Let's get right back into it, shall we?

Today, we conquer the tower full of Bellsprouts. Which admittedly feels a bit like stomping on all the bulbs in a garden store and declaring yourself the victor. But I'm not the one who built a towering monument to a weed.

Aw, what? You mean I could've caught a Gastly here? Dagnab.

The ColonelKR. Eager, but useless.

You cannot lick Toad. Toad is...
Here we see a statue of a Bellsprout undergoing a colonoscopy.

I have no idea what this means.

They let just any old Tom, Dick or Troy in here, don't they. No standards for having monk like names. They don't even assign you one, you just get to be Troy. Or Sterance. Or something else that's also a terrible monk name.

Oh look! Weegee is getting him some custom burned CD's. So maybe this isn't actually a monastery. Maybe it's just a place where Bald men hold talent contests for pirated goods.

Weegee, seen here forgetting how words work.

I'd hardly consider a painting of a Bellsprout to be powerful after climbing the tower. I'm pretty jaded on Bellsprout iconography at this point.

Man. Short game.

Theeeeeeere we go. Now
that's a monk name.
Let's start with our favorite Rock Snake, shall we?

God, what was that one called.

Then BP came out to avenge our short lived companion and had an exchange of blows that resulted in him
actually running out of moves. Perhaps I should be grinding more.

And I won! It only cost me my pet rock.

Good god Joey. I'm having a moment.
High Tailin it out of here.

Might as well loot the body.

And there he goes.
Go tell Token I say hi.

Good lord toad, put that thing away.
I kid. I will be explicitly asking you to flash for the remainder of your days so I can see things. And offend Geodudes.
Oh hey! That reminds me! I haven't caught a Pokémon in the dark caves yet! I can go replace Rocky!

If I could swear here without reprimand, you can guarantee this sentence would be much more profane.

So what should I name this Level 2 Zubat? This completely unasked for member of my team who is guaranteed to be more a burden than a help.

Say Hello to- oh god that joke is so bad I can't even type it.
So I went out to grind a bit. Make hello:) more useful.

You kidding me? I could've caught a Gastly out here, too? Man. Dooker luck.

Let's see if we can't get a more useful party member while we're here.

Something looks a bit off with this one.

More accurate, but less amusing.

Hoo-a! Time for some sweet Unown action!
Unless it faints.
Which it does.