
Author Topic: Bored-MKII GT  (Read 26688 times)

« Reply #105 on: July 04, 2002, 01:49:44 PM »
i can't think of anything...
but why don't you post there more often?

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #106 on: July 05, 2002, 09:58:51 PM »
Roshan: Ugh......

*Everyone is restless and sick of waiting for someone to come up with an ending Roshan is especially bored... and is getting weirder and weirder by the minute.*

Roshan: Heh heh heh... Hey Roy, Ya know what? You cannot survive the wrath of...
Roy: (Oh great, this is gonna be so cheesy...)

*Roy eats the index card*

Roshan: ...


There! Now you can't complain about being hungry because you ate my index card!
Roy: (Ya, considering I was desparate enough to eat an INDEX CARD has to tell you something...)


U "F" O: What is this? They've been STANDING there for a week!
U "F" O's assistant: Maybe they are laying a siege...
U "F" O: Then why have they resorted to eating index cards?
U "F" O's assitant: Why do they even HAVE index cards?

Wait... something is not right here... people standing there by the castle... for a week... eating index cards... Hmmmmmm... This looks like a job for....


*A strange guy in a cape and tights with a large "C" painted on his chest enters.*

Cynicman: Why are you ppl here? Staring at the castle? Admiring it? Or are you afraid?

Steve: Wait... Something is not right here... THAT WASN'T CYNICISM! That was insult! There is a fine line between cynicism and insult....

Cynicism: You have no life. I mean there you are, sitting there on a computer, making up stories with characters like me...

Roshan: HEY! I am a character like me!

Steve: Cynicism is more stating the obvious in a blunt way... Insult is more assumption based than cynicism... *eyes turn to flames*

I am the Insane One...
The firm believer of CYNICISM...
The noticer of inconsisancies...
The master of pure idiosyncrisity...
Our only real enemy is Fate...
Our only real ally is Luck...

Roshan: -Wow, this is deep...-

I am the perpetually bored One...
I am Insane Steve!!!

Cynicman: What was the point of th-- *Steve kicks him in the face, knocking him unconsious, possibly dead.*

Cable: uh oh he's talking in spanish...


U "F" O: Wait... just you wait... when (if) they EVER try to get in here... my SECRET WEAPON will make short work of them.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

What is the U "F" O's secret weapon?
Who is the U "F" O?
Why have they not entered the castle for a week?
Why DO they have index cards?
Is Cynicman really dead? (yes)

Find out the answers to all these questions, and so much more... sometime in the next year!!!

If you're lucky.

You know what? I got really, really bored one day so I decided to change my signature.

« Reply #107 on: July 08, 2002, 08:33:12 AM »
hey! i only had ONE line in that!
steve: sorry
me: no you aren't
me: hrmmph!

cable: i can't take any more of this! *jumps in the moat*
00boo: there goes another one...
roshan: Who was the first?
00boo: roy
roshan: ROY!?
00boo: yea, roy
roshan: NOOOOO! *jumps in moat*
00boo: *rolls eyes* sigh...*jumps in moat*

u"F"o: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha*gag*... they will all surely parish!

will they?
or is there perhaps a secret entrance or something? *wink wink*
will we finish this story before school starts?

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did

« Reply #108 on: July 16, 2002, 10:27:22 AM »
noone's added yet?

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did

« Reply #109 on: August 13, 2002, 11:26:40 AM »
all the memories

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #110 on: August 16, 2002, 09:40:04 PM »
I still don't know why I havn't finished this story yet, probably cuz I STILL don't know who a good U "F" O would be. Anyway, cable, you should really stay, and not just to advertise, uh, you know...

Cuando yo me siento aquí, reflexionar lo que aconteció exactamente con mi vida, yo me dí cuenta algo. Algo interesar. ... algo que no era bastante correcto... algo que pareció hacer mi vida incompleta... algo que hizo mí se siente vacía adentro.. ¿Tan, usted sabe lo que hice? Absolutamente nada. Era el mejor desicion de mi vida. Mi vida no bastante correcta vacía.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #111 on: November 13, 2002, 09:56:51 PM »
Ooh Heh
Ooh heh
That was a joke.

« Reply #112 on: November 14, 2002, 10:29:41 PM »
Then the uf o is revealed to be mama mia mario
00boo:why why did you do it
mmm:ohh a hot girl *runs off*
roshan: oh that sucks i really wanted to kill something
black yoshi:....
*roshan kills black yoshi*

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #113 on: November 14, 2002, 11:02:12 PM »
What? That's just the end, then?

Ooh Heh
Ooh Heh
That was a joke.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #114 on: November 15, 2002, 01:48:15 AM »
*Crashes into scene with damaged jet pack and Roshan's drill boots*

Does CW know something?
Will he tell the others?
Are the others even interested in the story anymore?
Who is George Peter Franklin?
 - - - BORED-MKII GT!! - - -

Ooh Heh
Ooh Heh
That was a joke.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #115 on: November 15, 2002, 01:55:40 AM »
Oh, and here's BM2GT greatest hits... volume 1!
00boo:ACK if the sory has no plot that means itsa plot that talks about no plot
CW: Doesn't he mean "imminent"?
Roshan: Does this story finally have something that may qualify as a plot in 13 countries? Find out on..... <too lazy to check the title of the story>
Roshan: So THAT'S the plot, we sit here and fight stuff.... SWEET, that's my fort.
Roy: (You mean FORTE.)
Roshan: Well, my comp doesn't have accent marks... sheesh...

