM »
Yeah, a Paper Mario style would be very fitting for a video game out of this. I'm glad you enjoy it. Btw, sorry I haven't made a chapter for a while. I've been so darn busy. You can probably expect a new one in a few days maybe.

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2005, 05:32:34 PM »
Well, actually, you do get one today.

Chapter 7-100%
Chapter 8-2%
Chapter 9-0%

Chapter Seven ~ The Pimpin’ Ride

So, our four heroes sailed back across the sea and reached the mainland. They finally had found all of their band members, but almost got killed numerous times along the way. They were all covered in sweat, and their clothes were patched and ragged. As they trudged along the sand they noticed a huge black van sitting on the shore. It was nice and shiny with spinners, and it had a huge green 1-up mushroom tattooed on it. It was bouncing up and down, and loud hip-hop music blared from it, shaking the ground. They approached it, and there were two gangster koopas sitting in it. They were smoking and wearing 50 lbs. of bling, and wore sunglasses that reflected their coolness. Amp’s mouth hung open. “T-that’s a nice van,” he stuttered, “I want to buy it.” “Yeah,” said Mario, “it would be great to store all of our instruments in their, and drive to our gigs in style.” Amp motioned for the gangster koopas to roll down their windows. “Let me handle this,” he said, “I speak street, and we can’t afford another near-death experience.” Amp nervously took out a Webster’s English-Street Dictionary. The koopas stared at Amp in disbelief. “’Sup, h-homie G dawg,” Amp said in a very white-boy style, “give me the 411 on your pimpin’ ride. I think it would be in the hizz-ouse if I could hook you up with some green for your ride.” There was an awkward silence, and then the koopa put a pistol up to Amp’s head.  â€œW-w-wait!” Amp screamed, “I’ll give your front row Black Eyed Peas tickets for your ride!!!” The koopas look at each other, and then he took down the pistol and said, “Okay, for those tickets we’ll give you our ride. Just don’t be that poserific again.” “Sweet! Thanks, dawg…” the pistol went up to Amp’s head again, “I mean, friend.” He handed over the tickets, and then jumped in the car, and the koopas walked away. The inside was even better then the outside. There was 6 big tvs hanging around the van, huge stereos in the back, a GPS system in the front, and two leather seats in the front. “THIS IS AWESOME!!!” Amp screeched. Mario jumped in the car. “So,” Mario said, “you said we didn’t need another near-death experience, and you just almost got killed twice.” DK and Yoshi were also starring at him in a fury. “Just shut up and load the instruments.”

To Be Continued…

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

Ambulance Y

  • raewrednu
« Reply #27 on: May 08, 2005, 04:24:49 PM »
Another Chapter Update! HUZZAH!

Chapter 8-100%
Chapter 9-15%
Chapter 10-0%

Chapter Eight ~ Toads Gone Wild

Mario, Amp, DK, and Yoshi road down the road in their new van, Walk This Way was blaring out their windows. They all bobbed their heads all the way to Mushroom City. They parked outside Amp’s shop. Luigi was standing their, bouncing up and down, and playing on his kazoo once again. “Hey, bro,” Mario shouted, hanging out the van window, “what’s new in the wild world of Luigi?” “Nothin’ much,” he replied, “other than that I told everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom that you are founding a rock band.” “YOU WHAT!?!” Mario screamed in horror. “I know! Isn’t it great?” Luigi blubbered, “I walked into a random news station, announced that you were founding a rock band, and apparently, it was broadcasted to the entire continent! I’m so happy I could barf!” “YOU DIMWIT!” Mario screamed, “Now I won’t even be able to go outside without being trampled to a bloody pulp! Everyone will go crazy!” Then from a few blocks away a toad yelled, “Hey look! It’s Mario and his band.” Mario’s heart leapt into his throat as he felt the ground shake like an earthquake. On the horizon came the millions of toads that lived in Mushroom City, all hoping to meet Mario and his new band. DK screeched from the back, and motioned for Mario to drive away fast. Mario slammed his foot on the ground, and smoke billowed from the back of the van as they rammed through the huge crowd of toads. They hit his windshield and flew off, and toads were flying all over the place as they slammed through them. They didn’t stop. They wanted Mario autograph or something, because they kept on screaming and chasing after Mario. One of the toads clung onto the windshield, and wouldn’t let go. Mario flipped on the windshield wipers, and he still wouldn’t let go. She screamed from outside of the van, “I HAVE A GIG FOR YOU!” Mario slammed on the brakes, and the toad went flying 50 ft. “Heh,” Mario giggled, “oops…!” Mario ran up to her, and she shook hands, “Danielle Toadson, owner of The Rusty Drumstick Bar and Grill.” “It’s a pleasure,” Mario said, helping her up. “This Saturday we have an opening at 9:15. Can you make it?” “You bet!” So Mario had finally made a gig. Mario entered their van again, and the toads were still pressing up against the sides. They all met in the back of the van. Mario told them all about it. “Now we just need a name, and some songs to play,” Amp said, “how about our name is The Amps!?!” “No,” Mario pressed, “how about the Smashing Koopas?” “That won’t work either. I got it! PLUMMER STUNNER!” “That’s great!” Mario admitted. So with a little change of heart, they started practicing in their van, toads screaming outside. So we leave our heroes for this chapter, but we return for another thrilling chapter!

To Be Continued…

"You can milk anything with nipples."~Gaylord Focker
Edward has always dreamed of becoming a female monkey.

« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2005, 09:07:47 PM »
lol.  that was great.  the gangster koopas were great.  Webster's English-Street.  Hahaha!  Keep up the great work.  Cant wait to see what happens next.

If Toad is a mushroom and a mushroom is a fungus and a fungus is a decomposer, can we say that Toad is a decomposer?
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...
