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Topics - Ringsonic

Pages: [1] 2
Mario Chat / SuperSmash Bros vs. Mario 64
« on: June 10, 2005, 04:16:30 AM »
If your mum wanted to sell Supersmash Bros or Mario 64, because you did something bad, which one would you choose. Or would you fight your way to save your self. But you have one choice to sacrifice the tv, the Nintendo, or the ps2 to make a weapon to forget her memory, so she can't remember.

You must choose what game to sacrifice or scarifice one of the 3rd choices.

Visit my site, its my source of imformation, its called

let''s a go
Yeh ha
Go luigi
mmmm! bananas mmmm!

Forum Games / Mario, Luigi, Scissors?
« on: May 11, 2005, 03:52:56 AM »
Here's the topic, I start of with either rock paper scissor, mario, luigi or bowser.

Okay I'll explaing. Mario beats rock, defeated by scissor and beats bowser, luigi and paper. bowser, beats paper and scissor, deafeted by rock, mario and luigi. Luigi beats bowser, rock, paper and defeated by mario and scissors. get it. Vote this week who to boot out of this rounds, and who to add out of sonic, Yoshi,Boshi, or princess peach. Vote now. Now i'll start with the scissors, rock thingy.


The future is all me!
See me, now you don''t
G unit man!

Forum Games / Eletron character teams up with mario
« on: May 05, 2005, 05:16:30 AM »
Eletron facts

<Description: Furry, small shoes,
Thin hair: Without coming hair,
turn into long hair,
Lightningfrost sword: [Chaos],
 Small T-shirt with lightning bolt,Manga eyes,Tiny nose,light blue eyes.


<Attacks: Double Dash,
Blue heaven, Aura Shield, Steal, Fly,
Blue streak: Attaks with sword[stab],
Mist: Stops attack of others for 60 seconds, Crusade: calls upon dead to fight for him,
Min Attack: Attacks like involve crush; you jump onto the ground and you float up, and your whip lash[whip] and stone head[giant hammer] hits your enemy.
Apocalpse: Draws the whole earth and spritis of gods into him, turning his eyes red.
His Sword turns blue,  a meteor shower occurs, and lightning and the shower kills your opponet but can only be used at collecting the four crytals.
You then turn very huge as the demon Lord destroying the the enemies. Must collect 1000 coins:By destroying enemies]

<Sword: When Eleyron first found his wsord was, when he ran to a forest playing about and the earth turned pale,
and a viloent strom approached, Playing about he was trapped between thr rocks, a let lose, to see he was bleeding, because the sword had cut him. he decided to take it with him.
He then was shipped of by his clan, because the invasion begun, and in a matter of time, poor little Eletron saw the city burn in despair. Black shadwos appeared,
armies came.He then left for Derof, to seak peace. Instead an army fortress was there. He had been shipped of tomiliatary school.
12 years later the land was overthrown, the last two survivers were Eletron, and one person, which was his brother, now they have to explore.
You will find that your soldier becomes to elize, he is your long lost brother. You then can use Bro attacks, fightning through the worlds.

<Personality: Lazy sometimes, but when motivated he gets the job done, can be very angry.
Sweet at times, swift with justice.

<Pet: His pet is a pelindrios pel\in\dre\os. A form of dragon, but not a dragon.

He temas up with mario.

Frostmourne hungers,
I serve the Frozen Throne
No one orders me around
For the Lich King

Mario Chat / Mario lives forever?
« on: May 05, 2005, 04:55:46 AM »
Hey everyone, it's another favourite topic. I was wondering, whats the interseting Mario or Nintedo game you like. My favourite would have to be Mario and Luigi Superstarsaga. I think its great because its never ending. Except that they can make it longer. So tell me whats your favourite Mario game, and I'll start a conversation and you follow on saying any word or sentece you want to continue. And anything that comes to mind, I'll start Why is Luigi green, thin and Mario is fat and red?

Frostmourne hungers,
I serve the Frozen Throne
No one orders me around
For the Lich King

Edited by - Ringsonic on 5/5/2005 4:06:37 AM

Forum Games / NintendoSega Club
« on: April 23, 2005, 09:19:59 PM »
Hi its me Sonic, welcome to the fan club, please tell us your character, and take a seat. So you can have anything, join the bar, have a t-bone stake, and drink for 5 coins and for an extra coin you can join the rec room. Full membership is 5 coins for three days. or would you like to buy or rent a room in our Motel mansion. Staff wanted, for looking after the drins in the bar, pay is 25 coins and 1hour. Or listen to nintedo music for 1 coin. Or join the Mario kart go kating race, 6 coins to enter, first prize 5000 coins plus a room for you when ever you wish to come. Join the profile club, for charcters who want to express their character by saying why is the character cool, profile an image and why did you choose him. Go to the Mario and Luigi bowling alley rec room for 3 coins, enjoy all the latest games like nock the pins down for 4 coins, wanted for 2 coins, kill the bombs for 5 coins. Or join the NintendoSega Casino, for gambling, set a bet on a yoshi race for 5 coins a well X10. Or play card games, have a nice time at the NintedoSega Club, and enjoy, staye tuned for job applications.