Will My comp get accent marks?

Find out when ---- ya know, I don't care!!

Is that it for now? Why is Steve so lzy today? Find out soon.....I hope....

cable: i found walt disney, but he's kinda too frozen in a big block of ice to make your show, roshan
roshan: away with this foolish ice cube

00boo:i dont have feet

cable:*picks up dead alien* i bet i could get 50 cents for this... that would pay for my play-doh

cable: 50 cents
shadowy guy: okay * hands cable money*
cable: THIS IS FIFTY DOLLA... *calmly* thank you

will they excape
why is the end on top
will they make it alive
#after running for awhile#
00boo: i think we finally got away from him
roshan:whos he
00boo: ohya you guys never saw him
cable: WHO WANTS TO TOUCH THE ALIEN HAND*it wasnt all sold* only $50 per touch
nemesis: stars #hes some where in mexico eating a burrito#
00boo:ack not the ufo again
*roshan then cuts it in to pieces*
*and cable is still makeing play-doe*
by:hey i havent died yet *then looks at the date* ITS OPPISATE DAY
roshan:mabye thats why the ufo still wont die
cable:...... ALIEN SLIME $220
00boo:know wonder the questions are on the top
black yoshi:hey if i dont die will you die
*they all die except for black yoshi and cable*
00boo:noooo not again
death:hello welcome to he-
00boo: i will give you a qarter if you let me go
Death: oo shiny .....ok
*00boo leaves the place*
roshan:i need a QUARTER .... hey can i borrow that quarter
roshan: i will give you a quarter if you let me go
death : ok OOO shiny
*roshan leaves poor mmm and the rest*

Cable: money<that's what weird al calls bill gates>

Roshan: Wha..... *rips out all the money before it can eat him, still it manages to rip off his right hand*
Roshan: GA#! T#at was t#e ####est ##ad #f #### # #ave EVER see#! Steve, W## d#d ### d# ##a#!
Roy: (You're talking all funny...)
Roshan: #f c##rse # a# ta####g a## f####! ##### Gates#s ev## ###e# ##st r###ed #ff ## #a#d!!!

*scene deleted*
Roshan: Why is this deleted?
Steve: Cuz it's boring.
Roshan: Ooooooo, ok then, carry on.

Ooh Heh
Ooh Heh

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 11/15/2002 9:03:28 PM
That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #116 on: November 15, 2002, 08:02:17 PM »
Amusing. Anyway: That last part... (The boring scene) it was to cover up a double post. Heh heh heh...

Roshan: How amusing. A copy-pasted recap of random parts of the story.
Roy: (Someone brought this back?)
Roshan: You spelled it "lzy"? You really were lazy...
Roy: (You know what's really lazy? The fact we've been sitting in a moat for roughly.... 4 months now....)

Steve: Fine, I'll get this finished sometime. Not today. I need to get some ideas. I mean, you were sitting in a moat for... 4 months... I think you can sit there for maybe a day now...

Roshan: It's kind of cold now...

Steve:...Ugh... fine.

*Everyone climbs out of the moat.*

Roy: (Now what? And where is everyone?)
Steve: This is going to take a while...

(PS: In case you are interested, "Steve" isn't really a part of the story. More of an omniscent 3rd party that isn't actually in the story.)
PPS: I am pretty sure that "Impertinent" is a word. I ran it in a spell check and it said it was a word...

I don`t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #117 on: November 15, 2002, 11:00:20 PM »
Well certainly, impertinent is a word, meaning superfluous, unimportant, etc... but imminent seems like it woul dhave made more sense.
MaDe MoRe SeNsE?! What am I talking about? Especially in this story...!

CW: Ooh Heh . . . Ooh Heh
Roshan: What do you want?
CW: Collard Greens!!!!!!!1!!!!11!11!1
Roy: (Oh brother...)
CW: Look! Up in the sky! It's a nerd! It's Insane! It's NOT Steve!? Wait... oh well. Anyway... AAAHHH It's the U "F" O!
*Suddenly a giant monster with the body of Bowser, the programming of Sigma, and as huge as Andross... it's BowSigmAnd!*
Cable: And... who?
CW: Gimme a money! *Activates stolen drill boots*
Cable: AAAAHHHH!!! MY MONEY!!! *dies*
George Peter Franklin: How sad. Hmm... did you hear that noise?
CW: Where'd that monster go??
GPF: Oh... heh heh... I just saw it leave... I think... *burp*
Roshan: Git me outta this moat!!


 . . . . BORED-MKII GT!! . . . .

Ooh Heh
Ooh Heh
That was a joke.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #118 on: November 16, 2002, 10:51:23 PM »
TV Producer: This show isn't doing so well.
Network Executive: You got it.
CW: What's the big idea? This is a TV show and no one told me? HI MOM
Network Exec.: We're cancelling this show.
*fans write thousands of letters to SBN (Story Boards Network) protesting cancellation*
*however, it is not enough to change their minds*
*then, a rival channel, GMC, decides to buy up all previous episodes, for possible flashback sequences, and also continues the series for the next season, under a slightly new/different name*

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 11/20/2002 11:10:37 PM
That was a joke.
