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Messages - superstarMASIAH

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I had a dream Sunday night.  I had a dream I found a rat out in the middle of a feild, I brought this rat home and showed my parents.  They yelled at me, and told me to get rid of it, so I hid it.  THe next day it died from something, I dont know what, but I dont know how I got rid of its dead carcas.  The reason for this meaningless story for a meaningless topic is that, later, Monday night, I watched "The Wall".  I bought this movie (never seeing it before) that same day.  In that movie, the same thing happens to pink, as a child, except he got rid of it by throwing it in a river.  It totally freaked me out of my skin!  And I couldnt help noticing other traits of pink that are similar to mine.

1.  I lay on my side in some what of a croutched position

2.  I often daydream, or stare of into space.

3.  I have my hair in the almost same way.

4.  Same posture.

5.  Same solumn look.

OMG!!!!  I've lost my identity!  I've become someone else without even trying!

THe reason of this topic is, what kind of character can you relate to or think is like you, or in my case, is you?!  It can be any character from a book, tv, media, a movie.


General Chat / Your favorite books.
« on: September 27, 2005, 03:09:46 PM »
Here's mine...

I'll list some more later, I'm a scifi fan.

But burning in my heart, the memory smoulders on, of the gunner''s dying words on the intercom...~ Roger

Edited by - superstarMASIAH on 9/27/2005 2:12:22 PM

Site Discussion / How to get your pic on another site, to get it on TMK
« on: September 20, 2005, 03:44:42 PM »
Well, I've got the how to get a picture of something on TMK, but I want to get my pic on the internet so I can post it on TMK.  I think this is the right time for me to learn this because, most of you have witnessed the way I act, and know me ok.  So I think the only way you can fully know me now, is for me to get a pic of myself on one of those pic threads.  Do any of you know how?  I know probably all the mods do.

But burning in my heart, the memory smoulders on, of the gunner''s dying words on the intercom...~ Roger

General Chat / Things you would like to do before you die
« on: September 19, 2005, 02:09:51 PM »
I know, I am way too young to be thinking about death.  But, things could happen.  Anyways, here is what I would like to do,

1.  I would like to meet Shigeru before and thank him for thinking and creating Mario.  Because, without Mario, there would always be this empty felling in my life.

2.  I would like to reunite with the friends that I went to my aunts house with.  Thats the place that I fell in love with Mario.  And, I am going to have to say, I miss them terribly.

3.  I would like to dig all of my grandparents graves by hand, all by myself.  I know it may sound sick and psychpathic at first, but really, I love them, very much.  For as much as they have given to me, its the very least I could do.

4.  I would like to meet some of the people on the forum someday, I mean in person.  Not long, just maybe 10 minutes or so.  I've met an awful lot of interesting and nice people on the forums here.  And the only way I can asure myself a proper thankyou to the people who made TMK what it is, is to do it in person.

5.  I would like to make a mushroom house to live in for my wife and kids that I may or may not have.  It's always been a weird fantasy of mine

And, I post some more later, Thank you for your contributions in advance.

But burning in my heart, the memory smoulders on, of the gunner''s dying words on the intercom...~ Roger

General Chat / Didn't you miss me?
« on: September 11, 2005, 05:54:38 PM »
Couldn't you have missed me at all?(please notice the reference to one of the infamous Syd Barrett tracks) So, how is everybody?  Well, as you've probably have noticed my name next to the topic tidle, I'm back!  I see I'm still not unbanned from #tmk, but I'm not really suprised.  I've done some of the most awesome stuff while I was on break from the FF.  I cant wait to share most of it with all of you.  I spent some of my times on the weekend picking out topics I really want to post in.  Well, lets get started.  I chose my home-coming topic to be on my birthday.  I am now 16 years old.(I know what your thinking "Yeah, big whoop") And amazingly, I feel no different from when I was 15, except a lot more mentally mature.  I whent to kampai, a local japanese resturaunt, for dinner.  The guy who cooked in front of us was so incredibly awesome.  He had 5 shrimp tails on his spatula and a small dish, he flips em up in the air, catches the dish on his spatula first, then the shrimp tails fall in the dish one by one.  I've been looking over the forum on my spare time, reading, but no writing.  I saw that quarrel Markio and that Martini person got into, but as far as I'm concerned the person had it coming, but I shouldnt open old wounds.  I have written out a bunch of topics to make, and put alot of deep thought into them too.  So, while I'm here, as long as TMK is here, ENJOY the new and improved, but not changed for the bad part, super starMASIAH!

But burning in my heart, the memory smoulders on, of the gunner''s dying words on the intercom...~ Roger

General Chat / Goodbye, for now
« on: July 21, 2005, 02:19:48 PM »
Well, I've been doing some thinking, and I think its best for me to leave for awhile.  Since some of the people here are getting a little uptight.  I don't know, maybe I was wrong, maybe TMK isnt my home.  I'll be back in almost mid-September, to see if anything has changed.  But, before I leave, I'd like to say some fairwells.  I put everyones names in random order.  So if you don't like it, tough.  But, one thing I do want to get across is, everyone I listed is equally important to me as everyone else listed.

Vidgmchtr- "I never knew what your name meant, until recently.  Sad, yes I know, but we both know I'm retarded."

MEGABYTE- "I never realy liked you that much, but as I got to know you, you became alot cooler.  Thanks for making TMK what it is."

Chupperson- "I don't get why you banned me from the chat-room behind my back, or why you and MEGABYTE dislike me so much.  But, I've always had respect for you."

Luigison- "I've always thought you were the most awesome person at TMK.  Thanks for the memories."

Sapphira- "I've been here since I cant remember when, yet, so many things unsaid."

