
Author Topic: Wacko dreams  (Read 250797 times)

« on: February 01, 2005, 07:33:32 PM »
I have been having the craziest dreams latley.   I'll start off with dream #1 then post others as people make comments.

#1.  The song "Dark side of the moon" by Pink Floyd was playing.  I was 3 and blowing bubbles outside.  The reflection of me in one of the bubbles goes up in the air, then you are looking up at it, and you see the moon in the background.  Now I am still 3, and now I am on the moon, just wearing normal clothes.  I see my grandma, I walk towards her and give her a hug.  As we do that, "Discovery" the spaceship from 2001, passes the moon.  Now I see Dave Boweman and companion going towards a white opening in space.  The opening is the hole in my ear.  They are microscopic, and I am now seen laying in a bed at my aunts old house, but I am present age.  I wake up, because of a baby monitor beside the bed, and she sais "Kyle, time to wake up." I wake up, go downstairs and David and companion are there eating breakfast with my aunt.  They see me, and I greet them as if we were old pals.  But something is wrong, we turn around and the monolith was behind us. m As I look at it, I fall to my knees, and you see the monolith towering above me, and there is a reflection of mario's face in it.  That is when the song ends

O world-egg, hear me.
I am Horus of millions of years.
I am lord and master of the throne
Freed from evil, I traverse the ages
and spaces that are endless.
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2005, 08:42:16 PM »
Here's a quick tip: If you want to have freaky dreams, play the PS2 game Katamari Damacy right before bed. One of mine after such a night looked like a crazy animutation film(see the game intro and you'll know why) with the whacked-out Katamari Damacy theme song as the background music. Flashing colors, objects flying everywhere, so much nonsense I can't remember half of it.....

And for those of you who HAVE played it, I take comfort in the fact that I just got the theme song stuck in your head right now just as it got stuck in mine as I was typing this. Laaaaaa, la, la, la, la, la, laaa, la, la, la, la, la, la, laaaaa!

Edited by - CashCrazed on 2/1/2005 6:44:58 PM
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2005, 08:55:49 PM »
OMG....... It sounded like Mario was trying to pwn you..... lol. I like thes dream boards!

TMK fan since three years ago!
TMK fan since three years ago!

« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2005, 09:03:51 PM »
I do remember a spinning Mario head drifting by in it, but just once. Not many of my dreams have anything to do with Mario. Probably because I play more games like Halo 2 and Final Fantasy than Mario nowadays.

I also have some that have to do with running away in an endless plane. Usually it's my neighborhood at night, but sometimes it's other places. Something bad happens in my house, I try for a while to get out and finally succeed, then I run. Run, as far as I can. Passing house after house, it just goes on forever until I either get caught or.....I just keep running until I wake up.
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2005, 09:52:01 PM »
I guess this would be the thread to share that dream I had a while back where I took over the world. Problem is, I remember so freaking much from that dream that I can almost write a story about it, making up the details I forgot from the dream. Hmmmmmm...



  • Steamed
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2005, 09:56:15 PM »
Did any of you read my last post to the first dream thread? (I Dreamt About Two Of You) It was pretty amusing, if scary. Speaking of scary... I drew a quick sketch some people have already seen. If you're interested, bored, odd, or all of the above: (quick sketch)

"Chocolate milk is the best thing to ever happen to the dairy industry."

- Ian "Suffix"

« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2005, 11:37:01 PM »
Awesome! Nice sketch! Is it from your dream? Boo met you...... I'm jealous..... I wish I dreamt Boo meeting me! Young Link knew me once in one of my dreams........ So did Banjo.......... Never met Boo........ Edit: So that was Boolossus, the threat to your life and your sanity....... (I had a cow beating him im LM!!!) I'd stick a pencil though him, and watch all thos Boo fly away by the repercussion!

TMK fan since three years ago!

Edited by - Master Mario on 2/1/2005 9:43:26 PM
TMK fan since three years ago!


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2005, 12:54:20 AM »
What follows is sort of are warned.

Last night I drempt that I was donating blood.  I was given one of those sand-filled stress balls and told to squeeze it repeatedly with my right hand.  I'm right-handed, so I don't know why I was donating blood from my right arm, but whatever.  As the needle was beeing stuck into my arm, I was squeezing the stress ball so fast that the needle slipped.  It slid down and cut a huge gash along the entire length of my arm.  I started freaking out, thinking that I was going to bleed to death...but when I looked down, it was water, not blood, that was coming out of my arm.  I was perfectly fine, except for being drenched in arm didn't even hurt.  Then I woke up.

« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2005, 05:50:19 AM »
I think I may need to go see a therapist.  I think so because my dreams are so screwed up that, in a twisted way, they are so meaningful.

O world-egg, hear me.
I am Horus of millions of years.
I am lord and master of the throne
Freed from evil, I traverse the ages
and spaces that are endless.
I only watch [adult swim]

« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2005, 10:52:03 AM »
I saw a dream that there was a big SSBM Party Ball Hovering above our town.
I saw it and climbed up To the roof, and jumped to the rope and pulled as hard as i could.
Then: Bam!
It was raining Hairpins!
Then i saw an old grampa saying very softly, but angrily:
-They're here... Again...
Then i woke up and saw my sisters hairpin what She Forgot yesterday to my desk.

I can sometimes control my dreams, and sometimes when i blink in the dream, there comes a cut-scene that my eyes are Glued, and i can't open them, or sometimes there comes a cut-scene of an old BnW movie where an old lady says:
-That's all i got.
Then i wake up.

Odd is, that i've never been able to read something in my dreams.

I''ll tell you when i''m signature!!

« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2005, 01:34:40 PM »
Many people can control their dreams if they're aware that they're dreaming.
"Be yourself. Everyone else is taken."

« Reply #11 on: February 02, 2005, 02:00:06 PM »
It's true that you can't read in dreams.  I don't reacall the exact reason, though, but it has something to do right-brain/left-brain conflict.
"There are no such things as stupid questions, just stupid people."

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #12 on: February 02, 2005, 10:03:47 PM »
I've actually been able to read in a few dreams, when I was deep asleep. When I'm more aware of trying to figure out what stuff says, it's more like the letters and words keep changing and I can't remember what they say.

"Don’t look into car headlights and freeze, because you might get run over or shot."
That was a joke.


  • Nike and Reebok
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2005, 10:07:07 PM »
"Many people can control their dreams if they're aware that they're dreaming."

I heard that someone made a thing called the Novadreamer or something like that, that makes you know when you're dreaming.

« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2005, 05:48:52 AM »
I had a dream I was mario, and me and luigi were in our lair in brooklyn.  We got a plumbing call.  We whent into the guy's bathroom, and it was ginormous.  It was like it was a whole other world with just thechnicolor pipes.  I say to luigi "This may be a hard one."  He sais "I thinka so too."  We get to work and we're swinging with our wrenches on bolts and nuts, we were also sliding on our feet down some pipes.  It was so fun!

O world-egg, hear me.
I am Horus of millions of years.
I am lord and master of the throne
Freed from evil, I traverse the ages
and spaces that are endless.
I only watch [adult swim]
