<a mirror>
Jared: Ah! Oh, wait, it's just me.
Josh: Mabey it's a magic mirror. Anybody got a Game Boy Horror?
<Link: Wrong game!>
Josh: Oops. sorry.
Vicky: Yeah.
Mark: No wait, he may be right. If I recalibrate-
Vicky: Are you Dexter or are you a realist?
Mark: Um.. Dexter?
<<Vicky bangs Mark over the head>>
Mark: Ouch.
Vicky: That's what you get for being smart.
Mark: I am smart.
Josh: That's not what she ment.
Jared: Now where?
<<Bright flash of light. Friends get transported to a Casio>>
Jared: Where are we.
Josh: Looks like-
Knight: Welcome to the Exclauber Hotel!
Vicky: The what?
Jared: Um.. how do we get out?
Mark: Cool! I'm back in my own time period!
Jared: What's that?
Mark: Febuary 12, 2002! That was the same day I transported back in time.
Jared: How do you know?
Mark: Look at that calander.
Josh: Oh.
Vicky: Cool! No more Tiny Town!
Josh: Why is the sky so dark?
Jared: Rain storm?
Mark: This is a desert. It doesn't rain for a long time.
Jared: Then Kodis must be in control.
Josh: Narmn.
Jared: Narmn. Narmn?
Vicky: You killed Kodis.
Jared: That's right.
Josh: So how do we get back?
Mark: The same way I did.
Jared: How?
Mark: Um, My lab!
Josh: Where's that?
Mark: Um, Room 312. It's a hidden room.
Josh: Cool let's go.
Mark: But, the time machine is still in the past. It will take two posts to build a new one.
Josh: Let's get to it.
Vicky: What about Napolien?
Mark: He can only go through time by himself and no one else.
<A HREF>, <BR>, <IMG SRC>, <BODY>, <TITLE>......gosh, HTML code can be a little confusing.
The Game Master.