« on: April 09, 2005, 08:47:34 PM »
More glitches with yoshi's mystical mouth.
1. Floating Fruit: Flick out Yoshi's tongue to eat a fruit. After it is on his tongue, but before he swallows it, press X to jump off of Yoshi. His tongue will disappear, and the fruit will float in midair! Even weirder: You can jump back on him and go anywhere else in the stage. Flick out your tongue, and the fruit will fly out of his mouth, and he will eat it again! Or, you can jump off again, and the fruit will float again. This can be useful if you're going a long way where yoshi's juice meter will decrease.
2. 50% Fruit Juice, 50% Water: Spit out some juice and have it hit the ground in a puddle. Jump off Yoshi before the puddle evaporates, and it will lose its color and turn into water from FLUDD. You can also do this in reversed order: turn water into juice.