
Author Topic: Wacko dreams  (Read 229583 times)


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #885 on: January 22, 2011, 11:05:24 AM »
It was an episode of Growing Pains. Mike had been mentoring a kid at school, and that kid had somehow gotten mixed up in a competitive glue-sniffing club. Mike realized he needed Maggie and Jason's help with the kid, so he ran home to get them and tell him that the system wasn't working for this kid as an individual. When he talked to them, they thought he was saying he needed comfort and guidance and stuff himself, so they started hugging him and Maggie said "Oh, Mike. Nintendo is good for you." Mike explained that it was for the kid, not him, and said "He needs you to be here." Jason said "We are here." Mike said "No, I need you to be THERE here!" So they fo down to the school.

Members of the glue-sniffing club were charged extra for sodas ($7.40 for a 12-ounce can -- in the 90s!), so when the kid bought one of the expensive sodas, the principal knew that he was a member and used it to catch him. Mike (who was now me), Maggie (who was now kind of an older Hermione), and Jason (who kind of disappeared), followed after the principal. Maggie kept begging him to let the kid go, and alternated between calling him "Teacher" and "Professor" (also, the school had just become the school that Dudley Dursley goes to apparently).

Somewhere along the line, the kid sort of became Golden Radio Voice Guy and his offense changed from glue-sniffing to keeping two canaries as pets who had been in the room in 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was written. The principal still wouldn't listen to Maggie, so she tied him up, saying "You deprived his rights, so we're depriving yours" in a room where animatronic copies of the canaries sat perched on a statue or person or something in a rocking chair (I saw the canaries pass a note to someone who wasn't the principal informing them that they were actually the real canaries, whom the principal erroneously thought he had caught), and there was also one of those drinking birds tipping over the principal's favorite easy chair, but instead of drinking, it peed on the chair out of its mouth. The principal screamed "NOOOOO!"


I'm working a cash register. An MCA (one of the people who folds clothes and puts stuff away and walks around out on the floor) erroneously takes some money and puts it on a shelf. Later, I'm counting the money. There's over a thousand dollars in twenties. Another guy who's at the register with me, who's some kind of old pro at something, had asked me earlier if it was a problem that that $160 or so had been put on the shelf. I said no back then, but that was a lie, and I told him as much now. We found the little green bag that the money had been put on when it was put on the shelf, and I took it back to Cuddy, who is now my boss.

Recently, House had gotten a girlfriend, and Cuddy was jealous (or at least House said she was). I give the bag to Cuddy, and someone (maybe me) says "It should have the money in it. Or drugs." Cuddy takes the bag and walks to her office, then through her office to a balcony outside her office which is also connected to House and Wilson's offices. I try to follow her to the balcony, but she shuts the door in my face and tells me to take a hint. I mutter after her "If you wanted privacy, you could've just told me." House is out on the balcony with his girlfriend.

House assumes Cuddy has come to concede that he is happier than she is, saying "If you wanted to play the "You're Winning" game, I would've told you you were winning" [she would've won by being the person who didn't win]. She shows him the bag, and apparently there are drugs inside of it.

I transition from a character to a spectator, and the character I had been transitions into what might have been House's girlfriend except now a boyfriend for some reason. House and Cuddy confront him about the drugs. It goes into one of those cool animations on the show where they show what got screwed up in his body -- in this case, the drugs that were in the bag (he had apparently intentionally gotten the MCA to put the money out there as part of a deal -- something I was totally oblivious to when I was that character) had messed up his immune system, caused the cardiac arrest that had initially gotten him into the hospital (which hadn't happened in the past until now), and another side effect was about to show itself. Suddenly, sparks start flying out of his arm. A girl who was there with him (sister? girlfriend?) gets scared. He's scratching at the sparks. It's been itching in that spot a lot lately, and he says he's been trying to suck on it to stop it itching (which would've been impressive, considering it was around his elbow), tearfully bemoaning "I keep sucking and sucking and it doesn't help!" A schizophrenic guy in the waiting room sees him and stands up and shouts "He's sinking in the quicksand too!"

Driving really fast down a highway (with some minor resemblences to an RCT roller coaster) with a speed limit that sometimes says 57 and sometimes says 97, and sometimes is a loop and sometimes isn't, asking why it's suddenly okay to hate that guy now that we know he's a drug addict, despite no evidence that he ever hurt anyone. Miss the exit a few times, almost get hit by a car, and suddenly it's a runway and I'm being dragged on the bottom of a plane.

