
Author Topic: DK King of Swing DS scans and Mario Bros. in Ouendan 2!  (Read 4099 times)


  • In flames
« on: May 09, 2007, 09:02:10 AM »
I had a chance to play DK King of Swing DS at last year's E3.  Oddly, the game seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth.  It's back now with a Japanese release date of July 19th.  The latest Famitsu, a weekly Japanese gaming mag, shows off new screens of the game.  Unlike the first game, the sequel's graphics try to mimic the original pre-rendered look of Donkey Kong Country.  Along with gameplay shots, there are a few amusing screens here such as DK playing DS on a DS and DK talking to the Peanut Butter Jelly Time banana (okay, not really).

On the same page is something even more exciting: screens of Ouendan 2.  For those not familiar with the game, Ouendan was the spiritual predecessor to Elite Beat Agents in Japan, starring a male Japanese cheer squad who help people in need by motivating them through their cheers.  This issue shows off the new design of the cheergirls as well as a first look at their rival cheergirl squad.  Even more amusing is a cameo by what appears to be Mario Bros lookalikes!  Their hats say "Water Bureau."  I'm not sure how they tie into the story, but the game is guaranteed to be a blast, and their inclusion makes things even better.

Link: Famitsu scans
« Last Edit: May 09, 2007, 09:39:16 AM by Deezer »


  • Unstoppable News Machine
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 10:47:41 AM »
Thanks for posting this! I saw it this morning but I didn't get a chance to blog it. I like the look, and hope EBA 2 happens here....
<Kojinka> When I saw this thread back on top, I was afraid this was gonna be another pointless bump by a new member, but when I saw Super-Jesse's username, my fears were laid to rest.
