
Author Topic: my mario game  (Read 3397 times)

« on: February 05, 2002, 01:31:12 PM »
it would be called wario's adventure the story: one day bowser was looking threw kameks spell book when he finds a spell that would kill whoever drinks it so he whent to get kamek when he was gone the wind blew the page to a another page on that page was the spell for evil whoever drinks that will be evil so kamek prepared the spell for bowser and put it in mario's mushroom cola peach was having a party when mario drunk his soda his eyes started to glow red bowser who was watching from a crystle ball figred out what happend but when bowser whent to ask mario if he wanted help ruling the m k mario locked him in a cage along with luigi, yoshi and peach toad who excaped whent to get help he though luigi was the only one who could stop mario but then he remembered the man who picked on him in the daek woods Wario! so toad whent to get wario and ofered him Money wario agreed and withe every boss he beets he frees a charecter with a key the boss dropes the charecters are peach, luigi, yoshi and bowser they become playable charecters the final battle is like dk64 every charecter fights (wario figts twice) mario vs. wario wing cap mario vs. luigi, metal mario vs. bowser vanishing mario vr. peach firey mario vs. yoshi and metal wing vanishing fiery mario vs. wario after wario does the final blow mario's eyes return and so does his personality

hehehe money money money $$$$$$
hehehe money money money $$$$$$