A guy is being held by a bungee cord over a glass door on an airplane in flight, being interrogated about whether he is or knows anything about the "JetBlue Guy", who was inspired by but not totally the same as the real-life JetBlue guy who quit and jumped out a window and was gay. This guy that they're interrogating says he doesn't know anything about JBG, and everytime the flight attendant (male) interrogating him doesn't like his answer, the door opens and the guy dangles out the window for a while. Eventually, the flight attendant asks him if he knows Lindsay Lohan. He says he does, gets dangled, and comes back saying he knows someone else who's actually a drag queen who dresses up as Lindsay Lohan. The flight attendant asks for more details, and the guy (who just now turned gay and sassy) says that the drag queen performed somewhere with "The former... Elton John!" This was a joke, because we expected him to say "former Beatles member" [because my subconscious was combining Elton John and John Lennon or something], but instead he just said former, indicating that Elton John is a has-been who should just die already.

Later, I ate a raisin salad with some other people who may or may not have known about JBG.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #886 on: January 27, 2011, 04:05:04 PM »
I had this dream with Jesus in it. He was really just this lazy guy with magic powers who liked to watch offensive movies and play violent video games and drink beer and made fun of Christianity all the time. It was hilarious. He ran out of beer, so he's like "Come grocery shopping with me and I'll make you Wolverine for a day," and I'm like, "Can I be Spider-Man or Thor instead?" and he says, "NO"

He clearly hadn't done any yardwork in a very long time, the sidewalk in front of his house was caked in leaf mush. Also his house was mint green.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #887 on: January 27, 2011, 04:22:49 PM »
Are you sure that dream wasn't about that one uncle we all have?
YYur  waYur n beYur you Yur plusYur instYur an Yur Yur whaYur


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #888 on: January 27, 2011, 10:02:01 PM »
I forgot the part where he grew blueberries the size of tomatoes and made smoothies mixing them with shredded iceberg lettuce
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!


  • i can make this whatever i want; you're not my dad
« Reply #889 on: January 28, 2011, 01:00:16 PM »
I woke up in my room, looked out the window, and there were big walls made of dirt around our garage, because there was going to be a flood, or maybe there already had been one in the night, because the garage was looking pretty weird. Suddenly, there were a couple of school buses cut in half which our cars were being kept under. One of them caught on fire. Soon everything was on fire, including the garage. Then the garage became a house where Amish people lived, including a black Amish boy named Mom who lived there with his mother and was upset that his name wasn't more interesting and complicated. Everyone's head was on fire with a blue flame, and it was the intro to an episode of House, and I was hoping everyone was alright and it was just a hallucination, because it was also really happening. I was in a room on the second floor of the burning garage/Amish house, worrying that my rock music might be playing too loud on my stereo, and I went out on the snow-covered roof naked after accidentally dialing 911, but once I was out there, I was wearing clothes. An Amish woman yelled out the window to the fire fighters below, "Can I have water?" They said no. "Can I have water-proofing?" she asked. They said yes, but it would take about a day.
"Oh man, I wish being a part of a Mario fan community was the most embarrassing thing about my life." - Super-Jesse


  • Score
« Reply #890 on: January 29, 2011, 12:11:26 PM »
I had this dream with Jesus in it. He was really just this lazy guy with magic powers who liked to watch offensive movies and play violent video games and drink beer and made fun of Christianity all the time. It was hilarious. He ran out of beer, so he's like "Come grocery shopping with me and I'll make you Wolverine for a day," and I'm like, "Can I be Spider-Man or Thor instead?" and he says, "NO"

He clearly hadn't done any yardwork in a very long time, the sidewalk in front of his house was caked in leaf mush. Also his house was mint green.

Did you by any chance watch an episode of Family Guy before bed?
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #891 on: January 29, 2011, 05:38:21 PM »
Don't think there's any chance of that, his dream actually sounded funny.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #892 on: January 30, 2011, 12:18:16 AM »
Also I hate Family Guy so never
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!


  • Tortuga
« Reply #893 on: January 31, 2011, 11:21:04 AM »
I was on a bus and Andrew and Jillian Aversa were sitting a couple of rows in front of me.  I decided to go say "hi" when the bus stopped, but the bus never stopped.  Instead, I was suddenly in New Marais and running across rooftops.  For some reason, I was making my way to a cell phone tower.  I heard something about someone's headquarters and how it was the center of everything.  I turned to head toward that place instead, but then I woke up.
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #894 on: January 31, 2011, 05:52:03 PM »
I don't know why but since the beer jesus dream I've been remembering all my dreams.

The night after that one I dreamt the government gave me a car with a marquee license plate I could type messages into and cameras in the headlights. My mission was to let everyone know that blue headlights are frickin' terrible and take a picture of a certain car from the '90s. I was on the freeway where I expected to be behind the car but I never found it, so I turned onto an exit. Which led into an airport for some reason and I crashed right into one of the metal detectors. Immediately I woke up, and thought, "whew, glad that was a dream 'cause if it wasn't my mom woulda been ****ed"

The next night I dreamt I was trying to staple gun, to the floor of the mall, a flyer promoting a science project/documentary I was going to do. The staple gun was being unreasonable so I decided to give up on that and actually work on the documentary before I ran out of time. So a friend and I went into the woods near my house (in real life this is an orchard but it's becoming canon in my dreams that this is a huge forest, and if you travel through them northwest you'll find the highway and a few abandoned buildings). We filmed these lizard-amphibian-things that could turn into clingy lumpy green mush to survive if you crushed or sliced them.

