« on: November 11, 2001, 07:24:48 PM »
(Hmm.. When will Game Shark Advance come out?) Ha! 4 Hours??? What a lie! Not even the GBC batteries last for 4 hours.
Okay. It could be true if you have a lot of accessories that need batteries. If you don't have those, then you lie!
Burn mark?? There is no way there could be a burn mark. Not unless you have some type of magnifer lens that focus's the suns' light.
And how can you make a submission of Super Mario Bros. 7 for GBC/GBA when you hate GBA? Not only that, you make a suggestion for a game system the next day you hate. What in heck do you think your doing, Todd?
From "My Submissions!"
Todd: "#2: Super Mario Bros. 7 (GBC or GBA)"
You want them to make a game for GBC/GBA and you hate GBA. So why did you put GBA on there?
The Peagus Team must fulfill our duty. We must find the secert page.
The Game Master.