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Topics - Glorb

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Video Game Chat / Best Never-Released System
« on: February 13, 2006, 01:43:49 PM »
Sadly, thse 5 systems were either never released at all, or, in the case of the N64 CD, were available only in Japan for a very short time. Which one do you think should've been released, if only for the sake of curiosity? Yeah, it's true, most of 'em were probably never released for a reason, but the SNES and N64 CD drives should've been released.

Forum Games / Evil Bread Ssprite comic
« on: February 11, 2006, 06:10:04 PM »
Yes, I know, this isn't strictly a story. However, on Jan. 31, Masher contacted personally me about making an Evil Bread sprite comic. I just found the message yesterday, and my screwy computer won't allow me to reply, so here. As a reply, I would definately like to make an Evil Bread sprite comic. When can we start?

Mario Chat / Worst Mario Fangame
« on: February 11, 2006, 10:40:23 AM »
Over the years, I've seen a lot of Mario fangames come and go. Sadly, a disturbing number of them suck. Which ones do you think are the worst? Personally, I think Mario Moto is one of the worst.

If you feel offended by the nature of this topic, then you don't have to post if you don't want to.

General Chat / Favorite Female Fungi Forums Fmember
« on: January 31, 2006, 11:00:18 AM »
I was inspired by Bigluigifan1.0's mention of a favorite female member pole in "Favorite Female?". If you know any other female members, then tell me and I'll try to edit them in.

General Chat / Movie Ideas
« on: January 27, 2006, 01:33:16 PM »
Do you have any ideas for movies, besides sequels? Personally, I have three ideas:

Bob the Chainsaw Trucker: A crazy trucker named Bob, who has a chainsaw, terrorized a small town. (Script in revision)

CyberLepreClaw: Area 51 accidentally unleashed the ultimate weapon on the residents of Nevada: an invincible cyborg leprechaun. (Script being written)

Pirates vs. Ninjas: The ultimate fight! Whoever wins, we lose. (Concept in revision)

So, do you have any movie ideas that you're trying to make? Post 'em here!

General Chat / The Ultimate Question Ever
« on: January 17, 2006, 04:17:17 PM »
HAHAHAHA! Choose wisely!

Forum Games / Random Word Game
« on: January 17, 2006, 01:21:36 PM »
Okay, here's the rules: Someone writes a sentence with at least one verb, one noun and one adjective. However, those words must be blanked out. The next person replies, but instead of filling in what they want, they look up the first verb/noun/adjective in the dictionary they see and put that in. For example:
"Today, I rode my (noun) to work, but was (verb)ed by a (adjective) (noun)!"
"Today, I rode my hobbledehoy to work, but was claimed by a hierarchial poop deck!"

Now, your turn!

My (noun) cartridge just (verb)ed, but at least my (adjective) 64 still works.

General Chat / Your Best Work
« on: January 11, 2006, 02:48:07 PM »
What do you think is your best Fungi Forums topic? Personally, my favorite is The Evil Bread (Story Boards). Its sequel didn't get that many replies, but the original is still an awesome, ongoing story (and my first 100-plus replies topic!) about the dark side of bread. And anagramming. If the demand is high enough, I might make an Evil Bread 3: Army of Breadness, or - dare I say it? - The Evil Bread IV: The Midieval Bread (and possibly The Evil Bread 5: The Evel Keneval Bread).

But anyhoo, post here what you think is your own best topic.

General Chat / Grudge Match
« on: January 07, 2006, 04:31:35 PM »
When, during a multiplayer game, has the previously innocent action turned violent? For example: The other day, my friend and I were playing Mario Kart DS, and, al of the sudden, my friend fired a blue shell at me. Crap! Then, just as I was recovering, he fired a red one at me. He kept pummeling me with various power-ups until he was in the lead, and then the race just devolved into both of us trying to blow each other up. Seriously, we would often just stop, fire shells at each other, go forward, get some more power-ups, and stop again. Has anything along those lines ever happened to you? It also happened a lot with River City Ransom...

Video Game Chat / Original Game Ideas
« on: January 05, 2006, 01:56:06 PM »
I'm compiling a list of what I think would be really cool game ideas. Yes, there have been many topics like this, but this is different, in that they must be original game ideas and not sequels (although they could be based on licensed propeties). So post your new game ideas here! Here's my ideas:

Marvel vs. TVC Chaos - Remember the recent sequel to SNK vs. Capcom, SVC Chaos? And remember Marvel vs. Capcom? Well, this is essentially Marvel vs. Tecmo vs. Capcom, but with a catchier title. This means that, theoretically, you could have a tag-team fight between Spider-Man, Megaman, Ryu Hayabusa AND M. Bison, all in one match! That would just be too awesome.

