
Author Topic: mario cartoons not coming...  (Read 3475 times)

« on: March 23, 2002, 09:09:10 AM »
after happily hearing the news from some particular sites about hearing of the cartoons returning and a mario anime, I'm pretty sure its false.  I know the site the info is coming from. after the date for the cartoon to return passed they assured us that abc family had for some reason decided to play power rangers instead and will play mario, in another couple months. they're just keeping the lie alive! mario anime is where the true lies show through. its 3d. with a lot of mario characters. waluigi looks like wario's twin?! the koop kids in their teens?! toad has a girl friend?! Donkey Kong in it?! even those sound pretty believable untill he syas...."pokemon is in it. pokemon looks fat" then you know he screwed up.  First I e-mailed him asking for abc family's e-mail address. he never replied. so then I e-mailed him again, saying I knew he read the first one and never replied because he knows its fake. I know its fake. I pointed out how I figured it all out and threatened to have him shut down (dunno if I can do it but it scared him) and spread that he made that up all over the internet.  this time he replied. all he said was that it was true and wanted to know my im name.  I replied and said I didn't have one but if I did I wouldn't spend my time talking to to him.  once again I warned him to admitt it. no reply. no admitting it. no nothing. untill last night I noticed something. I think he took down the "mario anime information" he put up. too bad he forgot to take it off the updates page. freak. so here it is! this guy was lying the whole time. I have proof!

« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2002, 09:12:16 AM »
Well, good, I'm glad it's a lie, Mario Japanamation would be terrible.


Edited by - Purple Yoshi on 3/23/2002 7:13:26 AM

« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2002, 12:12:57 PM »
And besides that, IT WAS ALL S*X! S-EX, S-EX, S-EX, S-EX, and minute kart racing.

(Minute as in MI-NOOT, not MIN-UT)

"Sure, most Nintendo fans remain hopeful, because this is essentially a pre-requisite for being a Nintendo fan, but I personally have had enough. This company seems to hate its consumers. It doesn''t even know who the hell they are. We are not a bunch of idiot kids who want 10-hours in Miyamoto''s garden marvelling at how detailed the textures are on some giant tincan. We want ACTUAL VIDEOGAMES! Of course, Nintendo are too high on themselves to realize this."

Edited by - frostbite on 3/23/2002 10:13:56 AM

« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2002, 12:24:11 PM »
.......RRRROOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ALL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*RIPS PURPLE YOSHI TO SHREDS*RRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*RIPS THE PERSON WHO STARTED THE LIE TO SHREDS*!!!!!!!!! DIE!!!!!DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!*RIPS ABC FAMILY TO SHREDS*!!!!!!RROOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's ANIME not Japanimation!!!!!!!!!DIE!!!!!!!!!!!ROOOAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT MARIO ANIME!!!!!!!!RRRRROOOOOOAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Midnight Reviver Revives Old Topics At Midnight!!!

Skate: 0-/<):

What? you don''''t want to skate? Well then snowboard: 0-\<\

and to make this sig even hideosely longer:I''ve joined  Forum under the name "MangaMan".  
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2002, 06:44:09 PM »
*sigh* these people won't answer. the site seems to not be doing anything. arg! read! be mad at the liars!


  • Banned
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2002, 07:12:25 PM »
I believe it. I mean look what they almost did to Letterman. Letterman almost went to ABC to take that other guy's place. Howver they never told that guy he was being replaced and Letterman decided not to go.

And now for something completely different.....

« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2002, 04:29:17 PM »
You never know they might put the old mario cartoons on abc family. For petes sake one time they put on that carmen sandiego show on in the begining. And odes anyone think besides my high school friend that miyamato is smoking a japanese plant. I dont' believe it but.........

Luigi rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Luigi rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!
