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Topics - CrossEyed7

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Forum Games / The Album Cover Game
« on: April 23, 2009, 02:32:54 AM »
First, go to a random Wikipedia article. This is your band's name.
Then, scroll to the bottom of here. The last four words of the last quote are the title of the album.
Take the fourth picture from here. This is the picture for the album cover.
Finally, put it in Paint, GIMP, Photoshop, or other image editor of your choice, make a cover out of it, and put it up here.

Here's what I've done so far:

General Chat / Year pronunciation?
« on: April 03, 2009, 12:44:49 AM »
2010 is coming up.

How did you read that sentence? Did you say "two thousand ten" or "twenty ten"? Or something else? This year, the convention is almost universally "two thousand nine", sometimes with an and, but next year will be the first real chance to go back to the conventional way of saying years. Will you do it? Saying two thousand is going to be cumbersome before too long -- I doubt my great-great-grandkids will say they were born in "two thousand one hundred and fifty-seven".

I'm anticipating that the norm will be to call it the twenty-hundreds, as we've done for just about every other century, and will be switching over immediately. I already use twenty for all the years from 2010 on, and once the 2010s start, I'll probably also start using it retroactively for most of this decade. So...

Additionally, you can talk about what you're going to (or already do) call this decade. I haven't decided yet, but I know that I don't really like Noughties much.

General Chat / SNUCK
« on: February 10, 2009, 01:46:14 AM »
Some people say that "sneaked" is the only right way. Others say that "sneaked" sounds stupid, and say "snuck" instead. The debate rages on. Where do you stand?

Forum Games / Let's count to purple FOR REAL!
« on: February 08, 2009, 04:16:37 PM »

Not at the Dinner Table / Blago!
« on: January 30, 2009, 06:23:19 PM »
It's official, Blagojevich isn't the governor anymore. What do you think about that?

Fan Creations / Gallery of CE7
« on: January 21, 2009, 02:02:10 PM »
Heck, why not? Everyone else is doing it.

Forum Games / The MS Paint story -- Add one picture!
« on: January 18, 2009, 06:19:13 PM »
Add a picture, either a new one or a modified version of any previous one, to advance the story.

Not at the Dinner Table / Presidents
« on: January 18, 2009, 01:26:01 AM »
Pick your eight favorite presidents. Not just the ones who helped the nation the most or whose policies you most agree with or whatever. The ones with the most entertaining names. The ones with the most intriguing past. The most underrated ones. Any criteria at all. Because if everyone just picks Washington and Lincoln, it'll be kind of boring.

General Chat / Time Zones
« on: January 18, 2009, 12:58:28 AM »
What time zone are you in now, and which one do you wish you could be in, for any reason? Elaborate.

General Chat / My garage burns down (56k)
« on: January 02, 2009, 08:27:07 PM »
As mentioned both in the New/Returning thread and in the title of this topic, my garage burned down yesterday. Don't know how -- all the stuff in there that would have been a likely cause was unplugged, and arson's pretty doubtful. At least I got some pretty awesome pictures out of the whole deal.

Sometime around noon-30, the power went out. Since this had already happened briefly at 2 AM, 4 AM, and 6 AM, we didn't think much of it. My mom went to get some candles or flashlights or something and my dad contemplated going out to the garage to get the generator, if the blackout lasted long enough. I was upstairs in my room, reading, with the curtains closed, as always. Out of the corner of her eye, my mom saw something outside. It took a while for it to sink in -- at first she thought it was a reflection of something. A split-second later, when she realized what it was, she sent my brother upstairs to bang on my door and tell me. I opened my curtain and saw this:

I quickly put on a shirt, some day-old socks (couldn't find any clean ones that weren't ankle socks), shoes, hoodie, and threw my DS into my pocket (I was already wearing pants), and we all went outside. After about ten minutes or so (during which I assume one or more of us called 911, as did the guy across the street), we decided it probably wasn't going to be spreading to the house any time soon, and went inside to get our cameras. On the way back from my room to our designated standing spot, I got these:

Orange glow through a stained-glass window

Already engulfed by 12:46

A faster shutter speed makes things more ominous

Even the birdhouse is on fire

Got back to the designated standing spot and stayed there for most of the ordeal. As you can see in some of these shots, I'm pretty far away, and the heat is still very palpable. I'm talking it's-thirty-degrees-out-here-and-yet-I-didn't-really-need-to-grab-this-coat kind of heat. I never realized before just how unrealistic video games where you're okay as long as you don't touch the lava really are. And yet even now there's snow on the ground less than a foot from where the walls were. Weird.