Ringsonic Reborn,
New topics,
And no spamming!

General Chat / Ringsonic Reborn
« on: April 06, 2005, 10:57:22 PM »
Hello to you all, I've realised that the ds is very comfortable in that shape, it's easy to hold. I've played the new ds game called Mario64 Ds. Finally they make it on ds, its great as well. I especially like the ds because it has an alarm,calendar, but most of all touch.

If you were to be a character what would it be? And  tell me why? Whats so interesting about this character, pesonality and a porfile of him. Please send a picture with your information.

Now its my turn, if I would to be a character it would be Sonic, why? Because he's fast, and powerful.Now I've got one question for you, what would your own, made up character be, a name, a profile of that character, what would he look like, and who would you sell your character to [which company{nintendo,Sega and etc.}.

Ringsonic Reborn,
New topics,
And no spamming!

Edited by - Ringsonic on 4/9/2005 6:46:30 PM

Mario Chat / Help of Mario and Luigi Superstar saga?
« on: March 13, 2005, 04:30:48 AM »
Hi, I need help. If anyones interested in helping me in this then please. I'm talking about Mario and Luigi superstar saga. Tell me a few hints and sites and chack em out. I need some background music for my game. laters!

I have changed and you have too!

General Chat / My new or old face?
« on: March 12, 2005, 06:06:40 PM »
This will settle my score. Well heres something you can all enjoy together. You will laugh, I think. Not sure even. he's my trailer oTank1: I gonna kill you

Tank2: No! I'm going to kill you fist!
Tank1: You mean first but you not because I got banana power, MMMMMMMM! bananas MMMMMMMM!
Tank1: Take this
Sound:[fire] [shot]
Tank1: That was just the begining of my banana powers. I got more. HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Flubber man: I'm gonna kill you. I've got flubber power!
More later!f my comic movie.

I have changed and you have too!

General Chat / How to become a newby?
« on: March 12, 2005, 06:05:41 AM »
How do you become a newby and i'll try to fix myself up.

I have changed and you have too!

General Chat / Comics+ discussion
« on: March 11, 2005, 04:10:56 PM »
Hello, I’m here to talk about my comics, I’m advertising a staff to help me make my own site. If anyone’s interested please send me an email. I need people who can advertise, send to the Internet, comedy writing. Pictures. Text. And all the works. At the moment I’ve only got two on staff, Luigi Simpson who is, my thinker and my other friend Quenza who gives me the comedy but usually I do by myself. Some of my comics are finished if you want to see and criticize my work well here its all you got to do is email me saying what you want and I’ll send the comics to you. And another thing how do you send documents to Internet.

Another discussion begins. Is the DS fat? Yes! It is. I think they still should replace it making it more comfortable and smaller. First comics here it comes.

Site Discussion / Problems?
« on: March 09, 2005, 01:01:20 AM »
I just can't seem to post something to discuss about,I need ideas. Something any one wants to talk about, just not rubbish. serious this time. I need advice. There are many memories that i've liked at this place, its great fun, and I still love it. Laters.

Ringsonic, my man, what is up!

The White Mushroom House / Music + Game
« on: March 09, 2005, 12:58:39 AM »
If anyones got any bcakground music i need it from all the games of mario. I'll also try Plus I need really good pictures of mario and luigi, there for a movie that I'm creating. Please. Plus has anyone got Mario kart, and Sonic advance three on game boy advance I really need it. I'll even buy it for 40 dollars. In near mint condition that is or 15 bucks. I want to play it. Please just send me a site for the reviews and I'll pay you if you comke here in you know. Laters

Ringsonic, my man, what is up!

General Chat / How do you paste pictures?
« on: March 09, 2005, 12:46:44 AM »
Tell me how do you paste pictures. Please I really I need to know, and my posts will be something to discuss about. thats all i need.

Ringsonic, my man, what is up!

General Chat / It's nice to be here
« on: March 08, 2005, 01:46:41 AM »
It's nice to be here. I've enjoyed, its been great to know everyone. I won't be leaving. But I'm just saying this, because I might be leaving, so I'll be posting another 20 just to be sure, in fact I'm not sure. So laters until 2006, I think, no  way! I'll be posting heaps.

Ringsonic, my man, what is up!

Mario Chat / DS talk and the game Mario [^$] -64
« on: March 08, 2005, 01:34:24 AM »
Still what is up with the ds, its totally fat. I'm might get one depending if I get 50 votes, nahhh! I'll but it if everyone just says, the ds isn't fat about 100 votes. THen I will get one, and shut my mouth up. I have played it, its still to hard to control in my palms. I just gave up as soon as it was teribly uncomfortabele. Just gave up. Do any of you have mario 64? Is the game faboulous. Just tell me or not because I'm going to but that game. PLease. Tell me if its like the old one. Whats new about the game. Give me a site to review it. You have to tell me or I just hate. In fact I just asked because I couldn't stand that game, it said, blaaaaahh! It just kept on blabbing. Boring!!!!! So tell me.

Ringsonic, my man, what is up!

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