
Author Topic: A Nintendo character declares war on another character.  (Read 1773 times)


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« on: January 06, 2006, 08:52:02 PM »
Post stories about any Nintendo character declaring war on another Nintendo character
He's back. All you had to do is ask. Super Mario Bros. 3 from Nintendo. Now you're playing with POWER! (SMB3 NES commercial)

« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2006, 09:18:27 PM »
One day, Luigi thought that Mario was too fat, so he ordered him to get of his lazy butt and run a few miles. Well, Mario thought liposuction would be better. Luigi agreed. And then, for no reason at all, Kirby declared war on Samus. They killed themselves in a big fight. "Mama-Mia," Mario said. "What the heck does this have to do with my weight problem?"
"Nothing," PaperLuigi replied. "I just like poking fun at how fat you are!"
Mario pulled out his 12-gauge and blew him away.
"Man, where the heck to you get those things?" Luigi asked. "In every one of these stupid stories this moron writes, you've got a 12-gauge."
Mario pulled the trigger and everyone just.....died.

The End.

The moral: If you ever come across an idiot named PaperLuigi, he's got it in for you. He's crazy, I tell ya! Run like mad! Ah crap, I'm runnning from him, but I can't get away! He's like, attached to me or something!
Luigison: Question everything!
Me: Why?


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« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2006, 05:40:25 PM »
One day, Link was sitting around, doing nothing. He was bored. "I know," said Link, "I'll declare war on Kirby!" So he did. This made Kirby mad, and called upon everyone in Dreamland to rise against Link. Link got everyone (read: Tingle) in Hyrule to go over to the Alamo, which was actually in Hyrule. Commander Link and Second Liuetentant Tingle defended the Alamo bravely against the Dreamland inhabitants, but they were outnumbered a squillion to one. Just then, Tingle did some little creepy dance, and an army of thousands of Aliens came to defend them. General Kirby stabbed one of the Aliens, but its acid blood melted his spear, and killed Kirby, whose army suddenly went berserk. One of the soldiers in the 101st Kirby Armored Division called for reinforcements, and they came immediately: hundreds of Koopas! A medic Koopa revived Gen. Kirby, who ordered the 31st Koopa Marine Division to assault the Aliens' left flank. It was no use, and the Aliens slaughtered the Koopas. After days of fighting, each side, Link and Kirby, were down to about forty men. In the end, Gen. Kirby declared a truce. However, this was not enough for 2nd Lt. Tingle. Tingle went over to Kirby, pulled out a Desert Eagle 9mm handgun, and shot him.


The moral of the story: Don't let Link get bored! He'll declare war on you and then make Tingle shoot you with a Desert Eagle!