Lots of smoke

Gives you an idea of how far we were.

The front wall starts caving in, and then kinda stops

Throughout the whole thing, we occasionally hear some loud pops. Since we had multiple receptacles with types of -olines in them, including two cars, the source of those explosions isn't too big of a mystery. (As shown on Mythbusters, cars are much harder to impressively blow up than popular media would have us believe) By this time, though, the pops were dying down. If it was a bag of popcorn, now would be the time when you're supposed to stop the microwave and take it out. Except, of course, the microwave's on fire, so you can't really do that.

Firefighters start to appear!

But is it too late?

Yeah, probably.

Firefighters started to show up around 12:50. When I was in eighth grade, our school had a fire drill of sorts -- except the teachers didn't know about it. Actually, the ninth graders were burning some potato chips in the kitchen and some of the smoke somehow found its way up to the smoke detector. All eighty or so students who attended this K-9 school (they added another high school grade each year) trudged outside. I remember it was raining because the girls in white shirts weren't very happy about having to go outside. Some people got a blanket out of someone's car and stood under it. Eventually, both of the county's fire trucks came down, until one firefighter finally went inside and saw that there was nothing going on. And the rest of the day was normal. But anyway, all that to say that we eventually got three fire engines and a handful of pickup trucks, officially making us more important than a school/church (where there wasn't actually a fire anyway).

The first of many

We live in Palenville, incidentally

They don't waste much time: by 12:52, they're already spraying...

...And after about a minute, there's more smoke than flame

The basketball hoop survived. The other accoutrements in that area weren't so lucky.

Their job had only just begun, however. A two car garage is a pretty big piece of real estate, and this one, fully stocked with cars, has also got a tool shed and an exercise room on the side. Oh, and did I mention the enormous pile of firewood? Yeah, that could be a problem.

A whole lot of smoke

By this time, the birdhouse is a lost cause

Five minutes later, two more firetrucks have just arrived

And some more backup after another five minutes (or at least that's when I noticed them)

Smoke looks really cool sometimes

Lots and lots of smoke

ProTip: Emerging from smoke instantly makes you look 30% more heroic

The wind changes, and the smoke blows our way, filling the air

House on left, charred remains of garage on right

Lots of firefighters

Thought this was a pretty poignant-ish shot

The fire's out, but there's still time for a chainsaw

What's left of the cars

One takes pictures of the car for his Myspace while the other, in a prankish mood, fills the gas tank with sugar water

Looks kind of like the Delorean did after it time-traveled, except that you could do more than once


Finishing touches

This giant dead tree doesn't have any bark, but it sure looks like it does now

Missed a spot

Once the fire was out, we were surprised to discover that it was really freaking cold. The water that had been sprayed on the firewood was already frozen after less than an hour

Packing up

It took a lot of water

We start calling generator stores, car rental places, and the lamp oil, rope, bombs guy

No one was hurt, the house was untouched other than losing electricity for a few hours until we got a generator hooked up, and although we lost both cars (we always buy used cars, so it's not that big a deal), our van is still okay -- we had driven it down to the mechanic that very morning for a routine inspection, and the place is close enough that walking there was no problem. Also, it's probably good that both cars were inside, or else the fire might have been more spread out. Plus we had just gotten wind-up flashlights for Christmas. And we had been wanting to get rid of the thing anyway. Would have been nice if it hadn't taken all our tools and trashcans and our brand new, month-old, never-been-used generator and a library book with it, but oh well. Overall, it almost looks like we planned the whole thing. Or God.

Click any one of the pictures to be taken to the full 113-picture album, if you dare.

Fan Creations / Edible Mallow (UPDATED: FULL CAKE)
« on: December 31, 2008, 01:59:22 AM »
For fun, we're making a Mario cake. The cake will be shaped like one of the little castles at the end of normal levels in SMB, and will be surrounded by characters made out of edible clay. I decided to make Mallow, because I'm pretty sure I've never seen him on a Mario cake before.

