
Author Topic: The Next Generation of Consoles  (Read 2537 times)

« on: August 21, 2001, 11:52:21 AM »
Since Gamecube and X-Box should be out in the next couple of months, which of the 3 systems ( PS2, X-Box, and Gamecube ) do you plan on owning? Personally I'm going for all 3. Only a complete fool would choose one system and stick with it. I already got PS2. Thats one down 2 to go. Even though I plan to concientrait on my Gamecube more, I want to get all three.

"I'll never look back, I''ve got no regrets. 'Cause time doesn''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog
"I''ll never look back, I''''ve got no regrets. ''Cause time doesn''''t wait for me...I choose to go my own way." - Sonic the Hedgehog

« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2001, 02:12:38 PM »
Theres no way I am getting a X-Box.
Thats out of the question.
My friends will probably get a PS2, meaning I will to keep up with all the hot games.
I realy do want the Gamecube though, it looks cool.
"True Dat!"
Mæriô from da Ghetto©

« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2001, 03:46:23 PM »
Only a fool would dare even get one of those systems, especially Gamecube! Don't let graphics fool you, the controller's ugly, plus it's just a promotion for GBA! I hope it's not released!

OK, I pressed the profile sig button. What? It doesn`t show my sig? That`s not fair!
Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, MARIO, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned. [Mario sinned!]

« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2001, 05:58:49 PM »
Gamecube.  Hands down.  PS2 isn't my style, but I have a friend that owns one anyway, so I'll just play his.  And I really don't care about X-Box.  No desire for it at all.

I trust Nintendo to give me the best system and games, like they always have.


I''ve decided to add a signature.  Now...what should I type?  Hmm...

Edited by - Roy Koopa on 8/22/2001 5:00:10 PM
--Roy Koopa
--Oldest and coolest of the Seven Koopa Kids!

« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2001, 10:10:15 PM »
Hey, Anonymous Mario fan. Whats your problem. Just think, no gamecube=no nintendo, no nintendo=no Mario.  
Small Console = Big Ballz

« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2001, 09:57:21 AM »
Yeah, but no one else seems to realize that no NES=no nothing!

In the 80's we hardly even thought about what the future would be like. Nowadays we never think about what the past was like!

OK, I pressed the profile sig button. What? It doesn`t show my sig? That`s not fair!
Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, MARIO, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel, and Ellen sinned. [Mario sinned!]

« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2001, 03:08:53 PM »
I would like to get Gamecube, since I am into Zelda.  And I don't care how ugly the controller is, so :P.  And ur right, no=NES=No Mario=NO TMK.  Forgot that last connection...

I wish I had a life, or else I wouldn''t be sitting in front of this computer posting on this message board for others like me.  **Looks at Camera** Hello there, how are yo.. I Lost you anyway...

SMS, SSBM, and MP4... Three games for the gamecube starring Mario/Mario Characters

« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2001, 01:26:43 PM »
Gamecube while my best friend gets ps2.Then we get X box to take it's chip and then destroy the rest with a big hammer.

One by one the penguins steal my sanity.
