« on: February 05, 2002, 05:19:40 PM »
The history:
Back when Nintendo had the SNES system, there were three different companies working for them. Sony, Square, and SEGA. Then Sony came out with there Playstation. Sony asked if Square would join them. If they did, they need a good game title for them to use. One of which was Final Fanisty. The newest Final Fanisty did not help Nintendo. Nintendo agreed for Sony to have Final Fanisty. The last game before Square went to Sony, as we all know, was SMRPG. After that, Square has been with Sony all the way. Soon SEGA left Nintendo to work on the Genisis, Saturn, and Dreamcast. Now that the Dreamcast is off the market, SEGA is back with Nintendo.
My question to you:
Now that the Gamecube is doing a bit better than PS2, do you think that Sqaure will return to Nintendo to continue making RPG games?
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The Game Master.