This is probably the best picture, since the colors look right.

Next to the SMRPG strategy guide, for comparison. SMRPG models are pretty easy to recreate, since it's pretty clear just by looking at them how they're put together.

His pants and the inside of his head are two marshmallows. His Froggie Stick is a pretzel. Everything is edible except for the toothpicks (one in his Froggie Stick arm, and one in each foot)

The only part I did was Mallow. My mom did the cake parts, my sister made Peach and the mushroom, and my brother made everything else.

He started out as Baby Luigi, and then the body kind of got full-sized, so I guess he's Teenage Luigi.

We had to move Mallow a bit -- the first time we put him on, his hand was behind Peach and it looked like he was grabbing her butt.

Not at the Dinner Table / Election 2012
« on: November 07, 2008, 12:49:41 PM »
A little early? Maybe. Pick the Republican ticket for 2012.

Fan Creations / Toynbee tiles
« on: October 19, 2008, 11:37:46 AM »
Not sure if this really counts as a creation, since I'm just taking pictures of them, but whatever.

Toynbee tiles are small, enigmatic rectangles of unknown material embedded in the roads of many major cities in North and South America. Most of them say something along the lines of "TOYNBEE iDEA KubricK's `2001 RESURRECT DEAD PLANET JUPiTER". Yesterday, I went out to find as many of the ones in Philadelphia as I could, based on a list compiled in 2003. For some reason, all of them seem to be at intersections.

This one is at 12th and Berks, in front of Gladfelter Hall at Temple University. This seems to be one of the newer ones, as it's rather small and says "MOViE 2001" instead of the more traditional "KubricK's `2001".

This should give you an idea of how small it is.

This one is at 15th and Arch. About the same size as the last one. Got partially painted over.

16th and Chestnut. This one, like several others, says "LAY TILES ALONE" in smaller letters on the side, which may be instruction to the reader if he or she wishes to put more tiles like this down. Apparently there used to be one in Pittsburgh that gave a description of how to make them ("linoleum, asphalt glue in several layers, then placing tar paper over it so that car wheels won't mess it up, and apparently the heat of the sun on the tar paper will bake it into the street").

15th and Chestnut, same design as the one on 15th and Arch.

A very interesting one on Broad and Sansom. Different type of terrain than most, and it seems it either needed a different method, or reacted differently to the normal method. The word IDEA can be seen where a missing chunk of the tile would be, either a residue from the chunk or where someone wrote it back in. On the side, it says "YOU MUST LAY TILE ALONE AS HELLiON [tiles in other cities make reference to "HELiON JEWS"] AND FEDS iNFiLTRATE AND HARVEST YOU TO PRiSON"

An unorthodox design on 13th and Chestnut.

From Wikipedia, a picture of the 13th and Chestnut tile when it was more intact.

12th and Chestnut. Ones like this seem to give some weight to the theory that most or all of the recent tiles have been laid by copycats, not the original artist, who many believe is now dead.

This one, on 11th and Chestnut, wasn't on my list. Since it's so close to two other ones, I assume they would have noticed it, so it's probably relatively new. You can make out what may be the remains of ALONE up in the corner.

9th and Chestnut. One of my favorites. The letters are kind of sparkly when you see them in person. I may try and get a better shot of it later.

5th and Walnut has a tile that looks like the one on 9th and Chestnut, and also a person. Probably connected somehow.

A quite large one on 4th and South in front of Starbucks. Looks a lot like another one in Washington, DC.

Last, I went downtown where there were supposed to be three more: Broad and Oregon, 11th and Oregon, and 9th and Shunk. I didn't see anything at 11th and Oregon, and I couldn't even find where 9th and Shunk intersected, and this was the closest thing I could find at Broad and Oregon. Traffic was too heavy to get a closer shot.

All in all, a pretty good way to spend 5 1/2 hours and three subway tokens.

General Chat / Bill Gates retires
« on: June 29, 2008, 01:28:46 PM »
Bill Gates has (mostly) retired from Microsoft as of Friday, and will be devoting all his time to his charity. He was already mostly retired anyway, but now it's official. Except he's still staying on as a non-executive chairman. So he's still kind of not retired, I guess.

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