Last night I dreamt that I met up with a girl I like, I met her at the month of art school I experienced last summer. She was using some kind of mysterious power to change all the logos on my games' cases and labels to arrange into a bizarre story. She had to leave and I asked, "Are they gonna stay like that?" And they did. My SMA4:SMB3 box read "'Ahahahaha,' he laughed" forever.
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!

« Reply #895 on: January 31, 2011, 08:18:20 PM »
Last night I dreamed that I invented a Time Machine, but I soon re-discovered after losing several pieces of mathematics and electric schematics I needed some diamonds to run it, but I had no money for diamond-based fuel, so I wound up selling the time machine for billions to a crazy scientist downtown. That was the dream minus some not-so lame details.
ROM hacking with a slice of life.


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #896 on: April 26, 2011, 09:45:58 AM »
Elements of last night's dream, as well as I can recall them:

--Some of my immediate family and I traveled into the past, and wound up at some Victorian-era boardwalk-type place. While I tried to act as if I were part of the period, my brother was being a little more ostentatious, which I scolded him for.

--Later, we were in some kind of comic-book/nerd store, and apparently now in an alternate dimension (as I recall, this was news enough that one of the Nintendo Powers on the magazine rack had a cover story about it). Such was my excitement about having crossed over into a parallel dimension that the store's owner ushered me into a back room and asked me honestly if such a thing was possible. Thinking quickly, I lied and told him I had some variant of Tourette's, and he let me go.

--I was somewhere else (maybe the same place, but I think there were restaurant elements), and talking with Mark Zuckerberg. I realized I had some copies of my book on hand, and thought this would be an excellent opportunity to segue into a casual sales pitch to a big-name individual. However, I discovered that due to some sort of printing error, my book/s (which was much more large and squarish, with a sky-blue cover) instead contained the text of what I believe was a nonexistent collection of David Lubar stories. In the scenes that followed, I was taking part in these stories along with some other people I can't recall.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef

« Reply #897 on: April 26, 2011, 07:22:30 PM »
Last night I had a dream within a dream. I can't recall the start of the first dream, but I remember the embedded dream having something to do with me wanting to go to college. I was trying to find a way to my college classes from somewhere and I walked into some building. At this point I decided I was lost and tried to contact someone to drive me. Soon  afterward, my brother showed up from out of no where and began to try to distract me by saying we were going on a trip. I wasn't phased by the facade and kept insisting that he come with me since he had to go to school as well. Instead he led me outside to my mom, who would eventually be driving us all somewhere. It made very little sense to me and I became very frustrated. I went inside the car, against my better judgement to find my great grandmother inside with many other geriatric women. It was disturbing because they were all there with various types of foot deformations and apparently my brother was "fixing them" with some kind of garden tool. Although that disturbed me, I continued to insist to my mom that I needed to go to college, because I couldn't miss my classes today. Upon doing so I noticed my brother and sister simply relaxing. This bothered me because it wasn't typical and I still wondered why no one would tell me what was going on.

After that, I "woke up" to my dad and explained to him my dream. He then rationalized some apparent consequences from my odd situation in the dream and I left for college. For whatever reason, I was driving my mom's car. I was just across the street from my campus, but suddenly a car rammed into another whilst turning into the next street. This occurred right in front of me, but I was able to stop before I made contact with the accident. Unfortunately, it caused me to run off-road and it disoriented me. Upon calmly getting out of the car a woman apparently from the car that was hit came to my aid and thanked me for not running away from the scene. I made up some stupid excuse about how I would never do that, hoping to comfort her, after realizing I would not be able to just go to class. Soon, the cops came by and told me I couldn't go across the street to college, much less drive the car, since it was apparently "part of the scene of the crime."

Then I woke up tired, and dreaded going to college.
I'm a horrible person.


  • Ridiculously relevant
« Reply #898 on: May 06, 2011, 12:37:22 PM »
A few nights ago, I dreamt of a drink that was oversaturated pink lemonade with mini-marshmallows in it. As I currently own neither of these ingredients, I implore a member of this board to concoct this "Dream Juice" with photographic evidence, and tell me how it tastes.
"Mario is your oyster." ~The Chef


  • Tortuga
« Reply #899 on: May 06, 2011, 12:38:36 PM »
I... could actually possibly do that.


I dunno, I'm probably too lazy.
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"
