
Author Topic: Own the Rockin' Mushroom Drum Pads  (Read 3972 times)


  • Unstoppable News Machine
« on: April 15, 2008, 10:57:24 PM »

Hey dude, remember those totally rad Mushroom Drum Pads some tubular fans made for Rock Band? Well, now you can plunk down cold hard coins for them on ebay! The makers are auctioning off a total of three sets, with the average bid being about 30 American gold coins right now. Are you hardcore enough to own these? Keep in mind, Nintendo Wii is getting Rock Band (eventually).

<Kojinka> When I saw this thread back on top, I was afraid this was gonna be another pointless bump by a new member, but when I saw Super-Jesse's username, my fears were laid to rest.
