
Author Topic: Re: Villian Wars!: Week 1  (Read 2682 times)

« on: May 08, 2001, 01:58:40 PM »
My vote goes for Smithy.  Metal rules! :D


-=bï||¥ ©hî||ÿ=-
Haters gonna hate

« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2001, 08:55:43 PM »
Smithy, hands down.  
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2001, 05:50:17 AM »
o this is hard...NOT!Smithy kills all.

 Would you like to buy a star?


« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2001, 04:09:26 PM »
Wart...please don't kill me.
Edited 734 years ago by Bow

« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2001, 05:25:07 PM »
No contest. Smithy's the winner.
Now I''m gonna make a monkey out of you.

« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2001, 10:11:11 AM »
billy chilly- "Hi and welcome to the first episode of Villian Wars!  The only show that has somebody besides Mario and Luigi beating the crap out of the bad-guys. . . other bad-guys!  And have we got a he/l of a fight tonight!

-Player 1:  The Freaky Frog!  The Terrible Toad! . . . WART!

-Player 2:  The Ravenous Robot!  The Maniacal Mechanation! . . . SMITHY!"

A small white door appeared in the North side of the arena, floating in mid-air.  The strange door was slammed open, and out from Sub-Con stumbled player 1, Wart.

On the opposite side of the Arena, a familiar sword roared down from the sky, cracking the arena floor.  Exor, the huge sword, opened his mouth, and from the giant blade, Smithy--player 2--floated down to the arena floor, facing Wart.

Smithy:  "Bua, hua, hu, ha, haa!  Looks like I'll be eating frog legs tonight!!"

Smithy raised his gargantuan steel hammer high in the air, and unleashed a torrent of golden arrows, easily slicing Wart's soft, amphibian skin.

billy chilly:  "Youch!  Smithy starts off showing no mercy whatsoever!"

Wart:  "Alright, metalhead, lets see what you think of. . . THIS!"

Wart opened his mouth as wide as his skull would permit, and out of the frog's gaping jaw came a stream of sloppy bubbles of venomous spit.

billy chilly:  "Wart unleashes a very. . . gross attack on Smithy, but it just isn't gonna work on a robot."

Smithy:  Looking at his now soaking beard.  "Yyuuckk!  Foolish Earth-creature, your filthy saliva cannot affect my steel skin!"

Before Smithy could even plan an attack, Wart's whip-like tongue shot out of his wide mouth, straight towards Smithy's face.

Smithy:  "Disgusting stink-beast!  You dare such a sneaky, underhanded attack on the almighty Smithy!!"  He roared as he snatched up Wart's slimey rope of a tongue, just as it was about to rearrange his mechanical face.

Wart:  "Oh, thhhitt."

billy chilly:  "Heh, 'Oh, thhhitt,' is right, Wart." :D

Smithy, still grasping the freaky frog's tongue, began doing circles around Wart, until the terrible toad was no longer able to move.

Smithy:  "What's the matter, tongue-tied?  Blah, hah, ha, ha, haa!"

Smithy raised his fearsome, Thor-like hammer in the air again, this time summoning a hail of blue tridents (the weapon, not the gum) from the sky.  The rain of steel fell right on poor Wart, who was unable to do anything in retaliation, except writhe in agony.

Once more, Smithy raised his mighty hammer, looking to summon more implements of pain onto the hapless Wart.

Rather, at the last possible second, the ravenous robot brought his massive hammer down on Wart, effectively flattening the once-proud king of the frogs.

billy chilly:  "YES!  I've been waiting for him to do that all night!!  Awesome!

Anyway, the winner, by a flattening--Player 2, Smithy!

Despite Wart's best efforts, Smithy's quick-thinking, loads of weapons, and even more bad puns won him the fight.

Smithy, care to give the audience a few comments?

Smithy:  "I will rule the Mushroom Kingdom yet!!"

billy chilly:  "Ha, ha, ha. . . . No you won't."

Smithy:  "I hate you."  Smithy mumbled as he headed back to his locker room, readying for his next match.

billy chilly:  "That's it for tonight folks!  May all your Marios be Super!"

Haters gonna hate
