
Author Topic: Random Word Game  (Read 1660 times)


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« on: January 17, 2006, 01:21:36 PM »
Okay, here's the rules: Someone writes a sentence with at least one verb, one noun and one adjective. However, those words must be blanked out. The next person replies, but instead of filling in what they want, they look up the first verb/noun/adjective in the dictionary they see and put that in. For example:
"Today, I rode my (noun) to work, but was (verb)ed by a (adjective) (noun)!"
"Today, I rode my hobbledehoy to work, but was claimed by a hierarchial poop deck!"

Now, your turn!

My (noun) cartridge just (verb)ed, but at least my (adjective) 64 still works.