Bad Guy Simulator: This would be cool. Create you own comic-book-style villian, make an evil base, enlist other villians, and then set out to defeat the heroes and steal candy from small children. The gameplay could be a large variety of styles, ranging from RPG to stealth to shooter, depending on who you choose to play as.

Punch Man: I don't know, a game where you go around and punch people? Maybe once you've punched enough people you can unlock Kick Man, who kicks people, and Knee Man, who knees them in the groin.

Forum Games / Mario vs...
« on: January 03, 2006, 04:00:51 PM »
I've had this idea for a while. How would Mario fare in a fight against some of cinema's greatest monsters? It would be like SSBM, but with more violence and blood. Here's who I think would win (note that the fights must include Mario and a movie monster; i.e., not Mario vs. Luigi).

Aliens vs. Mario: Mario (if he escaped in time or managed to jump on the aliens a lot)
Mario vs. Predator: Predator (well...duh)
Freddy vs. Mario: Mario (I'm not sure Mario dreams)
Mario vs. Jason: Mario (Jason's so slow! All Mario has to do is hold down the B button!)
Robocop vs. Mario: Robocop (He can't die, remember?)
Mario vs. the Terminator: Terminator (ditto...unless he blows up)

Video Game Chat / Video Game Theme Song Awards
« on: December 31, 2005, 05:56:35 PM »
Well, the title really says it all. What video game do you think has the best theme song for each genre? Note that, for the sake of not being obvious, the Mario theme song is excluded from this contest. It's great, but too obvious. So, here are the genres, along with my favorites from them...

Instrumental: The Legend of Zelda
Rock/Metal: Duke Nukem 3D
Techno: Megaman 3
R&B/Jazz: Peter Gunn theme (Spy Hunter)
Level theme song: Corneria (Star Fox)
Boss theme song: Ridley (Super Metroid)
Other: River City Ransom

Mario Chat / Subliminal Messages?
« on: December 25, 2005, 10:41:07 AM »
I've noticed quite a few wierd occurances in some of the Mario games, subliminal messages, it would seem. Many seem like harmless coincidences, while others are almost certainly deliberate. Let's see...

Wario Ware: Touched! - Go into the "Ashley's Theme Song" track in the music box thingy. Play it at twice the speed. Notice anything? It seems as if, halfway through, she says either "I grab the kids to kill" or "I grant the kids to Hell". I first noticed this eerie phenomenon at my friend Andy's house.

Luigi's Mansion - I haven't noticed this, but some people say that if you take the Luigi's Mansion theme song and play it backwards at a certain speed, you'll hear "gravy gravy gravy" or something similar. Even wierder (if it's true).

Super Mario 64 - If you swim near the statue in Boo's Haunt, you can see a blurry texture that appears to say "L is real 2041" or a few other things.

Super Smash Bros. Melee - If you rotate Daisy's head just the right way, you'll notice...she has a third eye!

General Chat / Which Kong is King?
« on: December 15, 2005, 01:00:12 PM »
Now, you many wonder what "Funky Kong" is. Well, Funky Kong was born of a fever dream that I had when I was ten. He's essentially Donkey Kong, but funky. So there.

Personally, I think the King Kong remake is king. It's more emotional than the original, but the original King Kong follows in a close second. Donkey Kong is third because I just don't "get" the DK rap. It's annoying. Funky Kong is fourth 'cause he's creepy.

Video Game Chat / Why Can't We All Be Friends?
« on: December 13, 2005, 03:03:40 PM »
As you may know, there has been a very long feud going on between the console gamers and the PC gamers. Why is this? Many PC gamers argue that PC games are technologically superior to console games, and thefore all who play console games are primitive monkeys and they hate them. Console gamers argue that PC games are always buggy and unfinished and you have to pay to upgrade them and they hate them. While these and many other claims are based in some truth, we need to stop this. I mean, GamePro has the idea; they cover both PC and console games (although they seem to cover more console games than PC games). Heck, I play games on all three current consoles and the PC. But that's not all: Fans of all three current companies all seem to hate each other. Nintendo fans hate Sony and Microsoft fans because they argue those companies care less about innovation; Microsoft fans sneer at everyone playing GameCube, PS2 and PC games and believe all games should be Xbox-exclusive; and Sony fans are actually pretty nice and agreeable, but there are still lots of constantly angry ones. Now, I'm not saying that all fans are like this (again, look at GamePro), but why must the PC-console/Nintendo-Sony-Microsoft fan wars continue?

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