
Author Topic: A good message board gathers no moss....  (Read 3371 times)

« on: February 12, 2001, 05:43:49 PM »
What are everybody's thoughts on how Sega's dropping out of consoles will affect Nintendo?
Me? I think that it'll improve competition and turn the tide...Nintendo and Sega are true old school and, even though there'll never be another Sega console, this can only improve sales of consoles because people will buy Gamecube for the Sega games...Therefore there'll be a good installed user base that will buy Mario games....Overall, I like it.
-Pegasus Team, slide ruler

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2001, 06:24:40 AM »
I am thrilled that Sega is no longer going to be making consoles. Now that they're gone, it's just Nintendo vs.  PlayStation!

As for the Sega being a 3rd party game developer... I'm not exactly happy about it. Why would Sega even try making games for other systems? There is no hope for Sega. They might as well go out of business! It's the exact same thing that happened to Atari...


Mario Maniac!!
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.

« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2001, 03:33:43 PM »
what do you have against sega man? Sonic is just as good as Mario. anyway, I think sega being a software developing company is a great idea, imagine the long awaited game game of Mario AND Sonic may be a reality. If that happens I can die a happy man.


« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2001, 07:40:23 PM »
I was so sad...However, I'm glad that Sega is still producing quality games. Anybody gotten wind of the GBA Sonic game yet? Looks like Nintendo and Sega are gonna be getting some major bucks.

Kweeh! Forget Whark! Kweeh! Is better!
Kweeh! Kweeh! Yes, Kweeh forever!

« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2001, 09:25:12 PM »
I sure hope that a future Sonic game will be traditional side-scrolling. IMHO, that's where Sonic was the best. Who can forget Sonic running along with those spinning feet, going around loops and smashing bosses that for some reason always included one fatal weakness in their design? 2D is where it's at!

"Thus Spake Lizard"

« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2001, 06:04:45 AM »
maybe...if we all get really lucky...nintendo will BUY the dreamcast hardware and market it as the "Nintendo Dreamcast!" okay, im just restless for the gamecube.

(enter a witty comment or phrase here)
If at first you dont succeed, skydiving is not for you.

« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2001, 11:42:23 AM »
I think it's great that Sega has dropped out of its unsuccessful console business and stuck to the much more successful game business.

Does anyone know if Sega will continue making their own arcade machines though?

Future collaborations between Nintendo and Sega sound promising, and sales of GC may increase due to less competition. Of course as soon as Sega drops out we get Microsoft cashing in... *sigh*

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« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2001, 03:00:39 PM »
I feel sorry for SEGA guys, but, well, that's life. Saying that Sonic is as cool as Mario seems a bit exagerated to me, but, anyway, the hedgehog is not a bad guy. And I would love seeing them SEGA owners begging for Sonic to be on a Nintendo system.
But I also think that the fact of SEGA stopping production of Dreamcast is not good for Nintendo, because SEGA lovers are not going to buy GCN, they are going to buy PS2, and that's not good at all.

Ens veiem al pròxim mil·leni!
See ya, er, soon!

Gonçal d=^)
Ens veiem al pròxim mil·leni!
See ya, er, soon!

Gonçal d=^)

« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2001, 11:08:15 PM »
Oh, I long for the carefree days where Microsoft only made computer thingies..

When your fingers and hands turn blue, you''ll now that I am there, watching you.
