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Messages - Black Mage

Pages: 1 ... 121 122 123 124 125 [126] 127 128 129
General Chat / Re: tmnt fans will be happy
« on: April 10, 2002, 06:50:21 PM »
 Well, I'm 17, but I had expericenced what I was going on about when I was about 14-15. I guess you just come from a better place than me. Heh...

General Chat / Re: tmnt fans will be happy
« on: April 09, 2002, 06:30:17 PM »
 Ha ha, you kids are even more resourceful than I thought, I guess I have misjudged you two. You guys have a great attitude towards other people, and make sure you never change it. Trust me, you'll meet people who'll get under your skin, and make fun of you for no reason what so ever, it may even seem like I do it to people, but with your attitude, I don't think you guys will have any problems at all.

Video Game Chat / Re: Anybody like Chrono Trigger?
« on: April 09, 2002, 01:09:44 PM »
 The only thing that made sense from that post was that you are a friend of bob heihoo.
 If you were trying to say they changed the game slightly for the PSX version, than you were incorrect. The only things added were the cut scenes and extra things at the end of the game, such as art, maps, beastiry, and the like. The actual game remained untouched ane exactly the same as the SNES version.

General Chat / Re: tmnt fans will be happy
« on: April 08, 2002, 07:23:52 PM »
 Aren't you guys made fun of in school?

  I mean, really, if I went around telling people I was a Ninja Turtles fan, I'd never hear the end of it. But, I'm not a fan, but I don't hate it. Not that it matters.

 But, aren't you guys? I'd know I'd make fun of anyone in my class that still liked the Ninja Turtles, at least, as much as you guys seem to.

General Chat / Re: who am i? im one of you!
« on: April 08, 2002, 07:07:45 AM »
Well, you aren't Lt. Eagle, for your grammer is not of his calaber, and I do not believe MamamiaMario's to be as bad as yours either, so my guess would be Bandicoot Buddy, or whatever your name was, I do not feel like hitting the back button.

General Chat / Re: Noooo Siggy Pics
« on: April 07, 2002, 09:10:09 PM »
 No HTML, eh?
 This board does seem primitive compared to VBullitin Boards and UBBs, doesn't it? So, it wouldn't surprise me that HTML would not work.

 However, most boards have some sort of code of their own, whether it be the "EZ-Code" of the Ezboards or the Network64 code. Come to think of it, I don't even know what kind of board this is, so I would be no help in this area, Maybe you should try some basic secondary codes like

Mario Chat / Re: Mario Candy is delicious!
« on: April 07, 2002, 05:29:47 PM »
 Yeah, I've seen 'em here in New York, and yes, they do have the seal of quality on them, making them official. Actually, there was an article on them at ign fairly recently. I saw them in a Babbages near by.

Video Game Chat / Re: Anybody like Chrono Trigger?
« on: April 07, 2002, 05:15:52 PM »
 **Warning I may post some spoilers, I haven't decided yet**
 Hmm Chrono Trigger, why yes, as a matter of fact, I do like that game. Actually, I like it enough to still play it on my SNES often. Hell, I even bought FF Chronicles for the Playstation. It had a lot of neat features, plus, the new FF 4 translation might I add. Yeah, I've done everything in CT. Even those Triple Techs that you need the colored stones for. Chrono Cross was good, but no where near the quality of CT. Plus, Glenn was cool too. I mean, anyone who weilds the Grand Lion is great. Note, I do not mean Glen from CC, I do infact mean Frog/Glenn from CT, for those who have only played CC. I also like Akira Toriyama's character designs, although they are very close to DBZ designs. However, the translation by Woosley wasn't too good. I mean, really, he even re-named the GrandLion, a Broad Sword, to the Masamune, a Katana. It makes little sense, other than the fact that they wanted to draw the FF crowds in. One thing I must commend the translation on is the re-naming of Jackie. I much prefere Magus, but I guess Jackie wasn't too bad.
 In conclusion, Yes, I do like Chrono Trigger, it is much better than all of this new graphical garbage Square is putting out now days, they seem to be forgetting what makes a good game.

" a 19 year old slacker and i aint gay..."

 My point exactly. Did I say you were gay? Why do you insist on saying you aren't, when no one has accused you of it?

 Also, I don't care if you are 19 or not, but the age you seem to be showing in your messages seems to say otherwise.

Forum Games / Re: 5 Heros:the Beginning
« on: April 05, 2002, 08:41:33 PM »
I'm going to make it a little easier to read, if you don't mind.

One fine day at the mushroom kingdom, we find Mario geting ready for the Hero's Convention in Toad Town.
 "Mamamia!" Mario shouted. "This pasta stinks!"
"Well,I guess I wasn't made for cooking." Luigi said
"I gotta get to Toad Town. I'll see ya later. "Mario said
"I'm going too, ya know." Luigi steamed.
Meanwhile in Hyrule...
"AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!I'm late!" Link shouted. "I gotta get to Toad town fast!" Link rushed off fast.
Meanwhile in Toad town, Sonic, Mario, Luigi, Link,and Toad waited for everyone else to come.
"Hmmmmmm...."said Toad. "It seems nobody is coming."
"Toad town was deserted when I got here" said Sonic.
"You foolish heros, don't you realize I have taken them?" blurted a loud noise
"Who are you?" asked Link.
"Why, I am Bowser!"

Edited by - Black Mage on 4/5/2002 6:42:08 PM

Mario Chat / Re: why do people shamelessly advertise their sigs?
« on: April 05, 2002, 08:30:32 PM »
 I was going to say something about what a hypocrite is, but frankly, I don't care anymore.

General Chat / Re: SAILOR SENSHI UNITE!!!
« on: April 05, 2002, 08:17:57 PM »
 Aw, you got my hopes up to see Sailor Moon.
 Shame on you. ><;

 Ha ha ha.

 I would never have imagined running into this statement here at these boards.

 One thing sticks out though. You make the comment that you aren't gay, when no one had even accused you of it. Seems a bit defensive, eh?
 Not to mention, if you are a guy, wouldn't wanting to see Peach, "nude" if you will, be the complete opposite?
 Ah well, little kids confuse me.

Video Game Chat / Re: Coming Realeses For GC
« on: April 05, 2002, 10:12:18 AM »
 Phantasy Star Online: Epidsodes 1 and 2
 That looks like a keeper, if it's anything like the DC version.

 And don't forget,
 Capcom Versus SNK2: Pro
 I think thats what they are calling it for the GC, my Japanese isn't great and I was trying to read off of Capcom's Japanese site.

Mario Chat / Re: Pryncez Peech GET OVER HERE!!!
« on: April 04, 2002, 03:01:17 PM »
 Generally, when someone says domo, they mean thank you. Arigatou is in all actuality thank you, and Domo arigatou is thank you very much. Domo, alone, is implyed as Thank you, or Thanks.

 So, he said thank you to you and Pryncez Peech.

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