Markio- "I think I've always related to you more than any other person in the Fungi Forums.  Keep on keeping on."

Deezer- "I still have no clue what dukar is.  But, I also want to thank you for making TMK what it is, you did an awesome job."

Lizard Dude- "I still dont get what your name comes from.  I do know you contributed alot to TMK, so, thanks."

Screech- "Your named after the guy from Saved by the bell, right?"

Mr.Wiggles- I have no clue why I remember you so much, and why your name always stands out in my head.  Anyways, thanks for the memories."

Eclipsed_Moon- "Nice chatting with you."

TEM- "I still think Queen is pretty awesome too.  Goodluck with your website and all."

Trainman- "We got off to a rough start, but as soon as we got to know eachother, things smoothed out."

Rex- "I liked you alot too."

Well, I'm going to be making some last minute posts.  I won't be here, but I will be checking my e-mail and stuff.  So if you want to talk sometime, you know my address.  If I were you, I wouldnt open any one of my old topics.  Nobodies going to be looking at them, well, at least not me.  Well, fairwell everyone!


Edited by - superstarMASIAH on 7/21/2005 1:23:23 PM

General Chat / Floyd talk
« on: July 20, 2005, 10:42:54 AM »
Since I have met some interesting Pink Floyd fans here at the forum, I have taken it upon myself to make this topic.  Talk about anything you like about the band.  I dont care if you talk about the stuff you dont like about them, but if you absolutly hate the band (I wouldnt get why you would), please dont post at all, just save your breath, or finger joints, whatever.  And I do ask one more thing, after the first topic in here is made, dont make any new ones until you are almost sure its dead.  Thanks, I hope this turns out good.


Edited by - superstarMASIAH on 7/20/2005 9:43:44 AM

Mario Chat / Funny mario vid
« on: July 19, 2005, 07:33:07 AM »
Here's a video I found that was made by mario fans who smoked a whole gallon of crack!  Enjoy!


Game Help / GB transfer?
« on: July 06, 2005, 06:36:15 PM »
How can you play old GameBoy games on the DS?  I know you cant do it with just the DS, but I tryed to do it with my Action Replay using it as a transferer.  It failed:(  But I was just wandering if they actually sold GB transferers into GBA slot.  Does anyone get what I am saying?  One more thing, do you think they will make an NES classic GBA game of "SMB2:The Lost Levels"?


The White Mushroom House / SMB2 Japan and euro version
« on: July 06, 2005, 04:33:46 PM »
I'm talking about the SMB2 that was not sold in america, do you know where I can buy it without having to use the internet?  If you still do not know what I am talking about, go to and search key word "lost levels".


General Chat / Things that scare you, or used to.
« on: July 01, 2005, 06:36:10 PM »
Yeah, I've been thinking alot lately(not always a good thing) but I have been wondering this one question.  What scares you the most?

Heres my list, most of it was crap I thgought of when I was little.  Most of the stuff I'm over with

Used to be scared of
-E.T.(Bad dreams)
-That stupid chucky doll(I saw the movie when I was a little too young)
-I used to think people lived undernieth the shower, thats why I never put my feet on the drain, because I thought if I did, the people would grab my feet.
-I used to read u.f.o books in school, then when I whent to sleep I would think of the crazy stories in them.
-I used to be afraid of going downstairs, and if I had to, I would run up the stairs as fast as I could when I was done.
These are the things I'm still kind of afraid of

-I still leave my bedroom door open at night, in fear of being asassinated(spelling?)
-a little afraid of the dark
-abduction (normal, or paranormal)

Al Pacino came out of the theater...  Bruce Willis came out of the T.V...  But Mel Gibson, came out of nowhere.

Video Game Chat / E.B or Gamestop?
« on: June 29, 2005, 04:52:21 PM »
I just had to ask this question.  What gaming store do you like better, E.B or Gamestop?  Personally, I like Gamestop better.  I think they have alot better deals.  But the biggest difference has to be the clerks, the people at Gamestop are alot friendlier than at E.B.  The people at E.B in the mall I live near act like jerks, its almost as if they think thier better than you.  But, I guess it all depends on where you live.

Al Pacino came out of the theater...  Bruce Willis came out of the T.V...  But Mel Gibson, came out of nowhere.

General Chat / MiddleMan, Do or Die!
« on: June 27, 2005, 08:02:26 PM »
Stupid title, I know.  But I have figured something pretty fascinating.  I have heard that by the year 2018, the middle-man class will have decreased tragically or will die out.  So that meens, theres either poor, or rich, popular or unpopular, on the top or on the bottom.  But from what I have expierienced from topics like "Do you got a girl friend?"  Most of us ARE the middle man.  But realy, ask yourselves some questions, Do you care about populaity?No.  Do you care about girls or boys as in dating?Not realy.  Do you care about what other people think of you?Absolutly not.  I know it may sound like I'm just rambling on about some rubbish.  But, we have all met in the same place.  Does it sound remotely interesting?

Al Pacino came out of the theater...  Bruce Willis came out of the T.V...  But Mel Gibson, came out of nowhere.

Site Discussion / TMK@ E3???
« on: June 21, 2005, 04:33:19 PM »
I have a few questions about this.  How do Sapphira, Megabyte, and Chup choose people to go to E3?  And, you know how Luigison was appointed Mod awhile ago, how did that happen?  Do you have to be here a really long time? Or, do you have to be a certain age?  It just really puzzles me.

Al Pacino came out of the theater...  Bruce Willis came out of the T.V...  But Mel Gibson, came out of nowhere.

Forum Games / Member story
« on: June 20, 2005, 08:50:43 AM »
Wouldnt it be great if someone created a story using some of the FF members.  If it sounds good to you, tell me, and I'll do it.  Its up to you to decide.

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