
Author Topic: Datel to Release Universal Import Boot Disc for GCN  (Read 1474 times)

« on: July 19, 2002, 05:22:40 PM »
Datel, an international electronics manufacturer, is planning to release a boot disc that enables any GameCube to play any region game disc called Freeloader. According to NCSX, it is Datel's UK arm that is working on the device and has slated its release for August 5th.

There is no doubt a market for such a disc, since some gamers are squeamish about modding their GameCube to play games from a different region and others don't find such a modification convenient enough to be worth it.

Whether Freeloader will be released outside of Europe remains to be seen, but it is without a doubt that Nintendo will not license or support anything having to do with a boot disc. Piracy and illegal sales concerns certainly top the list as to why Nintendo would try to stop such a product from going on sale.

Nintendojo will keep you posted on any developments relating to Freeloader or other mod alternatives.


« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2002, 07:55:42 PM »
Plagiarism alert! Plagiarism alert!

In my dream, the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun, and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people.
Suddenly, a small light glowed. A candle flickered into life, symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed, and blew it out.
